Elections Teamsters won't endorse Kamala Harris internal polling shows most members support Donald Trump

Chuck Schumer for every blue collar Democrat we lose we gain two to three suburban moderate Republicans.

Democrats Aren’t Campaigning to Win the Working Class​

A new study examines the Democratic rhetorical and campaigning failures that may help Republicans entrench their position as the new party of the American working class.

Democrats are losing the working class — and if the trend continues, it’ll reshape American politics for generations. Simply, there’s no sustainable path to victory in national elections without these voters, a more affluent Democratic base means less electoral support for progressive economic policies, and losing the working class will accelerate the rise of far-right populism.

The DNC doesn't care about the working class that is one of the reasons why the majority of the rank and file of the Teamsters support Donald Trump.
Someone help this lost soul out, he's flailing badly - he's in need of an ally!
Laughable little man

You got exposed on page 1

And those 2 other clowns don’t understand that talking down and taking a false sense of superiority when ridiculing trump voters won’t help sway people to voting for Harris

Call off the cavalry. I’m doing just fine.

Chuck Schumer for every blue collar Democrat we lose we gain two to three suburban moderate Republicans.

Democrats Aren’t Campaigning to Win the Working Class​

A new study examines the Democratic rhetorical and campaigning failures that may help Republicans entrench their position as the new party of the American working class.

Democrats are losing the working class — and if the trend continues, it’ll reshape American politics for generations. Simply, there’s no sustainable path to victory in national elections without these voters, a more affluent Democratic base means less electoral support for progressive economic policies, and losing the working class will accelerate the rise of far-right populism.

The DNC doesn't care about the working class that is one of the reasons why the majority of the rank and file of the Teamsters support Donald Trump.

I think this is a relevant point globally.

The right have been able to invent narratives that appeal to the working class not only in America, but Europe and Asia as well.

The working class is definitely split. The lower working class has a greater need than ever to look down on another demographic, and dirt poor immigrants with zero power and zero representation are just the ticket.

It's a cynical move by the right, but effective as these types continue to wake up and seek a political cause now that politics is aggressive enough to be acceptable. It's no longer for the suits and lobbyists.

This is why the far right is having some success - but unfortunately for them, the lower tier working class aren't that big of a group to counterbalance the fact most educated people have empathy and (more importantly) purpose. They are too busy and too smart to indulge in mindless rhetoric about immigrants and whatever else.
More of that shocking arrogance and looking down on people

How amusing
Laughable little man

You got exposed on page 1

And those 2 other clowns don’t understand that talking down and taking a false sense of superiority when ridiculing trump voters won’t help sway people to voting for Harris

Call off the cavalry. I’m doing just fine.

YoU gOt ExPoSeD

Really, tell use more, I'm interested in this coping mechanism that everything you can't understand is emotional and wrong - it's cute!

YoU gOt ExPoSeD

Really, tell use more, I'm interested in this coping mechanism that everything you can't understand is emotional and wrong - it's cute!

Nice try little man

Your own posts on this thread betrayed you already
The working class drifting away from democrats is a valid topic.
Apparently reporting a fact (an organisation that always support a certain side, no longer supporting that side) is “cope” and if you don’t agree with this bizarre and incorrect take you are getting “rolled”. Whatever that means.

“Der, someone made a dumb and incorrect point, but they’re also left wing like me so I’ll just pretend they’re winning the argument anyway”.
Apparently reporting a fact (an organisation that always support a certain side, no longer supporting that side) is “cope” and if you don’t agree with this bizarre and incorrect take you are getting “rolled”. Whatever that means.

“Der, someone made a dumb and incorrect point, but they’re also left wing like me so I’ll just pretend they’re winning the argument anyway”.

Show me where Trump was endorsed without flailing around and talking about immaterial nonsense.

Then I will accept I was wrong and Teamsters did, in fact, actually endorse Trump.

Remember, no need for cope posts! Now is your time to shine, go ahead, win the the thread: show us the endorsement!

We're counting on you, guy!
Show me where Trump was endorsed without flailing around and talking about immaterial nonsense.

Then I will accept I was wrong and Teamsters did, in fact, actually endorse Trump.

Remember, no need for cope posts! Now is your time to shine, go ahead, win the the thread: show us the endorsement!

We're counting on you, guy!
Even without an official Trump endorsement, this absolutely is a blow to the Democrats.
Even without an official Trump endorsement, this absolutely is a blow to the Democrats.

Yes. That's fine, and a valid talking point.

It's still not the full story, and 'Teamsters didn't endorse Harris' when in actual fact the national body didn't endorse ANYONE is pure hackery.

Trying to claim non-wins as wins is silly.
Same thing happening here in Canada, where the right of center party's fiscal policies are positive to those wll paid trades and labour jobs.
The working class drifting away from democrats is a valid topic.
Rural areas have been dominated by support for Republicans for a long time. These are mostly "working class" people in those areas. So it really isn't much of a shift at all. The same union members that say they support Trump now are the same ones that supported him in 2016.