The American Gun Rights Thread Vol. 3

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For some reason this made me laugh.

Police across Texas are bracing for a spike in 911 calls when the state’s open carry law takes effect Jan. 1 and panicked citizens start seeing handguns on people’s hips.

“For a while we’ll be in a transition period, but it’s something everyone’s going to have to get used to,” said Lt. Pedro Barineau, a Garland police spokesman.

Things aren't so simple it seems when the rubber hits the road.

According to Taylor, an officer is allowed to briefly detain and question someone holding a gun who seems to be doing nothing else wrong. That’s because, under state law, the officer would have reason to suspect the gun owner of committing a crime — unlawfully carrying a handgun without a license.

Even so, several North Texas police officials said they’re training officers to detain and question only people suspected of engaging in a crime.

“The mere fact that somebody’s open carrying is not reasonable suspicion for us to stop and detain them and ask for their license,” said Officer James McLelland, an Irving police spokesman.

But, he added, police could temporarily detain the person and demand a license if he or she was engaged in some type of suspicious behavior, such as being behind a closed business at 2 a.m. or threatening another person.

For officers, the trickier area of the law comes in if a gun owner refuses to show a license. The law provides no penalty for license holders who don’t show their licenses to police. Taylor said case law in Texas could prohibit police from arresting that person, since the action has no penalty.

But if the person isn’t a license holder, the officer can arrest him for unlawfully carrying a gun. So at what point does an officer know enough — like the person’s identity and whether he’s a license holder — to determine whether to make an arrest?

“That’s the question I’m asked most right now, and it’s a very thin line,” Taylor said. “A lot of this is going to be up to the policy of the county and the district attorney.”
More false outrage since only those with ccw permits (roughly 5% of gun owners) will be able to openly carry a handgun.
I'm confused why EU leadership would entertain the idea, based on Finland's reasoning. Only fools think small arms would do any good against military might such as that possessed by the Russians. Or at least that's what I'm told.


Because the U.S. and Russia both had amazing success against Afghanistan, and the U.S. steamrolled Vietnam.
Could we get this thread stickied

A Virginia state senator has thrown down the gauntlet with Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe in a brewing battle over gun rights -- pushing to defund the governor’s armed bodyguards unless he revokes an order that banned firearms in most state buildings.

“It’s easy for someone who is surrounded by armed state policemen to tell someone else they can’t carry a weapon to protect themselves,” Republican state Sen. Charles W. Carrico Sr. told

“It’s just equal treatment, that’s all I’m saying.”

McAuliffe signed Executive Order 50 in October that says “open carry of firearms shall be prohibited in offices occupied by executive branch agencies, unless held by law enforcement, authorized security, or military personnel authorized to carry firearms in accordance with their duties.” He also called for new regulations to extend that to concealed weapons.

In response, Carrico drafted a budget amendment that would strip the funding for the governor’s armed protection unit.

Lookie here bro, this is simple as pie. Homie's name is McClintock. Some bureaucrat typed that in as McFlintlock and voila!, a simple accident has occurred. Obviously, because the man was armed. Why do you hate freedom?
Correct me if I'm wrong but Young Turks aren't they the one's who committed the Armenian genocide?

I remember their video about offensive names like redskins but their name is pretty offensive to say the least.
Illinois wants to ban private ownership of guns

Urges the courts, especially the United States Supreme Court, to adhere to the clear wording of the Second Amendment being a right afforded to state-sponsored militias and not individuals
Interesting take on this Virginia reciprocity issue.

Herring has now placed responsible Virginia gun owners into these kinds of inadvertent traps by canceling reciprocity agreements with states in the region. That prompts a larger question: why are they needed in the first place? Article IV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution states, “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.” The inclusion of that clause clearly intended to prevent these kind of legal traps for law-abiding citizens by forcing other states to recognize the licenses and permits of other states, and its placement in the original articles shows that this takes precedence over the 10th Amendment recognition of state sovereignty.

I'm curious to hear more detail.

Federal law currently requires all individuals "engaged in the business" of selling guns to obtain a license and conduct background checks on buyers. But others who only make occasional sales or are selling firearms from a personal collection are exempted from the background check requirement.

Gun control advocates say Obama could take action himself by issuing a regulation that provides expanded guidance on who falls under the "in the business" standard.

One group, the Michael Bloomberg-helmed Everytown for Gun Safety, has provided recommendations to the White House that include creating a test for assessing who must become licensed to continue selling guns. Factors would include volume and speed of sales, and whether or not the seller relies on advertising to sell guns.

The group also recommended Obama define a gun in a "personal collection" as having been in the seller's possession for at least a year.
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