Law Hunter Biden under federal investigation over taxes.

Cool, Joe should pardon him the minute he's sworn in on January 20th

I'm sure every Trumpanzee will be totally fine with it as well
The right already thinks he's guilty. Even if the investigation leads to no chargers they will just say that daddy helped him. Quote me for later.
Easy, have your AG squash the case. Or actually, Biden should just pardon Hunter in a month or so. Problem solved.
I guess it's the Democrat's turn to scrutinize the IRS for being politically weaponized?
He should be investigated for his business dealings with foreign companies and their ties to his father... what happened to that? or how about the crack?
Why are so many people ITT calling for a pardon before we know anything?
I am a little more weary.

With bailouts, targeted tax breaks, no-bid contracts, etc...the line between private sector and public sector is blurred.

As I've mentioned a handful of time here on this forum, I am concerned regarding the normalization of:

Step 1: Get elected to office.
Step 2: Magically your spouse/family member gets placed on the board of directors of company.
Step 3: Shovel tax money to said company.
Step 4: You make bank.

Go a step further; at the same time Hunter and Devon Archer were sitting on this gas companies board the US made a ton of loan guarentees to allow Ukraine to become energy independent. Ie. we backed loans for Burisma.
Ahhhh. So It wasn't " Russian disinformation". Who could've guessed
Scant details on the incoming President's son being investigated by Barr's DOJ=He's guilty and Biden is more corrupt than Trump

Trump pardoning people convicted of serious crimes, while being investigated himself for many many distinct actions=Deep state bullshit
4 years of Russiagate.

But lets ignore all of the evidence of Joe Biden's involvement in his son's criminal activity and foreign governments buying influence.

Except literally everyone I've met who's a Democrat is saying "go ahead with the investigation and if wrongdoing is found then he should be charged and tried in court".

So no, Democrats aren't really bring hypocrites as a whole about the situation. Hunter isn't in public office, so it should be looked at like any other investigation.
Except literally everyone I've met who's a Democrat is saying "go ahead with the investigation and if wrongdoing is found then he should be charged and tried in court".

So no, Democrats aren't really bring hypocrites as a whole about the situation. Hunter isn't in public office, so it should be looked at like any other investigation.

Real meaty stuff starts around 7 mins. Hunter has had been getting sweet gigs since 2001. Mostly with banking companies that his dad was doing bills for basically.
Funny how Hunter's consulting skills seems to be just cashing checks and getting high
Why are so many people ITT calling for a pardon before we know anything?

They are mocking the right wing for their lack of ethics and hypocrisy on legal matters involving the president.

No one actually thinks Hunter will be pardoned, or should be.