Law Coronavirus the US GOV'T Response analysis Thread

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If you don't think that how our respective governments have handled covid has a direct correlation to the infection numbers and deaths then you are extremely delusional.

Explain why NY is doing so poorly, and why you only blame Trump.

'Member when Deblasio and the rest of the NY elites were telling people to ignore the virus, and get out there? I do. I guess that was Trump's fault.
I’ll give you an update on our response since Wednesday. Trump is an absolute maniac.

Lol...this fuckin guy.

Yes I agree, the madman decided to send us all Trump bucks.

1. Not if you make more than 100k

2. It's a socialistic policy in drastic times. Don't you think boot straps would work better?
If you don't think that how our respective governments have handled covid has a direct correlation to the infection numbers and deaths then you are extremely delusional.

Using your logic Cuomo is a shit tier governor because his state has been hit the hardest
Well not all of us

If it’s because you make slightly more than that, I do feel for you. On the bright side, you’ll likely be able to bounce back if you were smart enough to make that much dough.

Perhaps they’ll still go to family?
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