You haven't been on these forums too long if you haven't seen worse. I still remember the "good old" alt-right days of this site, and that was a primarily American movement. And again, drawing conclusions based on internet posts is straight-up lazy, when they could be written by anyone. Look at the practical actions made by European "far-right" politicians compared to America. Way less radical. The immigrants being treated extremely respectfully and fairly considering how much havoc some of these groups have brought alongside them. If American immigrants were committing similar actions of terrorism, they'd be losing their shit.
Only exception might be Orban but he resides on the borders of Europe, rails against European policy at every turn, and pretty much acts like a rogue. These days you can't tell if he's aligned with Russia or Europe. Hungarians and Muslims also have long-standing rivalries with one another, there's a deep-seated hatred that's not just a matter of random xenophobia but historical rivalry similar to Israel and Palestine. At various times in history they have resided under Muslim rule and also fought many wars against them.