The 2021 Heavies Awards - FrankieNYC Award (Poster of the Year) - WINNER: giovanni_ss

The Heavies' 2021 Poster of The Year (YOU HAVE 2 VOTES)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Wendy Belt
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score


Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome back to the Sherdog 2021 Heavies Awards

Once again, I'm your host, giovanni_ss and now I'll be presenting
the 10 finalists for this year's FrankieNYC (2021 Heavies Poster of the Year) Award


First of all, we'd like to thank every one who participated in our Semifinals thread for making it such a blast! You guys made it such a fun time with all the love, positive praises, hilarious jokes and posts, and the amazing shoops. It's really great that we get to bond, relive the moments, and make some new friends in there as the year 2021 comes to a close.

To the posters who made the top 20 but didn't make it to the final round, kudos and consider yourselves as Sherdog's top dawgs. It's a testament that you are all highly influential and certified household names in the Heavies. You should all be proud. All your positive contributions in the forums are appreciated,
so thank you and congratulations.





And now without further ado,
Here are the top 10 finalists for the FrankieNYC (2021 Heavies Poster of the Year) Award and some testimonials that we gathered from several notable members in the community.




"BWR. Señor Shooptastic. The Big Kahuna. This dude knows two things well. Surfing and Shooping. Really, if you do those two things as well as BWR you don’t need to do anything else. He's the tireless, very hardworking, and very helpful leader in Sherdog's Shoop scene who has put up excellent shoops, threads, avatars, and successful Shoop contests. In addition The Big Man is always there to lend a helping hand to newer Shoopers. He has taken many under his wing, like 'The Shoop Prodigy', our very own Arqueto, and most recently this year’s uncrowned Best New Poster of the Year TARTARA and let them fly. BWR always has an Aloha and Mahalo for all Shoop fans. Which is to say, for everyone who appreciates the humor and wackiness of MMA. He's been in the finals several times before and being a former 2 time back to back Poster of the Year winner speaks for itself."


"Gio is likely the most well rounded poster on Sherdog. He returned to the Sherdog forums after a long break. When he returned, he immediately raised expectations across the UFC Discussion for breaking news, and creating meaningful thread topics about current stories. Posters quickly re-familiarized themselves with the long time vet and we’re greeted by one of the kindest and most gentle souls Sherdog has to offer…oh…and lots and lots of K-pop gifs. As Gio has become more comfortable, he’s expanded to other corners of the forum. He’s one of the top shoopers and avatar makers of the year, participates in PBP threads, mods with extreme consistency and most of all, is constantly contributing to the forum by creating PBP/news/award threads. Gio’s kind demeanor, positive outlook, attention to detail, hustle, and love for Taeyeon has earned him a place in the top 10 of this years POTY award, and who knows, he might just win the whole damn thing."



"We don't know how HHJ got his username or what it means. Maybe he will tell us? A mainstay in the heavies for nearly 18 years and going stronger than ever! He's one of the few rightful guys in here who can say that he's seen it all. One of the most consistent and prolific posters in the Heavies, and he is Sherdog's #1 Khabib fan #2 Fedor fan (yes @BFoe im looking at you), and has an encyclopedic knowledge of the sport that well surpasses what would be considered “expert analysis”. Not only that, he's also one of the more light-hearted posters who enjoys and joins any topic on threads, and make everyone smile. He values the community here at Sherdog, as evidenced by his tribute thread for Frankie NYC (RIP). In every post, HHJ demonstrates his passion for mixed martial arts and his love for fellow men and women at this site and beyond. His wit and intelligence allows him to navigate the Heavies with ease and makes him a solid option yet again for POTY."


