Actors who you can't believe don't have an Oscar

I agree with the chameleon comment but not the taking notice comment
I hear you, which is why I don't pretend the Academy awards their Oscars for merit, but rather politicking. The fact that he doesn't have an Oscar at the time of my writing this post should be enough proof that not enough people take notice of him. I'm not sure that can be argued.

As with your litany of roles, there are superior characters to the one's you cited. Sure.

Frank Booth is a better Norman Stansfield than Norman Stansfield, although honestly I prefer Stansfield because I don't really like BLUE VELVET. CHINATOWN's Noah Cross was the better corrupt powerlord with an obsession, better than the one in BOOK OF ELI. If you want a White guy in charge of Black guys? Frank White is superior to Drexel. If Frank White has too much screentime, I can narrow the "ethnic" cameo field down to Michael Parks as Esteban in KILL BILL 2 or Cliff Curtis as Smiley in TRAINING DAY or the list goes on. I'm sure you could come up with some better character of a similar vein if you thought about it enough. Or at least comparable.

I'm not saying Gary Oldman is not a good actor -- quite the opposite. But if this is a thread about why we can't believe some actors don't have Oscars yet? You can believe it with Gary Oldman.
I think Jim Carrey's best role was Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon. He was spot on.
I like to think Jude Law has made a nice career for himself essentially playing Eddie Furlong if Eddie Furlong was handsome.

I think Jim Carrey's best role was Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon. He was spot on.
Yeah, I'd have to say that's his best dramatic turn. I wish comedy would get more props.
Big Nog in The Expendables. Thought he was a shoe in for an Oscar.
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is really good filmmaking. But in my consideration, Ang Lee is part of that pantheon of directors whom do not have a single misstep. So there's that bias.

Once the search function is up and running again, I need to find that DIRECTOR'S THREAD....
Norton and DiCaprio from the current generation.

Peter O'Toole for all time. 8 Nominations for Best Actor. Zero wins.

Combination of having the misfortune of going up against some legendary performances (Peck in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' (though O'Toole should have won that year for 'Lawrence of Arabia'), Brando in 'The Godfather', De Niro in 'Raging Bull' and getting screwed two years in a row when the Academy decided to hand out the least deserved Best Actor Oscar ever to Cliff Robertson for unconvincingly playing a mentally handicapped guy and then to John Wayne the following year as a "You're John Wayne, you've been in 8 billion movies and have been part of the American culture but haven't won one yet. You don't deserve this but you're career is winding down. Here ya go. Sorry Peter."

Feel bad for that dude. The idea that Nicolas Cage, one of the worst actors of his generation, has one and Peter O'toole doesn't is just absurd.
He stood out in Leon, TTSS, Book of Eli, True Romance, Airforce One, The Fifth Element...

Oldman stood out like a motherfucker in Leon. I saw that film as a young kid then didn't see it again for about 8 years, but god-damn i remembered Stansfield. Great great villain.
I finally watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Gary Oldman was robbed because those fucks jerked each other off thinking that piece of shit silent movie was awesome.

It is kind of baffling that Oldman has never won an Oscar.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Leo The Professional
Airforce One

Edward Norton is another guy that is surprising.

Primal Fear
American History X
Fight Club
25th Hour
Death to Smoochy

gary oldman is by FAR, my favorite actor. dude is a straight up chameleon. i mean, hes played a friggin MIDGET for cryin out loud!
For this tour deforce:


I don't think so, Tim.

Yeah I always thought thought he was an over actor.
Tom Berenger hasn't been a consistently great actor, but he absolutely killed it in Platoon it was a robbery he didn't get the Oscar for best supporting actor.

Politics is the basis for the Academy Awards. As a result, it's pretty much bullshit and a sham.

Academy Awards Criticism

Nominational System

Don't get me started on this topic. -but the criticism that these awards are covertly and indirectly bought by the interests that benefit from them is often valid -this goes for most of these types of entertainment awards.

You are more likely to win the award because of what production company/vertical distibution that you are associated with or are signed on with in the next year projects as much as your performance or merit. It's all about leveraging exposure and thats why these events exist in their current magnitude.

Occassionally someone gets a bone for a body of work or political correctness but on the whole these awards exist to as a promotional tool for a bottom line industry.
Don't get me started on this topic. -but the criticism that these awards are covertly and indirectly bought by the interests that benefit from them is often valid -this goes for most of these types of entertainment awards.

You are more likely to win the award because of what production company/vertical distibution that you are associated with or are signed on with in the next year projects as much as your performance or merit. It's all about leveraging exposure and thats why these events exist in their current magnitude.

Occassionally someone gets a bone for a body of work or political correctness but on the whole these awards exist to as a promotional tool for a bottom line industry.

You say "don't get me started..." yet you already started yourself on it and write several tiny paragraphs, haha.

The Academy Awards is a joke because of how politics are at its core and source of functioning.