Actors who you can't believe don't have an Oscar


Putin Belt
Apr 9, 2012
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I finally watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Gary Oldman was robbed because those fucks jerked each other off thinking that piece of shit silent movie was awesome.

It is kind of baffling that Oldman has never won an Oscar.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Leo The Professional
Airforce One

Edward Norton is another guy that is surprising.

Primal Fear
American History X
Fight Club
25th Hour
Death to Smoochy
Ed Norton needs to do more movies. He is one of the best of my lifetime. He is definitely oscar worthy imo.
Has Leo ever won one? I don't think so. Hell, he might be the actor of our generation.
DiCaprio was stiffed. Not counting actors.

Thomas Newman
Roger Deakins

Two men who have more than earned their stripes. The oscars are, and always have been bullshit. Pure politics.

Dude's the greatest action hero of all time, he deserves an Oscar stating such.
TTSS was an awesome movie. That shit totally delivered.

I need to see Rounders

Edit: and what "silent movie"?
Mickey Rourke should have won the oscar for the wrestler.

That was one of the biggest hose jobs ever. But I was expecting it. Rourke had pissed off some people and once you knew Sean Penn was playing a queer you knew he was a shoe in.
I finally watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Gary Oldman was robbed because those fucks jerked each other off thinking that piece of shit silent movie was awesome.

It is kind of baffling that Oldman has never won an Oscar.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight

Leo The Professional
Airforce One

Edward Norton is another guy that is surprising.

Primal Fear
American History X
Fight Club
25th Hour
Death to Smoochy

Who is Gary Oldman in the Batman movies?

Is he Comm Gordon?
The Oscars definitely seem to be all about politics and not the actual films. How long did it take before Martin Scorcese won an oscar ?
Hehe I watched Death to Smoochy a few days ago. Its pretty damn funny. THepart where Robin Williams spills hot coffee on his balls had me laughing for like 10 minutes.
Sir Ian McKellen(Gods & Monsters) got fucking hosed when they gave that dopey one trick Frenchman(life is beautiful) the nod
You should add "True Romance" to Oldman's resume. I've never seen "Sid & Nancy" but he's supposed to be really good in that too.
That was one of the biggest hose jobs ever. But I was expecting it. Rourke had pissed off some people and once you knew Sean Penn was playing a queer you knew he was a shoe in.

^^^ This post is pure gold! ^^^

Departed, Blood Diamond, Shutter Island, the Aviator, J. Edgar,