Why do we allow primitive tribes to still exist ?

Let's a trip back through history, who accomplished the most for Earth so far. It was those old fogies back then that got the engine running. We have stopped the engine and it's about to explode. :icon_lol: Our gen is the instant replay, update with a new paint job and call it hi tech. I mean maybe there is a certain balance that needs to be achieved. All those big cities are not well thought out in terms of design, safety, ability to house all the inhabitants as well as some people that choose to live a life in nature. They can update a few things but first you have to control births in order to maximize the potential of any populace. Look at the Mayans, Romans, guys like Tesla who have a bit of old and new to accomplish a perfect balance. our gen is pure garbage compared to there contributions because we are living off there ideas instead of expanding and evolving into a better thinking populace.
Catholic church did prevented the conquest of mexico and latin america to becoming far more brutal than it could had been.

Conversion and legal status as subjects of the king, along with encouragement of intermixing prevented the more encroach, kill and rout approach seen on english colonization.

Disease was going to kill most of the people of America, regardless of peace. Old world diseases killed like 75% of the population.

I'm not sure what your point is in relation to the post of mine that you responded to
Less war, less violent crime, less poverty, less disease, the almost entire eradication of slavery, less persecution based on race, religion or sexuality. Widespread literacy and freedom of speech, more opportunities for women, a colossal amount of information available for next to nothing.

Even if you live in the shittiest of shitholes, then 2014 is at least no worse than any other time in history. For most of us, the modern world is a marked improvement over what has gone before.

If you're interested, check out the book 'Better Angels of Our Nature' by Steven Pinker. It's about how violence has decreased spectacularly over time. I can't lie and say it's an entertaining read (Pinker's style is not exactly riveting), but overall it is fascinating.
More divorce, suicide, addiction, (show me the stats on less violent crime, I live in a HOA and got a drive by having 9 shots unloaded into the house), more exploitation of the masses, bigger rift between the haves and have nots, less ozone, destroying species, loss of the nuclear family, mass killings, serial killers, genocides, etc.
More divorce, suicide, addiction, (show me the stats on less violent crime, I live in a HOA and got a drive by having 9 shots unloaded into the house), more exploitation of the masses, bigger rift between the haves and have nots, less ozone, destroying species, loss of the nuclear family, mass killings, serial killers, genocides, etc.

Because clearly your anecdotal evidence trumps the data:


Source: UC Berkley


From a study by Manuel Eisner from Cambridge University.

Pretty much everything you mentioned has been an issue for a while now other than the ozone issue and the "loss of the nuclear family."
More divorce,
I don't see this as a universal negative.
suicide, addiction,
I don't have figures for these, but do you really believe mental health treatments are inferior now, and public opinion less supportive than in the past? As for addiction, in the 19th century you used to be able to buy cocaine, opium and heroin over the counter.
(show me the stats on less violent crime, I live in a HOA and got a drive by having 9 shots unloaded into the house),
The book I mentioned has more stats on that than you could ever wish for. Here is a PDF version.
more exploitation of the masses,
Slavery, workhouses, indentured servitude, serfdom, complete lack of workers rights, no collective bargaining, no minium wage, near universal child labour, mass taxation without benefit...
bigger rift between the haves and have nots,
For recent history, I agree, over the whole span of history? I doubt it.
less ozone,
Last I read the ozone layer was repairing itself following the restrictions on CFCs.
destroying species,
Not a new problem, albeit one that has increased (the idea of pre-civilised, tribal people living in harmony with nature is just an offshoot of the noble savage myth). Conversely, animals now have legal protection, with a great deal of effort being put into the preserving of species, a idea which would have seemed ridiculous throughout much of human history.
loss of the nuclear family,
Even if this were true, I'd say it was worth loosing fro the other benefits modernity has brought.
mass killings, serial killers, genocides, etc.
These are not new, and have also decreased. Again, I refer you to the above book.
What about children born into these tribes not having access to education and the ability to decide if they want to stay within their culture. It's a question of educational empowerment and whether tribes restrict it, imo

Children of that tribe would be raised as children of that tribe and give zero shits or fucks about this magical empowerment you speak of. Do you want someone taking your children because they feel you're not 'educated' enough to raise them?

So-called modern education and society isn't what it's cracked up to be. Modern society is full of people that think they know better, but even they can't agree on what that 'better' is.

You're not a better person because you can quote some facts or make more money or are more 'educated' by your standards.

I don't think these tribes care about going to ivy league schools, owning real estate or having a 401k.
Take the kids away for their benefit, hey, just like the Canadians did for the First Nations. Worked well for them, right?
we should issue all the Amish people Iphones. after all, they would be so much better off if they could just text
Oh yeah, because converting people to Western culture and white/European cultural superiority are huge among liberals.

Holy shit. This post and the premise of this thread is idiotic and racist even for WR standards.

:rolleyes: The hijab comment was a joke, I'll make it more obvious next time for retards like yourself.
Take the kids away for their benefit, hey, just like the Canadians did for the First Nations. Worked well for them, right?

The Aussies did something similar, trying to breed the blackness out of the Aborigines by taking them away from their families and putting them with whites. Officially that ended in 1969, but the Victorian government continued until at least 1976.
Remember when people just minded their own business? Sheesh!
Why the hell we should interfiered with their life?
I think we should give them alcohol and cigarettes
I'll bet you those savages don't even have universal healthcare. The lack of access to free abortions for the women makes this a women's rights issue. I think we need to invade.
That sounds like a pretty good idea for a reality TV show.

Send 1000 Humanities professors and graduates to the island and see if they can educate the 200 Sentinelese tribesmen about humans rights, the rule of law, modern enlightenment and the moral arguments against murder, before they are killed and their heads put on stakes on the beach to warn off other invaders.

Joe Rogan presents: 1000 vs. 200. Brains vs. Brawn. Social Science vs. Anti-Social Sentinels. One Thousand Men enter...
I'll bet you those savages don't even have universal healthcare. The lack of access to free abortions for the women makes this a women's rights issue. I think we need to invade.

It's time for a pride parade to be marching through their island