Media Topuria says his fight with Max will be over quick

Based on what? His ko of Volk? Not saying it is not true, might as well be, but Max fought top guys at 155 as well. Anyway, it will be fun to find out. I doubt it ends quickly like Ilia claims.
Keep in mind Topuria slept a legit 155 pounder. He has real power. You can argue he has more power than DP and DP hurt Max several times in their fight.
I have no issues with a fighter being confident, and realize that at times, Topuria is selling the fight with touches of hyperbole in his interviews just like he did with Volkanovski, but some his new 'fans' are fucking insufferable.
Topuria is even more insufferable than his fans, they deserve each other.
Keep in mind Topuria slept a legit 155 pounder. He has real power. You can argue he has more power than DP and DP hurt Max several times in their fight.
Sure. Did DP manage to ko Max? This is not about who wins or how, this is a fresh champ full of self confidence claiming he will quickly finish one of the toughest guys ever in that division. Great if he can, but I doubt it will be easy and quick.
When the actual fuck did Topuria become the new Messiah? I know Volk was an amazing Champion but Topuria beat the damaged goods version of Alex FFS. If he knocks out Max I'll give him his dues, but as of right now I wouldn't be surprised if Max puts a clinic on his ass.
This guy thanked himself on social media. Guy's becoming cringier and cringier the more I get to know him.
i'm not saying that Topuria will KO max, but your logic of it hasn't before means it won't happen is flawed
It becomes flawed once it happens. So far it didn’t. 2 weeks ago half of Sherdog thought O’malley will ko Merab in the first and now the same story with Topuria. Maybe it happens, but I doubt it happens quick as he claims.

"As soon as [Max] starts to really fight me and start exchanging blows, that's the end of the fight. Nobody can exchange blows with me, not only because of my power but because of the technique I apply to each movement...

So as soon as [Max] starts to fight, as soon as he points his finger down, if he does it from the beginning... that's it." - Topuria

He's a 145er and he can't find a suit that fits right?
Sure. Did DP manage to ko Max? This is not about who wins or how, this is a fresh champ full of self confidence claiming he will quickly finish one of the toughest guys ever in that division. Great if he can, but I doubt it will be easy and quick.
I certainly don't think it will be quick, but to be fair to Topuria he did say *IF* Max chooses to stand and bang then it will be quick. And i don't think thats an outrageous claim, Topuria has both power and precision, sure Max has a good chin but everybody can get got.
I certainly don't think it will be quick, but to be fair to Topuria he did say *IF* Max chooses to stand and bang then it will be quick. And i don't think thats an outrageous claim, Topuria has both power and precision, sure Max has a good chin but everybody can get got.
I think Ilia is just selling the fight and being tough. It will probably be a serious test for both fighters. A lot will depend on how Max looks after the weight cut back to 145.
I think Ilia is just selling the fight and being tough. It will probably be a serious test for both fighters. A lot will depend on how Max looks after the weight cut back to 145.
I actually think ilia believes the shit he says lol.

Might be his undoing one day, he's a bit too self confident. That is usually a plus but it can be a negative.
Max will end him and send his ass back to the hand sanitizer production lines

He's a 145er and he can't find a suit that fits right?
It looks like it fits. His arms are super strong and powerful so he needs that extra room when he flexes or moves his arm. You probably wouldn't understand sweet buns.... ;)
I think Topuria will win but it will be amazing if Max beats that arrogant douche.
Topuria is even more insufferable than his fans, they deserve each other.

I get what he's doing. He showed his hand at the end of the Volkanovski press conference at the face off when the mic caught what he was saying during the face off. He doesn't both me. The guy is a very good fighter.

I certainly don't think it will be quick, but to be fair to Topuria he did say *IF* Max chooses to stand and bang then it will be quick. And i don't think thats an outrageous claim, Topuria has both power and precision, sure Max has a good chin but everybody can get got.

Reading comprehension is an issue as well. This happened yesterday in a thread where Max said he thinks the UFC kept him away from him. Some proceeded to get upset, saying Max was claiming Ilia was ducking him.
Topuria is so fucking Alpha.

This is really going to turn people off from him as they will view it as arrogance, but he is saying everything an undefeated MMA champion should be thinking.
i like it, and i think it’s entertaining as fuck.

but topuria has one of the most obnoxious faces ever. that expression he always has, where’s like squinting one eye with a furrowed brow… it’s like he’s doing a zoolander impression or something.

yeah he’s gonna energize more than a few haters.