International E Jean Carroll Bests Donald J Trump to the Tune of $83 million

People are trying to nail Trump on like 10 different things at once. This case is a witch hunt with super flimsy evidence. The other recent one was that New York case where they're trying to nail him on paying off that Stormy Daniels hush money. Uhmm paying someone hush money is legal. And the DA was on record saying he wanted to get Trump on something.

Don't try to nail someone on 10 things when they did 5 things wrong. No need to make up shit because it destroys all credibility for the ACTUAL things he may have gotten wrong.

It also polarizes people where some people don't believe ANYTHING he did wrong.

Just say what he did that was ACTUALLY a possible crime. Like his role in the Jan. 6th attacks.
He paid hush money but used campaign finances instead of writing his own check. "Well of course he was going to hide the payment..." isn't a good excuse.
Do you think Clinton posed for that painting? If Clinton was some big buddy of yours do you think that's the type of painting you'd have hanging prominently in your home?

I'd kick my buddy's ass. I think it was Epstein's way of mocking Clinton. Do you think Bill Clinton would be fond of such a depiction?
I'd kick my buddy's ass. I think it was Epstein's way of mocking Clinton. Do you think Bill Clinton would be fond of such a depiction?
That's what I mean. If Epstein had that painting hanging prominently when you walked in how close could their relationship be?

Trump keeps losing numbers to women and independent voters.
Its only going to keep getting worse for 2 reasons. He has done nothing to try and appeal to those voters and 2, he keeps losing in court. Nobody likes a loser.
If young voters show up like they did on all the recent abortion amendments and the Wisconsin Supreme Court vote, Trump easily loses by 10 million votes.
Aint nobody worried about Orange Shit Diaper Don winning. I am more worried after New York hits him with a 400 million + penalty fat fuck Donny might stroke out.
You do know Trump is leading in most of the polls, and the quinnipiac poll you're citing is the one unlike any of the others, right?

Do you think Clinton posed for that painting? If Clinton was some big buddy of yours do you think that's the type of painting you'd have hanging prominently in your home?
No, you'd have that painting if it was a powerful "client" on whom you had incriminating evidence as a reminder that you have him by the balls. Nobody thinks they went fishing and had BBQs together.
To be fair to Trump, when he paid a chick who gets paid to do gang bang videos, he did not know Jerry Falwell Jr, liked to sit in the corner and watch the pool boy bang his wife. Falwell Jr was going to endorse Ted Cruz, but Trump sent in Cohen, told Falwell Jr, they know he likes watching other dudes drill press his wife, then Fallwell Jr switched his endorsement to Trump.
At that point Trump did not have his symbiotic relationship with Christian Voters, who have now traded in their faith for a serial lying Orange fat Diaper wearing con man.
Kind of ironic a sexual deviant like Trump can thank another sexual deviant in Falwell Jr. for getting him elected as President.
The other part of all of this is Ted Cruz is basically a human doormat for Trump. Trump constantly wipes his feet on Cruz . Talked shit about Cruz's father, wife and then steals his Christian endorsement using Dirty Tricks.
I laugh and then feel a little sad when I see this photo of the Human Doormat.

Off the subject of TRumps rape/sexual assault and christian support-

Cruz has always baffeld me. He's a highly educated, presumably smart dude; who like you says, just allows himself to get shit all over Trump. Trump has degraded him, his family and his wife and he just kowtows to presumably appeal to Trumps base.

Cruz ironically was one of the more on point republicans assessing Trump before he began his circus on America, but he truly spineless.
Off the subject of TRumps rape/sexual assault and christian support-

Cruz has always baffeld me. He's a highly educated, presumably smart dude; who like you says, just allows himself to get shit all over Trump. Trump has degraded him, his family and his wife and he just kowtows to presumably appeal to Trumps base.

Cruz ironically was one of the more on point republicans assessing Trump before he began his circus on America, but he truly spineless.
Seems within the realm of possibility Trump has something on Cruz that has rendered him so obsequious.
Thay know he can destroy their appeal amongst the base with a few insults or by blabbing secrets he is privy to, they are terrified of him..
And they did this to themselves. They didn't have to put getting re-elected next time above all else for the rest of time as a primary characteristic. Freedom Caucus, indeed. Ironic name.
Seems within the realm of possibility Trump has something on Cruz that has rendered him so obsequious.
thats ridiculous. Cruz is a rat that will do anything to survive. Surviving right now is to be on trump and his supporters good side. He has no spine. He'll dance and wear a dress if that means being in power.
thats ridiculous. Cruz is a rat that will do anything to survive. Surviving right now is to be on trump and his supporters good side. He has no spine. He'll dance and wear a dress if that means being in power.

i know a guy who put on a dress and lipstick once just for a cheeseburger.

and no, his name isn't randy lol.
thats ridiculous. Cruz is a rat that will do anything to survive. Surviving right now is to be on trump and his supporters good side. He has no spine. He'll dance and wear a dress if that means being in power.
Sure, I can't disagree, except the term ridiculous might be a bit harsh lol
The TDS is strong in this thread.

Imagine the meltdowns when Trump.gets elected again.

You do realise when he said TDS he was talking about you sycophants, right? The whole "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose any votes TDS?"
You do realise when he said TDS he was talking about you sycophants, right? The whole "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose any votes TDS?"

I have no idea what you are talking about. Bizarre post.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Bizarre post.
You read when he said that his supporters are such idiots he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose any votes? That's the supreme TDS. When his fans have him on such a pedestal that when he says they're all morons they still adore him.
You read when he said that his supporters are such idiots he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose any votes? That's the supreme TDS. When his fans have him on such a pedestal that when he says they're all morons they still adore him.

Just stop. We get it you have tds. WW3 is going down soon but you want to talk about Trump. Get a life.
Just stop. We get it you have tds. WW3 is going down soon but you want to talk about Trump. Get a life.
You sycophants shaking your pom poms whenever he gets beaten are the TDSers. We just laugh and say "bless your heart". And lol at WWIII going down soon, ahaha. Mate, grow the fuck up.

Psst, are you in a thread whining about your Mandarin Molester Messiah telling me to stop posting about him? Again...TDS at its very finest.

NY Senator Who Passed "Trump Assault Law" Now Calls It Unconstitutional After Being Accused Himself​


NY Senator Who Passed "Trump Assault Law" Now Calls It Unconstitutional After Being Accused Himself​

People don't like to get caught doing shitty things and will try to get away with them--film at 11.

Do you think any of these accusations are likely to be false? Do you think Trump should be off the hook because of this asshole? Do you think Trump should have had any chance of winning his case against Carrol when he didn't show up in court for the entire case?

Here's a hint, civil suits don't generally go your way when you don't show your face in court.
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