Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

Did you bother to 'fact-check' anything from my post, or are you afraid to?

Because if anything I said was wrong, then by all means tell me. I am very open to be corrected.

If not, and you just don't want to admit what I said is true, then you should stay in your cult. Don't bother seeking deprograming, it won't help you at all.
Very little of what you said was correct. What you are "Very Open" to is bullshit, and being 100% oblivious to reality.

You aren't worth the keystrokes, bud. Added to that, it'd be a derail. All this shit has been discussed ad nauseum....not in this thread.
Very little of what you said was correct.

I may be off by a week or two when the Biden admin personelle transferred to the NYC DA office but besides that I'm sure the rest of it is correct.

The jury instructions alone is worthy of every conviction being overturned with prejudice.

But go ahead, give specifics... what is incorrect about that post and give links refuting them.
Trump’s past cabinet…I reckon they know him better than we all do but who knows the ghost of Hugo Chavez could of possessed them.

  • "This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author."
Not a 'fact-checker' and just like assholes everybody's got an opinion.
I notice you have a formula to your posts. You start them off with trolling, lies and misdirection and then end them with lame insults.
Huh? Zero of those things from me. You were the one caught lying here.
Remember, you're the one who posted that conservatives don't like Kamala because she's too female, too black, too confident and too sexy. Talk about making people feel icky...
Don't forget partisanship as a factor in the creepy, over-the-top hatred from Republicans.
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Huh? Zero of those things from me. You were the one caught lying here.
For everyone curious, I called out Jack V Savage many times for his trolling, lies, and deception and posted links from leftist news sources proving he's incorrect.

And be blocked me.

It truely is the grestest honor I have ever received in the Warroom.
Thinking?! Lol, ain't nobody on Sherdog forums thinking, you can rest assured of that.
First line of the thread implies she wouldn't have got the job if she weren't black but no..... not a DEI hire......

  • "This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author."
Not a 'fact-checker' and just like assholes everybody's got an opinion.
Dude, he didn’t just make up opinions of Trump’s ex staffers. Literally a second ago, you were calling out someone for looking for things to dispute instead of engaging in dialogue, it’s a bit hypocrital. But here is a non-opinion article summarizing it.

Eitherway, I gotta head out. We will smash heads some other day lol, have a good weekend.
Joe Biden said he was going to pick an African American woman as his running mate
Anyone who is chosen from a pool of candidates that is limited by immutable characteristics is by definition a “DEI hire”.
So, what about picking someone who is from a swing state? Or someone who is a white guy to balance the ticket? Those are DEI hires too, right?

I like that luckybot kneecapped his own thread in the first sentence.

To be accurate, Biden said he'd pick a woman to be his VP. He just had to pick a black one after George Floyd. He then made a point to say there were 4 black women on his list.

So what? He was doing what all politicians try to do: win key voting blocs. By that logic, every VP pick is a DEI pick.

First line of the thread implies she wouldn't have got the job if she weren't black but no..... not a DEI hire......


Joe Biden wouldn't have got the job as Obama's VP if he wasn't an old white dude that made people feel safe.

The point is, he was qualified anyway. Just like Harris.
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So, what about picking someone who is from a swing state? Or someone who is a white guy to balance the ticket? Those are DEI hires too, right?
If you say you’re only going to consider a white guy, yes.

If you say you’re only going to consider someone from a swing state, yes.
Makes perfect sense, really.

When compared to Bernie, Warren, Buttigieg, etc., she has tons of problems and deficiencies.

But unprecedented circumstances have put her in position where we now have to compare her with the slimiest, snakiest, least qualified, least honest, most criminal candidate in history. In THAT comparison, she comes out spotless.

Right, but the thread is about it being stupid to consider Kamala a DEI hire, negating the fact that she literally is one. If I say, "I need a new intern for accounting, and I'll only consider a female black or Hispanic", then I'm by definition intentionally hiring by diversity first and picking qualifications out of the limited pool.

Lucky created a thread and is in here arguing that what actually happened is not actually what happened. You can argue it's a good thing, or not a bad thing, but you can't argue that it didn't happen.
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Do NOT stay home. That is an L no matter how you shake it.

No one has the right to shame you for your vote. Neither Republicans or Democrats seem eager to quell the suspicions of collusion with foreign nations or election fraud. We are undoubtedly heading for more voter demoralization again this time. Almost as if they want you unsure and willing to give up, pass the buck.

Even if you vote for yourself, this isn't a sporting event, cheering and high 5s with your friends at the water cooler cause your guy or girl won is a low brow and infantile reaction.
R's will say "if you voted for Biden in 2020 shame on you" D's say "if you voted for Trump in 2016 shame on you" nah, fuck all that. Educate yourself and be honest with what you expect from these so called "leaders" in our government.

If you give up your right to vote, the owner/donor class (who most def will not be staying home, they have way too much invested) wins. These "elites" lol are fighting for the right to always have most chips at the table at all times and Washington DC is happy to bend over and allow it.
Preach it, homie, I like it. You and I may not agree a lot politically, but I approve this message. I will definitely vote, I was just laying out the options.

Not for nothing, but part of the difficulty in the discussion I was having with Rob is a failure to account for our reasonably different priorities. “Accomplishments”, positions on 2a, women’s rights, the environment, foreign policy, immigration, health care, education, the person’s character, integrity, and leadership, we all might rank such issues in a different order.
Personally, I value character and leadership in the potus above all else. I leave policy in general to my congressmen. Doesn’t make me right, it’s just what I can live with as a voter.
Makes perfect sense, really.

When compared to Bernie, Warren, Buttigieg, etc., she has tons of problems and deficiencies.

But unprecedented circumstances have put her in position where we now have to compare her with the slimiest, snakiest, least qualified, least honest, most criminal candidate in history. In THAT comparison, she comes out spotless.
LOL, no. You're just a drone with no independent thought. If they put a dog up there, you'd fall in line.

"Well, he's not good at communicating the platform, but he does lick his own ass in a very dignified way."

And then if/when she loses, you'll be going "Why did they pick Kamala? I knew she was horrible!", as if you didn't suck her tits this whole time.
For everyone curious, I called out Jack V Savage many times for his trolling, lies, and deception and posted links from leftist news sources proving he's incorrect.

And be blocked me.

It truely is the grestest honor I have ever received in the Warroom.
Just so you know, no one cares.