(video) Woman hits man, man hits back - he's the bad guy ?

you didn't answer the question tough guy .. would you defend this guy and CALL OUT your daughter if that was your daughter in the video ? .. I mean your daughter would obviously need a lecturing after this incident and mr. mixon would get a nice pat on the back from you right ? .. this is a ridiculous response to being slapped .. yes lets go around breaking skulls because you got slapped
Yes, I would say she is an idiot for attacking someone twice her size. Shame her and make her cry. Let her know how stupid she was and make her regret her decision. So she won't do it again in the future. <--in private conversation

Then, I'll find this guy and rearrange his whole body.
you didn't answer the question tough guy .. would you defend this guy and CALL OUT your daughter if that was your daughter in the video ? .. this is a ridiculous response to being slapped .. yes lets go around breaking skulls because you got slapped

Now you're just targeting emotional responses.

I would put my hands on anyone who even looked at my daughter funny, imagine what I'd do to a grown man putting a finger on her. Hook, slap, push or the whole 9 yards.

They'll all get the same response.
In my analysis he intentionally put himself in close proximity to her hoping she would engage him...he was eager to blast her and was looking for any opportunity. In my analysis he baited her and it went exactly as he planned. In my analysis he was neither in fear of injury, nor in actual risk of injury. He knew there was no risk, he just wanted to teach her a lesson. He is now hoping the age-old "he/she hit me first" excuse gets him off the hook.
In my analysis he intentionally put himself in close proximity to her hoping she would engage him...he was eager to blast her and was looking for any opportunity. In my analysis he baited her and it went exactly as he planned. In my analysis he was neither in fear of injury, nor in actual risk of injury. He knew there was no risk, he just wanted to teach her a lesson. He is now hoping the age-old "he/she hit me first" excuse gets him off the hook.
Agree, although it's hard to know intentions. He started to walk away and came back to her when she stood up straight and after getting pushed feinted a punch. After she hit him he immediately, without hesitation, returned a punch on the button.

He was looking for it and she was dumb enough to let him have it.
it's not that simple ..

when your kid pushes someone and gets his/her skull bashed in, I'm sure you'll agree with your own words and defend the other person since they were just defending themslves right ? men =/= women .. a 5'2" soft female slapping you does not call for you throwing a haymaker full force at her jaw .. the fk is wrong with some of you


She can murder the majority of the men on this forum with relative ease and she is n soft female. You don't know who you are fucking with and a vagina doesn't give you license to be a violent asshole.
Sometimes it takes a backhand, an uppercut or a simple slap on the face to remind women where their place at...so much to move around the house....kitchen, bedroom, laundry room heck even living room...when you venture in the garage...best to know it ain't your turf....
To be clear she should have been charged with assault also.
Restraint, its only a novelty now-a-days.

I heard it said there used to be a time when a man was measured by his restraint, self control, and modesty / humility. Where have those days gone?
The days of taking the high road are gone my friend. Now you can't be a real man unless you fill the room with uppercuts any time anyone touches you, and talk about females like you never had a momma. Because alpha or whatever.
Even little weedy guys can laugh off any attempted assault by a female, so some 6ft 1" 225lb football player doing that is a totally disproportionate response to the threat level.


There's a reason women's MMA is so bad. If women that train and fight for a living can hardly ever do any damage to each other with a single punch, a normal, drunk woman throwing a wiggly open-hand slap to the muscle-bound football player isn't gonna do shit.

The reaction was excessive and criminal not because the person receiving it has a vagina, but because she's exponentially smaller and weaker.

She can murder the majority of the men on this forum with relative ease and she is n soft female. You don't know who you are fucking with and a vagina doesn't give you license to be a violent asshole.

Even Mackenzie Dern would stand little chance against a man the size and power of someone like guy in the video if he didn't hold back on her. Your talking about an in shape, athletic male with best part of a foot in height and over 100lbs in weight on her.

I hate all this feminist bullshit as much as anyone, but there is a reason for the huge social stigma around men hitting women.
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Most cases I say walk away if you're a man, unless you are getting attacked and can't leave. In that case, it's OK to defend yourself in a reasonable way.
Even Mackenzie Dern would stand little chance against a man the size and power of someone like guy in the video if he didn't hold back on her. Your talking about an in shape, athletic male with best part of a foot in height and over 100lbs and weight on her.

I hate all this feminist bullshit as much as anyone, but there is a reason for the huge social stigma around men hitting women.

Gabi actually knows how to fight.
You sound like the weak spined, beta cuck you probably are. You're the type that calls himself a feminist in hopes of getting a hand job from these savage bitches.

You sound like a scumbag with insecurities if you would break a girl's jaw in that situation, it would also make you a criminal for reacting like that.
should have just walked away
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Where's Roger Huerta when you need him?
even though I am 100% opposed to what this clown did, I fully agree with this. She should be charged with assault.

I think a broken jaw and mental scars is enough of a punishment for a light smack on a dude, no prosecutor in their right mind would bring charges against her. He should have called the police and had her arrested instead of knocking her out, in that situation she would have been prosecuted.