Locked PWD 1175: Hendry Concert Countdown

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Imma strawberry JAM guy!
Even better if that jar says PRESERVES
oh a scholar i see?

lol, now that you say it i think thats what we got in our fridge. my girlfriend goes and gets fancy jams from the farmers markets. dangit wolf, now i wanna get a belgian waffle and put some butter and strawberry jam on it!
oh a scholar i see?

lol, now that you say it i think thats what we got in our fridge. my girlfriend goes and gets fancy jams from the farmers markets. dangit wolf, now i wanna get a belgian waffle and put some butter and strawberry jam on it!
Swap out that butter for vanilla ice cream.
I used to eat ice cream on eggo waffle for breakfast when i was in high school lol
Its ok
We need u to become a vet so u can take care of all our pets
dude its so damn hard to get into vet school its ridiculous. like my university had 1000's apply and only accepted 88. shit is so frustrating. if i dont get accepted this year i might just go get an MBA and just do some business stuff
I just ate 3 flautas a beef taco and a tostada
But i'm still hungry.
this is frustrating

I just ate 5 birria tacos after my workout. They hit the spot, Moom. God they were good, Moom. These people are artists with their birria. Might take my son to Sonic later. I'll keep you updated on the sitch.
dude its so damn hard to get into vet school its ridiculous. like my university had 1000's apply and only accepted 88. shit is so frustrating. if i dont get accepted this year i might just go get an MBA and just do some business stuff
Damn thats crazy.
Don't give up!
if u quit and become a suit u will have let the normies win, yet again.

We can't let them win, ram.
We just can't.

Thats a Hogan '84 level pop right there, ya love to see it

It was a 100% fact that RDJ was coming back once the MCU started sagging but its pretty dang dope that they found a way to do it the right way, I love it, love everything about it!
Cats make you earn their love. I still need a cat. Look at this cat, BG. He was at the pet store trying to get adopted. He was neat.

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I swear Im not bullshitting, 100% true, a couple hours ago I was gonna ask you whatever happened to that cat you was gonna get but then I didnt for some reason and now I get back from our walk and here you are posting pics of cats again
Thats not a coincidence, you need to go get that dang cat!
I just ate 5 birria tacos after my workout. They hit the spot, Moom. God they were good, Moom. These people are artists with their birria. Might take my son to Sonic later. I'll keep you updated on the sitch.

The culture switching birria from chiva to beef is the smartest thing we've done since the flour tortilla!

I ended up eating a dave's triple (NO MAYO) on my ride home lol.
Feel much better now.
Damn thats crazy.
Don't give up!
if u quit and become a suit u will have let the normies win, yet again.

We can't let them win, ram.
We just can't.
may the spirit of sherdog power me to get through this!!!!
Hopefully the Russos can go back and fix everything they fucked up with Endgame like Larry David did with the Seinfeld finale
I swear Im not bullshitting, 100% true, a couple hours ago I was gonna ask you whatever happened to that cat you was gonna get but then I didnt for some reason and now I get back from our walk and here you are posting pics of cats again
Thats not a coincidence, you need to go get that dang cat!

Im worried about Lawler. He doesn't like other animals except Coconut. He's tried to fight dogs at the park before. And one time I found a couple puppies and me and the boys were with them on the porch giving them food and water. I tried to bring Lawler out and he tried to bite one of them! I'm worried if I get a cat I'm going to come home to a dead cat. I might have to wait until Lawler leaves this world to get one.
@Stargazer Rex @Pliny Pete got one in the fence! Everybody ok

dude its so damn hard to get into vet school its ridiculous. like my university had 1000's apply and only accepted 88. shit is so frustrating. if i dont get accepted this year i might just go get an MBA and just do some business stuff

Dang. That sucks to hear, bro. I want to be all motivating and tell you to keep trying but I understand life isn't a movie and sometimes you gotta do thing that are more realistic.

I will say this, though. And this is a shoot. If you want it bad enough and are willing to sacrifice until you get it, it will happen!
@Pliny Pete I really do love cats, though. I never was that into cats but when I had this spiritual and mental rebirth I got back in tune with my inner tiger spirt and I just love cats now. Something just clicked and I get it now. There is something mystical about them. I'm drawn to them like a damn moth to a flame!
Im worried about Lawler. He doesn't like other animals except Coconut. He's tried to fight dogs at the park before. And one time I found a couple puppies and me and the boys were with them on the porch giving them food and water. I tried to bring Lawler out and he tried to bite one of them! I'm worried if I get a cat I'm going to come home to a dead cat. I might have to wait until Lawler leaves this world to get one.

Yea, if he's animal aggressive then it would most likely require a lot of work to get them to live in harmony and thats not a guarantee

Did he just accept Coconut right away or did it take some adjusting?

When i got Daisy she just walked right into the yard and said hi to Fred and laid down and that was it, I went to the movies 20 minutes after I got her and everything was fine and dandy but after that she never ever in life met another dog or cat or squirrel that she could tolerate for one second, she hated them all and I do not understand why or what changed
dude its so damn hard to get into vet school its ridiculous. like my university had 1000's apply and only accepted 88. shit is so frustrating. if i dont get accepted this year i might just go get an MBA and just do some business stuff

You should come out to California, it cant be that hard out here, all these assholes do is guesstimate and repeat what they read off Google and then charge you $1100 a visit
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