Elections Teamsters won't endorse Kamala Harris internal polling shows most members support Donald Trump

Biden helped enormously. What's it like being a clownish hack?

He stabbed the railroad union in the back. Justine Trudeau is doing the same thing to railroad workers in Canada it seems the left is only pro union when it's convenient for them.
He stabbed the railroad union in the back. Justine Trudeau is doing the same thing to railroad workers in Canada it seems the left is only pro union when it's convenient for them.
Lol Biden helped them get what they were asking for without a worker strike lol.
I read it was basically 2:1 in favour of Trump from a Teamsters poll, so I am a little bit surprised they didn't endorse Trump.

I would say that is enough of a margin, but beyond that I'm not able to explain the stance of the union.
Because your not American and just just talk out of your ass about shit you don't know about. Teamsters have endorsed Democrats for 34 years straight. That's their stance dummy.
They will be as loyal to him as Trump is to the Republican Party.<{shaqs}>

I don't know how Trump upending the Republican Party isn't a good thing. I wish the Democrats had a similar force that was not Marxist / Authoritarian like they are moving to rapidly.

Both parties suck.
I don't know how Trump upending the Republican Party isn't a good thing. I wish the Democrats had a similar force that was not Marxist / Authoritarian like they are moving to rapidly.

Both parties suck.
He upended it already, he should do the Apprentice.
Because your not American and just just talk out of your ass about shit you don't know about. Teamsters have endorsed Democrats for 34 years straight. That's their stance dummy.

You're. If you're going to use my nation's language please do so appropriately. Thank you.

Also, I know that because I read it. I read things in order to know them, just like an American might! It's amazing. It demystifies everything, you should try it sometime.
You're. If you're going to use my nation's language please do so appropriately. Thank you.

Also, I know that because I read it. I read things in order to know them, just like an American might! It's amazing. It demystifies everything, you should try it sometime.

So you realize your first post in this thread was shit then?
From the OP -
"about 60% of members believed the union should endorse Trump while 34% supported Harris. About 6% said they supported another candidate.

They won't endorce a nominee because the Teamster administration are cowards and do not represent their members.
Why would a union endorse a candidate that endorses firing striking members illegally?
Why would a union endorse a candidate that endorses firing striking members illegally?

Obvious answer is obvious.

The union management has more loyalty to the Democrat Party than their own members.
He stabbed the railroad union in the back. Justine Trudeau is doing the same thing to railroad workers in Canada it seems the left is only pro union when it's convenient for them.
What's it like being a clownish hack?
You're. If you're going to use my nation's language please do so appropriately. Thank you.

Also, I know that because I read it. I read things in order to know them, just like an American might! It's amazing. It demystifies everything, you should try it sometime.
Worry about your pathetic little island bud. American politics is way out of your pay grade. Just sit back and follow our lead and maybe your culturally clapped out country can still be saved.
Worry about your pathetic little island bud. American politics is way out of your pay grade. Just sit back and follow our lead and maybe your culturally clapped out country can still be saved.


There's a lot to learn by engaging with hysterical posters who feel politics is the same thing as histrionics, so I'll continue to engage thanks.

Meanwhile, try not to have an aneurysm, kid.

There's a lot to learn by engaging with hysterical posters who feel politics is the same thing as histrionics, so I'll continue to engage thanks.

Meanwhile, try not to have an aneurysm, kid.
Start by learning how not to give your culture away to Indias and Arabs en mass. That's a good start! Poor Britts walking around with their heads down 24/7 afraid to insult the foreigners in YOUR country. Believe me when I tell you. The last thing we Americans want is to end up like you guys.
Start by learning how not to give your culture away to Indias and Arabs en mass. That's a good start! Poor Britts walking around with their heads down 24/7 afraid to insult the foreigners in YOUR country. Believe me when I tell you. The last thing we Americans want is to end up like you guys.

Cool story bro. I'm sure you learned all about it on X. Meanwhile, away from Fantasy Land, this thread is about Teamsters. We (ie, you) have bored everyone enough already.
Union workers overwhelmingly supporting Trump.

Libs: How can they do that? We know what's good for them, they don't know what's good for them!

Meanwhile, union workers in right to work states like mine

Obvious answer is obvious.

The union management has more loyalty to the Democrat Party than their own members.
Are you saying that union rank and file don't want the ability to strike?

There's no more fundamental right to labor organizing than the right to strike
Start by learning how not to give your culture away to Indias and Arabs en mass. That's a good start! Poor Britts walking around with their heads down 24/7 afraid to insult the foreigners in YOUR country. Believe me when I tell you. The last thing we Americans want is to end up like you guys.

I was in Brussels, Belgium for business 2 weeks after the Muslims bombed their airport. I was touring the town before we went on our pub run to see the city. It's beautiful. The botanical garden had to have military to guard it. Then you get the Muslim side where they have graffiti all over the churches and other buildings. As I walked with my friend from Finland, three Muslims in their standard attire, looked like dresses, approached us on the sidewalk going the other direction. It became clear at 5 yards out that they were not going to make any way for us on the sidewalk. My Finnish Friend stood against the building closest to us flat to make way for them. I did what any Red Blooded American man would have done, picked the biggest one, dropped my shoulder into him with force and nearly knocked him on his ass. I spun around and yelled, something like.... "What the fuck do you want!?" Their scowls went right off their faces. I think it was not just my aggressive pissed off ready to beat the shit out of them look, but my American accent. I am pretty sure they realized I was not like the standard Eurocuck and had no issue throwing hands. As I measured them it was clear only the biggest guy that I dropped my shoulder into was a threat. The other two had no desire. They all backed down and kept going. My Finnish friend was shocked. He said in Finland they would never do that. He said they pull that move all the time and they just get out of the way. I told him in America, no man will stand against that building like he did. I may be wrong, there is likely many Democrat men that will. Different Cultures... hard to judge.