Elections DeSantis VS Newsom debate Tonight

blood thirsty cocksucking Hannity can't stop
is 2 against 1

Fox and the RNC desperate to have Ron look good, to try and give reason to call out Trump for not debating. All Trump has to do is point to the shit moderating lol
I listened to about 15 minutes of it. Fuckin hell, why did they use Hannity as a moderator? He sucks. There's basically nothing factual being debated. It's just 2 guys shitting on each other's state. On a side note, Ron DeSantis' "smile" is so off-putting he really needs to stop, just for the optics alone.
Newsom definitely won more of the arguments than Ron won. Like i said, this had to come off great for Ron and it didn’t. He needed a lambasting of Gavin and he just didn’t get it. He is probably so pissed right now. I’d call it a win for everyone.
The French laundry and his own inlaws fleeing his state should be the end of newsome but Ron isn’t up to that task
Neither should run for President . Dedantis has no personality to resonate and Newsome makes Trump look like Honest Abe.
Are y’all seeing these creepy ass Jesus/Advent commercials?? Goddamn, FOX is another world.

Edir: Wowww every commercial is weird. Bizarre propaganda commercials. Guy couldn’t buy a coat because of his vax status?? I’m dying.
I gather since the lawsuit Faux has to rely on Condom Depot tier advertisers :)
I gather since the lawsuit Faux has to rely on Condom Depot tier advertisers :)
It was really weird, almost every commercial I saw advanced some right wing talking point. It truly felt like a propaganda network. In that one commercial, a very obviously liberal cashier (chick with a bunch of facial piercings) discriminates against a conservative and won’t sell him a coat until he tells her who he voted for and what his vax status is<Lmaoo>
It was crazy.
It was really weird, almost every commercial I saw advanced some right wing talking point. It truly felt like a propaganda network. In that one commercial, a very obviously liberal cashier (chick with a bunch of facial piercings) discriminates against a conservative and won’t sell him a coat until he tells her who he voted for and what his vax status is<Lmaoo>
It was crazy.
That's crazy Its almost like every commercial that a Left leaning news org has is also Left leaning....Insane.
true but its like that the other way in many potus debates ... just saying
Yeah...Its like a bunch of muppets forgot how these "Debates" work anymore. Debating in 2023 just seems pointless when it comes to running for office and its usually because of the moderators. They really need several moderators for these so called "Debates".
Yeah...Its like a bunch of muppets forgot how these "Debates" work anymore. Debating in 2023 just seems pointless when it comes to running for office and its usually because of the moderators. They really need several moderators for these so called "Debates".
What they need is totally unbiased moderators or people who can act like it an enforce equally down line. Last night I admit Desantis got the Obama treatment.