Alistair too distracted with PR stuff.. I see him losing (overeem fans look in here)


Purple Belt
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Big Overeem fan here, been following for a while. I'm not sure if anyone else agrees with me but ever since he moved to Florida I have noticed he is always doing shit, going places, having fun, making apparences all over and shit like that.. His fight with big foot is just around the corner and he was recently f*king around in Japan. I follow him on twitter and have him on Facebook too.. It seems like he likes it here but I'm not sure how much he is commiting to this upcoming fight.. I followed the REEM documentary series and other footage when he was training for the K-1 grand prix and his work at Golden Glory, he was taking the training to another level putting lots of work and stuff.. Lets remember that Blackzillians hasnt had a good year for their fighters.. I understand he is a fighter, a bad ass, and some peple might say "yeah a lot of fighters travel and have fun" and I agree but I see the reem over doing it... I dont know maybe i'm just being insecure... Bigfoot is coming motivated to this fight! What do you guys think?
I doubt his overlooking bigfoot, but if he is does it really matter? Overeem KO round 1
Blackzillians don't have a good track record. No way does he lose to Giant Silva though.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I hope you guys are right.
I honestly dont think BF presents a challenge to overeem, his takedowns arent particularly good.....and he cant stand with overeem....but thats just my opinion,
Now that this thread has been made it is a guarantee that he will win.
pal, I think you're just nervous. You're not alone. If Alistair blows this, we'll be screwed out of one of the coolest potential contenders in HW history.

It would be one of the most sickening shames I could ever think of. In ANY division, in fact.

Chael losing to Brian Stann or Bisping would probably be the only thing that tops us getting screwed out of Alistair Overeem UFC title fight after all this big build up that started back in pretty much 2008 when The Reem started wrecking HW's in japan and knocked out Badr Hari

damn I can't believe it's been building up that long

... and it could all be screwed up by Bigfoot Silva (who just happens to be the same jackass who screwed up Overeem vs Fedor!!!)

So like you, I'm nervous as hell, and i always hate it when fighters change things up in their camp or life in general because I'm a big believer in "if it ain't broke don't fix it" plus the whole "you stick to what got you there"

but... Alistair Overeem has been nothing but a professional and is such a veteran with so much experience. It's really hard to imagine him making such a rookie mistake as not taking a fight seriously and not training properly.

I think he does better when he stays active so I'm also pretty nervous about the fact he hasn't fought since dec of 2011... but still, this is The Reem we're talking about and I believe.
Overeem is NOT the trained hitman U guys try to pretend he is.....I've watched him since he started & it wasn't pretty....I think bigfoot has a chance...a good one....
Overeem is NOT the trained hitman U guys try to pretend he is.....I've watched him since he started & it wasn't pretty....I think bigfoot has a chance...a good one....

Reem hasn't changed a bit. Back when he lived here in holland he and is brother were regulars in the Amsterdam night life, acting crazy and shit. Only difference with now is that even if you've only been on tv once you can't do anything without getting a camera shoved in your face.

This all doesn't mean he didn't then and doesn't now train his ass off during the day.

Bigfoot is getting wrecked...
Overeem is NOT the trained hitman U guys try to pretend he is.....I've watched him since he started & it wasn't pretty....I think bigfoot has a chance...a good one....

and what do you know about the early years of his career that everyone else doesn't know?

We all know he has some bad losses at LHW, but he's a completely different fighter at Heavyweight.

Comparing LHW Overeem to HW Reem is sillier than comparing the Anderson chonan beat to the Anderson of today.

The anderson that chonan beat is literally a lot closer to the fighter that Anderson is now (in every way) than LHW overeem is to the HW Reem.
Do not underestimate the Neanderthal man, he's a complete fighter, able to stand with Arlovsky, Werdum, Fedor and good on the ground. He has power, obviously, and great determination. Overeem favourite 60/40.
Reem makes his own press and Vlogs so he's used to it .

This should be a good fight .
I think Bigfoot has a chance here if he can get to Reems jaw like Werdum did .
Silva has looked forward to this fight since RD 2 of the SF Grand Prix.
So the motivation is there . Wasn't a big BF fan until I saw him at the izod vs Fedor.
Even though I was rooting for Fedor , BF made me a fan that night .