PWD 1183: *Mudvayne Opens for Fall*

She should never have been broken into Our Business!
@RollSonnenRoll I had a spaz out moment myself, this morning
I tapped on my Google Wallet, I dont even know why, and when it opened it only had 2 tickets for the upcoming Bone Thugs 30th Anniversary Show in it, instead of the 5 that I had purchased
Im like "Hmm, thats weird" so I opened up the Ticketmaster app and it only had 2 tickets listed in my receipts, at that moment Im like "Ahhh, what the eff"
Im wondering if I got hacked and they stole my tickets so Im checking the transfers tab and theres nothing listed so Im having a mini 4 am freak out, I even hacked into my ex girls Ticketmaster account(she never changed her password) just to check if I didnt accidentally buy the other 3 tickets under her account cause I bought them on two separate days but they werent there either
So now Im preparing myself mentally for a nice long struggle with customer service but then I logged back in to my Ticketmaster account and the missing tickets magically reappeared so then i quickly transferred em to my Google Wallet

I just had to share that with you since I was giving you shit about your ticket debacle the other day LoL
@RollSonnenRoll I had a spaz out moment myself, this morning
I tapped on my Google Wallet, I dont even know why, and when it opened it only had 2 tickets for the upcoming Bone Thugs 30th Anniversary Show in it, instead of the 5 that I had purchased
Im like "Hmm, thats weird" so I opened up the Ticketmaster app and it only had 2 tickets listed in my receipts, at that moment Im like "Ahhh, what the eff"
Im wondering if I got hacked and they stole my tickets so Im checking the transfers tab and theres nothing listed so Im having a mini 4 am freak out, I even hacked into my ex girls Ticketmaster account(she never changed her password) just to check if I didnt accidentally buy the other 3 tickets under her account cause I bought them on two separate days but they werent there either
So now Im preparing myself mentally for a nice long struggle with customer service but then I logged back in to my Ticketmaster account and the missing tickets magically reappeared so then i quickly transferred em to my Google Wallet

I just had to share that with you since I was giving you shit about your ticket debacle the other day LoL
This would never be an issue with paper tickets as God intended!
And now that I think about, I think Shelley Winters dies in The Poseidon Adventure
And now that I think about, I think Shelley Winters dies in The Poseidon Adventure
The scene in the remake where they’re in the ventilation shaft that starts filling with water hit so many fears for me
Well, either way, they gave us one hell of a theme song for that particular seafaring adventure

@RollSonnenRoll you member that movie Ghost Ship, where everyone gets chopped in half by that wire in the beginning, that was wild
This is gonna be one of those days that's weirder than usual. This world seems more of a dream than normal. I'm just floating everywhere. This would actually be a neat life hack if I was a public speaker and could get into this zone before a speech.
This is gonna be one of those days that's weirder than usual. This world seems more of a dream than normal. I'm just floating everywhere. This would actually be a neat life hack if I was a public speaker and could get into this zone before a speech.

I get such a charge from public speaking. It was apart of my minor, I must've done 100 speeches in college from class rooms to auditoriums. I wish I could find a way to make a living off of it. I find it absoutley terrifying and it's such a nerve-wracking adrenaline rush every single time I do it but the come down afterward is euphoric. Your energy would be perfect for it.
I get into it even if it's just a small staff meeting before an event<lmao>

The scene in the remake where they’re in the ventilation shaft that starts filling with water hit so many fears for me

Mrs Excelsior wants me to take her on a cruise. She doesn't understand the impact movies like that had on me!