Elections 111 Former Republican officials and members of congress endorse Kamala Harris and conclude Trump is "unfit to serve."

I wonder where their website links to...

Omg what a conspiracy!

You do know that the owner of a registered domain can have it forward anywhere they want, and there is almost nothing that can be done about it other than hardcoding the site to stop any forwarding coming from either a specific destination or everywhere, right?

Lol, of course you don't... you posted what you did thinking it meant something.
Who's in favor of single payer healthcare? Kamala Harris? Cause she said she's not.

Reproductive rights? Roe v Wade overturned under a dem president with a dem majority in congress.
You’re right about the health care. But what could congress or the president have done to overrule the supreme court?
Who's in favor of single payer healthcare? Kamala Harris? Cause she said she's not.

Reproductive rights? Roe v Wade overturned under a dem president with a dem majority in congress.
You’re right about the health care. But what could congress or the president have done to overrule the supreme court? We wouldn’t be in a conservative majority if the Mitch McConnell led republican senate didn’t refuse to vote on Obama’s SCOTUS nominee. Rationale; it was too close to the next election. Somehow, they got amnesia when Trump nominated wackjob ACB in an election year.

Yet another example of republicans hating the democratic process and not doing their job.
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Omg what a conspiracy!

You do know that the owner of a registered domain can have it forward anywhere they want, and there is almost nothing that can be done about it other than hardcoding the site to stop any forwarding coming from either a specific destination or everywhere, right?

Lol, of course you don't... you posted what you did thinking it meant something.

The implication here that antifa's website got hacked to troll the libtards like you.

But of course the point went completely over your head and you actually tried to insult my knowledge regarding the professional field I work in as if I don't know what a 301 redirect is lmao.

You guys never cease to amaze me it's hilarious.
You’re right about the health care. But what could congress or the president have done to overrule the supreme court? We wouldn’t be in a conservative majority if the Mitch McConnell led republican senate didn’t refuse to vote on Obama’s SCOTUS nominee. Rationale; it was too close to the next election. Somehow, they got amnesia when Trump nominated wackjob ACB in an election year.

Yet another example of republicans hating the democratic process and not doing their job.
The dems try to codify Roe v Wade protections. They could also fund programs for women to travel from states with restrictive rights to other states. But these would be blocked by other dems. And they will lose a fundraising opportunity.
The implication here that antifa's website got hacked to troll the libtards like you.

But of course the point went completely over your head and you actually tried to insult my knowledge regarding the professional field I work in as if I don't know what a 301 redirect is lmao.

You guys never cease to amaze me it's hilarious.
This wouldn't have anything to do with a site being hacked, it would mean their Domain host account was compromised (Registrar: Namecheap.com). If a "site was hacked", it would affect content of the site, not change the destination of a Domain, as a domain does not even require a site to be used.

But feel free to try again after furiously googling more terminology.
the comments on eating dogs & cat, and seeing Kamala released policies are their last straw
He is not a slave to the system because he is a slave to himself which makes him worse.

There is no one that he serves and no principle that he holds himself to. It has always ever only about Trump himself and that's the exact thing that makes him useless unqualified and dangerous.
I don't disagree with one thing you just said. But he is LESS dangerous than the airhead intent on making us socialist and opening the borders to whoever wants to come in. And he is MORE qualified and less useless than she is. I lived through 9/11. People have short term memories. I am living in NYC NOW....the things I have seen these last two years that MSM refuse to report is incredible. I was in Boston and Stamford CT this week. Same fucking thing. Nowhere near what these places were like even 2 years ago. I'll take an egomaniac that can at lease fix that problem over a phony that led us down this path to begin with. She has NO platform. No vision. No answer to the migrant gangs and criminals that are here besides making them citizens.
UAW did in fact endorse her.

Teamsters endorsed nobody.
Just like the Teamsters, the rank and file of the UAW support Trump.
I don't disagree with one thing you just said. But he is LESS dangerous than the airhead intent on making us socialist and opening the borders to whoever wants to come in. And he is MORE qualified and less useless than she is. I lived through 9/11. People have short term memories. I am living in NYC NOW....the things I have seen these last two years that MSM refuse to report is incredible. I was in Boston and Stamford CT this week. Same fucking thing. Nowhere near what these places were like even 2 years ago. I'll take an egomaniac that can at lease fix that problem over a phony that led us down this path to begin with. She has NO platform. No vision. No answer to the migrant gangs and criminals that are here besides making them citizens.
You've been listening to absolute propagandists. Kamala is a corporatist. She is certainly not a socialist. She is certainly not a communist. I'm a die hard Bernie supporter and I'm deeply disappointed in Kamala. She's not left enough for me man.... Not even close .. She also will do everything on the border the Republicans want her to do because it's a real problem and everyone can see it. She certainly can see it. It is a lie that she wants open borders and the truth is we would have already had this mostly solved if Trump hadn't blocked the bipartisan bill on the border which would have ended the emergency but he wanted to run on the border so he didn't let that bill go through.

Trump is in every single possible way of fireworks candidate and you put the whole country in peril in supporting him.

It seems that all the Republican elites have is fear to control people and I would imagine at some point you'd be tired of being manipulated, but it seems like you guys just keep falling for the same b*******.