Locked PWD 1175: Hendry Concert Countdown

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@Stargazer Rex @Pliny Pete got one in the fence! Everybody ok


Thats dirt trackin', baybay!
Yea, if he's animal aggressive then it would most likely require a lot of work to get them to live in harmony and thats not a guarantee

Did he just accept Coconut right away or did it take some adjusting?

When i got Daisy she just walked right into the yard and said hi to Fred and laid down and that was it, I went to the movies 20 minutes after I got her and everything was fine and dandy but after that she never ever in life met another dog or cat or squirrel that she could tolerate for one second, she hated them all and I do not understand why or what changed

When I got Lawler as puppy Coconut was already around a year and a half. Plus she is very people and animal friendly. She dumb as rocks but damn it she's emotionally intelligent and knows who to rub elbows with.
@moonwolf how long would you say its gonna be til you go hit up BK to try one of them new Spicy Sprites?

Might be a while cuz the BKs near me all closed.
When i was a kid there was a BK/Popeyes in the mall.
It was a magical time to be alive.
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Dang. That sucks to hear, bro. I want to be all motivating and tell you to keep trying but I understand life isn't a movie and sometimes you gotta do thing that are more realistic.

I will say this, though. And this is a shoot. If you want it bad enough and are willing to sacrifice until you get it, it will happen!
really appreciate it man.
its just hard. because ive already had to turn my life around , ive already given so much just to get to this point. its kinda like my best just isnt good enough. like i know i can be a good vet. i just dont know if i can do all the schooling for it. i dont know man, we'll see. im kinda at peace because i know i gave it my all.
You should come out to California, it cant be that hard out here, all these assholes do is guesstimate and repeat what they read off Google and then charge you $1100 a visit
dude, here's the thing. being a general practice vet really isnt too hard (and yes the scam the shit out of people because they know people will pay because they love their pets). like i worked as an assistant for years and could basically do what they were doing (vaccines, blood draws, x rays, nail trims, ear cleanings, simple diagnosis,etc.) its just getting into vet school. they make it damn near impossible. they want you to have a 4.0 gpa, years of paid experience, be the president of every school club. shit is ridiculous
Might be a while cuz the BKs near me all closed.
When i was a kid there was a BK/Popeyes in the mall.
It wad a magical time to be alive.

I have 4 BK's right here in my town, what the heck!

All of then are right along Highway 4 too, 4 freeway stops in a row from Bailey Rd to Somersville, you can stop at all 4 in a row next time you come up here
I have 4 BK's right here in my town, what the heck!

All of then are right along Highway 4 too, 4 freeway stops in a row from Bailey Rd to Somersville, you can stop at all 4 in a row next time you come up here
Imma be up there labor day weekend, playa!
i feel like no one watches anymore lol. i used to be able to tag like 30 guys. have it on right now. i guess i cant really talk though, been so busy this past year ive barely been able to watch any wrestling. gonna try to get back into it so i can ramble with you guys more!
yeah sorry dawg im watching music videos and the belly IMG_2024-07-27-211725.jpegIMG_2024-07-27-211725.jpeg
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