"Old school MMA fighter, Igor Vovchanchyn is a retired mixed martial artist and kickboxer who holds a long unbeaten streak and is one of the most successful MMA fighters ever by number of wins achieved by way of knockout. His nickname was "Ice Cold", which seems appropriate for our friend Inga V. for being a really solid and awesome poster. 3 Things in life are guaranteed: Death, taxes, and if you get a quote notification from Inga, you’re about to get schooled or learn something new that you never knew before. One of the most knowledgeable posters on the forum and a former Poster of the Year finalist, Inga V. has been a consistent standard in the Sherdog Heavies for being reasonable, well spoken and passionate about the sport of MMA. If you look for the word "quality poster" in the dictionary, you'll see Inga V.'s picture in there. Inga V.'s concise and sharpened method of explaining how you’re wrong has made him sher-famous and once again, a contender for the POTY."


"Jack is our brother from another mothership. We know and love him for setting up the PBP sections for the most popular cards here - the UFC events. He not only starts the threads before fight time. He helps moderate these live discussions and creates threads for the Weigh-In and Post-Fight Press Conferences, complete with links on how to watch, times and dates and all the information we need to have a fun time watching and participating in discussion on the fights. He's known for being a solid and chill dude - the kind of person who keeps his head about him when others may be losing theirs. Jack's love of music knows no bounds. As a musician, he played memorable bass lines for Parliament/ Funkadelic, The Minutemen and Drive-By Truckers. That was a joke. But it's true he plays bass and was in a band! Jack started and moderates popular musical discussions in The Jukebox section, including the Bakers Dozen music game and the feature What Are You Listening To? Those threads have thousands of posts and he keeps things moving like a rolling stone. Entertaining and informative, with no drama. Jack is always there to lend a helping hand to anyone who has any questions about how the site is run, or wants to know more about MMA."



"The Gifmeister. The 2020 Heavies Poster of The Year is once again in the finals this year and very much deserved. Mixed Martial Arts is visual. Who consistently provides visuals for us to see and experience? Kaz D does! Honestly, it's amazing how he makes and posts all those gifs so quickly and efficiently. Sometimes right during the fight. It’s like magic. Or candy. Just enjoy it. Often these gifs provide a clearer understanding of what happened. Or for posters to pretend they watched the entire fight, haha! We are thankful for all his efforts and hardwork in the Sherdog forums over the years. They are truly appreciated. He's a Sherdog asset and we should protect this man at all cost! In addition, he's also a friendly and down to earth guy. We admire his kindness in accepting gif requests and him being selfless by sharing his gifs around the world. He also contributed a lot more to the forums this year with news articles, and other creative thread topics along with his outstanding gifs."


"Kryptt is your go-to poster if you want to discuss fight cards to watch any time, any place, any organization worldwide. His fight watching is truly legendary. He sometimes watches 2 or 3 live events at a time and has been known to fall asleep and wake up still watching them. He will watch and discuss any fights any time with anyone, as long as he isn't hanging out with friends playing Dungeons and Dragons or archiving his extensive comic book collection in his crypt. Like a notable citizen of Gotham, he calls other posters via his Bat Signal to watch PBP live. Just tag him if ya want on or off the list. He'll start the thread, stock it with tasty info on the card and let the good times roll. If you post in the thread he will often respond with something witty or apt. The epitome of Just Bleed, Kryptt will point out when there is 'leakage' as this is his lifeblood. Beware, he's got no time for whiny complaints when there is always another fun fight to watch live. Don't forget his Shoop skills which is really good and his participation in Shoop contests many times. This trademark and unique style of his earns him a spot in the finals."


"Stand back, "The Last Likebender" is coming through! A long time veteran of several sub communities, including PWD, and the Premier threads in the Sports Bar, Rebelfett over the last year or two has absolutely taken off like a rocket as he’s expanded to the UFC Discussion. His chaotic humor and rapid posting style are complimented by a strong moral standing and commitment to always having a good time. His rapid pace may leave you asking questions like “is he currently answering me while suspended 2,000 feet in the air while cleaning windows of a skyscraper”? Rebelfett began moderating in early fall of 2021, and the community couldn’t be happier with him. He’s always jumping in to any sub that needs him, and barraging anyone within a 50 post radius with a slew of likes. His clever sense of humor and his massive amount of raw positive energy makes him a top contender for poster of the year."


