Rumored Alex Pereira Fighting in March?; Rogan Says Poatan using Ramadan return date to mess w/ Ankalaev

Which isn't fair. However IMO, It is ZERO percent on poatan as he has been the most active champion since winning his title and has the most title defenses of any current champion. for him to take another fight other than ankalaev, can we really call that a fault of his? A champion who ACTUALLY WANTS TO STAY ACTIVE and we're going to hold it against them?

I dunno man. It's one of those times where you dont look a gift horse in the mouth. Gotta be glad there is a champ that will defend 3x a year.
I wouldn’t say that’s entirely true. He’s previously said something along the lines of making it harder for Ankalaev. Rogan said recently that Pereira wants to fight in March specifically to mess with Ankalaev. (Which it’s Joe so take that for it’s worth). As you said before, we don’t know the whole situation so we’re just kinda assuming he’s not at fault but there is reason to believe he may also be partially responsible.
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Delete yaself too!
I wouldn’t say that’s entirely true. He’s previously said something along the lines of making it harder for Ankalaev. Rogan said recently that Pereira wants to fight in March specifically to mess with Ankalaev. (Which it’s Joe so take that for it’s worth). As you said before, we don’t know the whole situation so we’re just kinda assuming he’s not at fault but there is reason to believe he may also be partially responsible.
Still dont see how he's at fault for wanting to fight in march, Last fight was in october, Almost 5 months from march. To hold Poatan til june or longer than that would actually be creating the longest layoff of his UFC career.

also you may have seen on the UFC shop poatan is the highest grossing merch guy the UFC has. They aren't going to want to shelf him especially as he's aging
Still dont see how he's at fault for wanting to fight in march, Last fight was in october, Almost 5 months from march. To hold Poatan til june or longer than that would actually be creating the longest layoff of his UFC career.
Because champions should defend against #1 contenders and matches should be made on that basis. Finding a suitable timetable for both rather than purely catering to one or the other. Unless there’s something ridiculous, but a couple month delay is not ridiculous.
I would say it is a duck strategy to offer Anklaev a fight during Ramadan knowing he cannot fight. That way, they could claim it was Anklaev who turned down the fight

Poatan would do anything to avoid an elite grappler
I wish we would have had the same energy from some of the posters, when Dustin got his last title shot.
Apparently there was no one else to fight and the champ wanted to fight and the ufc needed a main event. Could it be the same thing again?
Kinda like how Umar gets a top 5 fight against Sandhagen he doesn't deserve because "no one else would take the fight?"

Even though the UFC can't even prove to me that they offered it to anyone lol

Poatan would do anything to avoid an elite grappler

who is this mythical elite grappler you speak of?
Ankalaev doesn't want this fight despite what him and Ali say on Twitter

Every time the fight is offered there is an excuse/problem from their part due to the date, location, ramadan etc

If Ankalaev was as confident in this being an easy grapple fuck 1st round sub like you guys seem to think, this fight would've been made long ago.
I ask this every time with no response. Show me the numerous posts that support Ank winning and Ank claiming he’ll grapple.
I’m always trashing a champion who doesn’t fight the number one contender. But I have heard here that the UFC has schedules and locations and the champions just do what they’re told.
Wow for once you’re backing the Dagestani? Dare I say you’re a changed man?
I’m always trashing a champion who doesn’t fight the number one contender. But I have heard here that the UFC has schedules and locations and the champions just do what they’re told.
Well atleast Alex has fought a number 1 contender before in both hill and Jiri unlike a certain LW champion. just saying
I have my own personal theory regarding why this is happening.

It's schizoid shit I can't prove, but I'll say it to you here and now because you're asking.

It's the UFC and Ali Abdel Aziz washing each others hands.

I believe stuff like this happens.

"Dana, you book all the top LW's (Gaethje, Charles and Armen) and Leave islam to defend against BSD\dustin winner. this fight is better for us as Poirier is a bigger draw than those others. you do this, And We'll have Anakalev fight someone else in Abu Dhabi. You keep your champ, I keep mine" -Ali Abdel-Aziz
You gotta remember Dana is a thug POS. We've seen the allegations and what was said in court about Dana and the UFC trying to strongarm fighters into getting fucked on pay through shady tactics just like this one. Offer Ank a fight when they know he won't take it for religious beliefs and then blue ball him after that. I'm sure Alex has nothing to do with this other than accepting a contract when given to him. Wish dana would do this shit to Islam and the other khabibbers.
You gotta remember Dana is a thug POS. We've seen the allegations and what was said in court about Dana and the UFC trying to strongarm fighters into getting fucked on pay through shady tactics just like this one. Offer Ank a fight when they know he won't take it for religious beliefs and then blue ball him after that. I'm sure Alex has nothing to do with this other than accepting a contract when given to him. Wish dana would do this shit to Islam and the other khabibbers.
No he wont.

The reason he's doing it to anakalev is because Poatan is his cash cow right now. For Ali abdel-Aziz his cash cow is Islam. Both fighters have been getting layups for match ups as of late it seems........ HMMMMMMMMMMMM

It's makes me do a big think. It's almost like it's mutually beneficial.

Memeber that time dana said No one would fight Leon so we couldn't put him on UFC 300 and they offered him 3 fights? Khamzat, belal, and Islam all refused to fight him. but obviously it was ramadan. It was just a cute way to create the narrative "Wow! leon is SO badass no one will fight him" LoL I offered to fight Thor Hulk and Iron man and they all turned down the fight. See how badass i am?
I wish we would have had the same energy from some of the posters, when Dustin got his last title shot.
Apparently there was no one else to fight and the champ wanted to fight and the ufc needed a main event. Could it be the same thing again?

I can't speak for whichever posters you have in mind, but there were a good few posters, me included, that said Dustin shouldn't get the shot and he didn't deserve it at all.
I just feel like that is the only fight to make and it’s the only fight that makes sense. Waiting a couple months is not going to derail Pereira’s career. Getting the fight that makes senses together should be priority in my opinion, not random title or vanity fights. You’re entitled to your opinion, but we’re just not going to agree on this.
Pereira the type of guy to fight in March AND 2-4 months later. He likes having his cake & eating it too. Let 'em eat cake