Joe Rogan says weight-cutting is cheating

Read the article and what he says in context, its perfectly reasonable and accurate. Is GSP 170 pounds? No. Is Jones Jones 205 pounds? No. Thats all Joe was saying.
Cheating? Hardly, its not against the rules. Stupid argument.

Unfair advantage? Hardly, any opponent is also free to cut the same amount of weight or more if they choose. Stupid argument.

Mostly, but what's not stupid about it is that some guys have been doing it in a certain other boring sport since they were little kids, and athletes NOT from that boring sport background have not been doing it and don't have experience with it yet.
The reason they don't have weigh ins on fight night is because the majority of fighters wouldn't make weight. Then you would have situations where one fighter is out-weighed considerably and under no obligation to continue with the fight.
The reason they don't have weigh ins on fight night is because the majority of fighters wouldn't make weight. Then you would have situations where one fighter is out-weighed considerably and under no obligation to continue with the fight.

If they changed weight classes and forced guys to make weight or they don't get paid, they'd make weight. If you weigh guys before they fight and say, "if you're one pound over you get a 25% reduction in purse, 2 is 50%, 3 is 75% and 4 or more is DQ, then guys would make weight and fight at their natural body weight.
Funny thing is if Rogan was an MMA fighter there is no doubt that he'll do the same thing. Why? Because everyone else does it. Would he then consider himself a cheater?
It is against the rules.

When you sign up for a fight at 185, that's the weight you're supposed to be competing at.
This whole business of dehydrating yourself for the weigh-in and be 20lbs heavier the next day is pure cheating.

I'm sure they'll address it eventually, after a Rumble-like guy dies from cutting too much weight.
He actually had some pretty reasonable thoughts in there. Cheating isn't the right word to use I don't think, but he made good points about the dangers of weight cutting and possible ways to put a stop to some of the crazier cuts (like weight limits 6, 4 and 2 weeks out from the fight and so on).

That's weird. I remember Rogan had a hard on for mentioning which weight some fighters could be fighting at by cutting a ton of weight some years ago.
weight cutting is pretty stupid imo. just do weigh ins like the day of the fight.
I wouldn't say cheating, but I agree with him.

I'm all for a limit. For their safety. Say, a certain percentage.. Like, if you're a 185er, you can't go over 10 pounds come the fight (LHW like 12 lbs, WW like 8 lbs, ext.). Have a scale right after they get their gloves checked and vaseline put on them.

It's so engrained in the sport now, that's the issue. What I suggested would never fly.
Many times I've heard him say so and so needs to fight at his "natural" weight meaning cut weight, but how can it be "natural" if he has to do shenanigans to cut weight?
Add me to the list of people that has been ruined by TTH, that magnificent bastard.
I wouldn't mind if they did like they do in boxing and have a 2nd weigh in on the night of the fight.
I personally don't like weight cutting because it drains fighters and saps their speed before the fight even begins.

Clearly a negative to any fan.
Eh, I agree. When I started wrestling in high school, my first two years they had no restrictions to weight cutting and it was insane. I wrestled at 130 lbs(not cutting) those years and most guys I wrestled outweighed me by at least 10 lbs, and that was with us weighing in the day of the meet sometimes hours before. I saw people do serious kidney damage trying to make weight. Then my last two years they had a system where X months out you weighed in and had your body fat measured, then based on that they told us how much we could lose over the entire season, and also what we could be down to at specific dates. That system made a significant difference in the competitors health and also the spirit of the competition, it emphasized more skill and technique than just being good at cutting weight.
Should make them weigh in before the fight, have a standby alternate ready just in case.

It's stupid to have weight classes if all the fighters are killing themselves to cut 20lbs to make their "weight class"... would probably see a lot less gassing and more exciting fights.
I've always thought it was unfair. Especially to those fighters who are basically freaks at being able to drop weight. Look at Anthony Johnson... He's fought at HW and WW. That's fucking insane.
This thread is so wonderful. It makes me so happy when a hate-thread backfires.
In my opinion (which doesn't matter of course) is that it's the same as putting your hand on the mat to prevent a knee to the head. It's not really cheating its just playing the system to your advantage.

I agree with this. they do it at their own risk, especially when they're cutting a lot

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