Substance Abuse
"A true Sherdog OG and one of the most recognized members of all time, SA has transformed himself over the last few years, and has developed a real love for the website. He has become thoughtful, precise, detailed, and insightful. He discusses MMA in extreme depth, and loves to sneak into threads quickly upon creation and challenge the views of other posters. He’s sparked hundreds of meaningful discussions and even if he is half in the bag, you probably can’t even tell because the dudes liver is made of gold. Joining the moderator ranks in early fall, SA has already had a massive contribution to cleanup efforts in the heavies and is a consistent, solid presence in the most heavily trafficked sub on Sherdog. SA’s insightfulness, easy going demeanor, passion for MMA, and no-bull shit attitude has made him a very popular choice for this years Poster of the Year award."


Zebra Cheeks
"Zebra Cheeks is a poster everybody knows and loves. He's affable, knowledgeable and passionate about all aspects of the fight game. Demonstrating his great sense of humor all around the heavies, he's active in the Shoop section where he has created bad art and horrific photoshops. He's known also for providing comments that can sum up any given situation in an often hilarious manner. Behind the scenes, ZC is incredibly helpful in teaching other mods how to be of service here. He's the great explainer, describing things in a way that is understandable. Zeebs is objective, practical and fair in handling reports from other posters in a way that keeps the site running in a more smooth and upbeat manner. His avatar is legendary and there's a story behind it (pun intended). If you ask nicely he may explain it. Zebra Cheeks stands out as an outgoing, hilarious, relaxed guy. A real man's man who can adeptly handle every type of situation. The kind of guy you'd want to introduce to friends, or speak for you to authorities in case you are in trouble. If you have an emergency he will lend a helping hand without judging you for saying something idiotic or for having accidental bodies in your basement. He rarely speaks ill of anyone and in that regard he's a model poster and citizen of Sherdog. He's the best type to have around. He's a fixer. One of the most valuable posters in the heavies, hands down."



You have 2 VOTES

The finalist who will gather
the most votes wins The FrankieNYC Poster of The Year award

You can change your vote

The voting poll closes after 7 days


There you have it folks.
All of these posters are incredibly deserving, and Sherdog is very lucky to have them,
as well as the hundreds of quality posters we have in the Heavies.

We thank each and every one who spent time on the Heavies' forums this year.
We truly value your presence, posts, contributions, and active participation on the community events
and that's what makes Sherdog the best MMA community in the world. Cheers!


And with that said, this has been the Sherdog 2021 FrankieNYC (Poster of The Year) presentation.
I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. It's been an honor and pleasure to be this year's host, and all of this wouldn't be possible without all of you, my fellow posters. I hope you all have a great year ahead!
Much love and respect.

- G


Best of luck to all the finalists!


- Thank you to @Arqueto for the FrankieNYC gif in the OP
- Big thanks to @BC and @BFoe for their past POTY Finals threads
for the ideas and inspiration of this year's thread.
- Special thanks to @PurpleStorm and @Zebra Cheeks for
helping me out in putting up this thread
- And thank you to the Sherdog Admins and Staff
for letting me host this year's Poster of The Year Award

Final Word and Ending Song:
No matter what happens, you keep finding something to fight for.
Fight for what you love.

Song: "This Is War"
Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
Date Released: 2009

Voted for Giovani and Substance. Though I could make an argument for every single person on the list, and honestly they’re all dynamite posters. Thread is bomb, and a complete journey beginning to end, well done.

Good luck everyone!

Also: wtf I totally forgot we went from 3 to 2 votes that makes this so much harder hahahaha
lmao we should get a shoop with the contestants in the bathtub View attachment 902058

I'll get it done. will take some time. have to find and cut out up to 10 heads, then actually make the shoop. i do have some of them. Like your ass for example. :D

edit: plus there are only 6 guys in the tub. I will see what I can do
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