I have no idea what would cause more rioting and chaos, a Trump win or Biden win

Just replace Hilary with Creepy Uncle Joe;)


Are you illiterate?
Are you for real? It’s bad enough that you make some of the dumbest posts on here, but then you attack someone for saying that they don’t believe the right would riot Right after You say the left doesn’t have extreme ideology. If someone doesn’t have your opinion you don’t need to attack them, you and your extreme left friends should learn to be civil
The u.s will get new allies ! better allies ! The best allies !
Putin obviously
Xi's chyynna could use some buddies right about now ..we know trumps all about reaching out to him no matter what he says
Qatar with the jared connection
Rocket man kim
Bolasaro( if he survives the just flu that is )
Don't forget turdogan. Trump loves him some turdogan
Are you illiterate?


Trump's base holding strong
So his answer was "No", only he nuanced it.
Not surprised at all a lefty doesn't understand nuance.

Sure thing, dude. I bet you think the wall is 1/4 finished, too. :rolleyes:
Conservatives weren’t protesting or screeching reeeeee after Obama’s election/reelection; they won’t protest/riot if trump loses.

liberals are NPCs standing by for their next update. The new patch should be coming out soon for the pre-expansion events.
Let's keep the focus on the profound ignorance of the average Trump supporter, please.
Right. Lets. We don't want to focus on the 'holier than thou' Biden voters that preach from their mighty cubicle of $17 a hr.
Are you for real? It’s bad enough that you make some of the dumbest posts on here, but then you attack someone for saying that they don’t believe the right would riot Right after You say the left doesn’t have extreme ideology. If someone doesn’t have your opinion you don’t need to attack them, you and your extreme left friends should learn to be civil

Not sure if youre playing stupid or are stupid but TS never said that the right would riot if Biden won. Check again clown. Come back to me when you understand what this thread is about.
Not sure if youre playing stupid or are stupid but TS never said that the right would riot if Biden won. Check again clown. Come back to me when you understand what this thread is about.
Wow, I hope you’re not as sad in life as you are here
You should probably not call people a clown when you constantly make an ass of yourself
The only group out rioting and looting will be the left. The Leftards will be at it again during the election and then really going full-retard after the election if Trump wins. Leftards have a much bigger problem with behaving in a civil manner when compared with the Right.
Trump won't win. But if he did, there is a possibility that people would actually calm down. The reason they're throwing tantrums is to manufacture the sense that if he got re-elected, everything would melt down. There'd be no point in crying about it if he won again. Unless they want to go for the impeachment option once more
Trump is not a perfect candidate, we know it. I still think Trump will win. The Left owns the media, and It's dangerous for some people to admit they will vote for him. So Trump has that silent vote. Remember the predictions were off last time when Hillary had a 95% chance of winning.

Also with Woke Leftists overplaying their hand with riots and cancel culture, the Left is overplaying their hand every day. That means more Trump voters snatched from the middle knowing he is the only candidate that would attempt at slowing down the far left insanity going on.
There might be a few over-hyped scuffles between drunk people on the street after a Biden win which will immediately be sensationalized as "white male backlash to Trump's defeat" or "the dying gasp of racism in America" (despite the fact that Biden is really just another old white guy, who also backed race segregation and mass incarcerations), but other than that, there probably won't be anything note-worthy.

If Trump wins, you can pretty much guarantee that there will be violence. Which will be down-played as "moderately peaceful protests", of course.

Trump's base holding strong

You can put Smooth Assassin and the guy I quoted in the poorly educated as well. Guy below thinks I am "attacking" someone because they believe the right wouldnt riot, when in fact it is because the guy I quoted thinks TS said the right would riot if Biden wins.....

Are you for real? It’s bad enough that you make some of the dumbest posts on here, but then you attack someone for saying that they don’t believe the right would riot Right after You say the left doesn’t have extreme ideology. If someone doesn’t have your opinion you don’t need to attack them, you and your extreme left friends should learn to be civil

Are you illiterate as well? Lol
Wow, I hope you’re not as sad in life as you are here
You should probably not call people a clown when you constantly make an ass of yourself

LOL, youre the one defending a guy who thinks TS claims the right would riot if Biden won when in fact TS never said that. I think you and the guy I quoted need to go back to school for some after class special.
Sure thing, dude. I bet you think the wall is 1/4 finished, too. :rolleyes:

I literally had no idea, I to had to look it up. I thought it would be more than it is.
I guess the guy who provides for your unhealthy appetite in twinkies also doesn't spend his time keeping track with all the legal potholes being dug up.

He's definitely trying to live up to his campaign promises, which have been democratically been deemed to be majority representation of wishes.
But TDS is real unfortunately, and it disproportionately affects democrats so it seems...

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LOL, youre the one defending a guy who thinks TS claims the right would riot if Biden won when in fact TS never said that. I think you and the guy I quoted need to go back to school for some after class special.
I know your existence may seem futile and pathetic now, but it will get better for you
Hang in there, I’m rooting for you
You can put Smooth Assassin and the guy I quoted in the poorly educated as well. Guy below thinks I am "attacking" someone because they believe the right wouldnt riot, when in fact it is because the guy I quoted thinks TS said the right would riot if Biden wins.....

Are you illiterate as well? Lol
One day you will have friends