A refutation of Trump vs. the GOP

I remember when GW Bush was the evil incarnate racist, homophobe, Hitler, but then John McCain received that title, then Mitt Romney... somehow Trump became that guy too! How does that happen? lol

Trump actually embraced the title.
He lost a close election with everything stacked against him. That result is binary, but the conclusions we form from the result shouldn't be.

The moral victory progressives were looking for didn't happen.

People tend to forget the MSM, Hollywood, BLM, ANTIFA and I'm probably missing a few more all spending four years bitching, moaning and physically attacking people with different political opinions. Then you the suppose Russia rigging, Obama spying, it was a shit show tbh.

I seriously hope Republicans don't resort to the same tactic but I doubt it.
The thing that’s been on my mind is do voters even consider balance of powers when considering certain races. 2018 and 2020 make me feel like there might be something to that but it’s really hard to give any hard evidence to it. Like 2018 was originally going to be a bigger sweep for Dems in the Senate but then it narrowed either during the Kavanaugh hearings or impeachment talk. Now in 2020, you had very up hill battle for the GOP to retain seats and keep the senate with polls looking grim but they appeared to only lose two seats and it’s hard to not think that’s tied to the filibuster and court packing talks. Again, the races just may have narrowed as that got closer or the polling was just off but I really think the way Dems have run on Senate specific issues has been very very poor the past four years. I just don’t know if that matter to a voter or if it is just mostly localized and myself and others form a narrative for it.

It definitely factors in. Seems like most people I talked to who paid attention liked Kevin O'Connor well enough, were less than excited about 900 year public servant Ed Markey, but were afraid to put anymore Republicans in the Senate after the ACB fiasco so Markey got the vote by default.
With a 71% approval rating in Israel?



Good people...

Both sides...
I think that's a legitimate possibility if they can convince themselves that they can run a psycho figurehead but not catch any of the blowback at the Congressional level. I'd rather we don't do that but if this was a stress test, it's been informative.
I think the next republican presidential nominee might literally be an american pol pot. I mean what do scientists and doctors really know?
"Trump is too friendly with Israel!"
"Trump is literally Hitler!"
Pick one.

A snake will charm you... "Good people... Both Sides..."

How many Black people does Pres. Trump have in his cabinet?


So is he too friendly with Israel or literally Hitler?


The U.S. is an ally of Israel.

Pres. Trump tried to curry favor to win votes.
Nope. Trump was a one off, an anomaly. The Republicans hated him. Now its back to business as usual for Dems and Republicans.

Although, I do think some of Trumps humor and tactics with the public will have a lasting influence on both parties. But behind the scenes? Its all business.

That's really the sad part. Trump originally had the element of surprise. Now the establishment won't make the same mistake with another outsider.

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