Taking Your LGBT Child To Their First Pride


“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
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Pedophilia is next frontier in 'social justice' and 'life style choices' that we will be told we must accept. Now for those who think I'm going over the top, I would have dismissed this myself up until recently but now the agenda is obvious, these people want to sink us to the lowest depths possible.

Dude I used to laugh at conservatives when they would say shit like this. But it's true, the agenda is definitely leading to pedophilia being normalized. Look, I have no problem with gays getting married. It's not my business, I never opposed it. My only problem with gay marriage is that in hindsight, it was a trojan horse for a powerful and sick political lobby.

I know exactly how they're gonna roll it all out. The left wing media outlet Salon has already been laying the groundwork for normalizing pedophilia. But it will really ramp up when they introduce some Newspeak. Rather than being an issue of pedophiles and victims, it will be about "sex-positive kids". It will probably be something more creative than that, but that's all I can come up with for now. But who are any of us to pass judgement on sex-positive kids and try to inhibit them on their journey? Let them experiment.

They will present stats showing how victims of pedophilia have higher rates of suicide, criminality, drug addiction, mental health issues etc and they will twist it to say that these negative results are because of "discrimination against sex-positive children in an age-normative society". They will point out examples of pederasty and pedophilia in cultures throughout history, especially in indigenous cultures like the Sambia tribe of Papua New Guinea. "It's only in colonialist, heteronormative, cis-premacist, Euro-centric cultures that sex-positive children have been seen as something negative." Etc. There is no doubt in my mind that this is where they're going. After all, if a 10 year old can be mature enough to decide that they know enough about themselves that they can consent to taking drugs to suppress their puberty, why can't they be mature enough to make the decision to have sex with someone? If a 6 year old is mature enough to know that they are born in the wrong body, who are you to say that they can't consent to a little sexual contact with an adult that they choose? Hey, I'm not saying give it to them as soon as they ask for it, only in a case where the child is "consistent, insistent and persistent". Right? Sick motherfuckers.
LOL, so many conservative snowflakes in this subforum. I love it. Certain Pride parades can be a tad explicit in nature (at parts). Guess what, you're a parent: maybe vet it a bit and see if it's something that is family friends. Certainly many parts of it are. Also, there's a real fear of genitals by a lot of you which is pure hilarity. Cocks and balls just walking on by can't hurt your kids. Neither can musty snatch. Kids don't give a shit about that. You know what kids like at parades? Happy people being happy and being super friendly in a gathering celebrating love and respect. Your kid ain't gonna get any more/less gay because of a Pride parade, but I bet they'll get a kick out of all the colors, music, community, and celebration..... cuz kids know fun when they see it.

I mean, I'm liberal as fuck. So now I'm not supposed to take my kid to a gathering of bikers or cowboys? Fuck off with that. They get to see guns and tattoos and hear loud engines, horses and shit. Might even get to taste a beer. Who knows. Wait, did I just turn my kid hella straight and conservative? Oh NOOOOOOO!!!
LOL, so many conservative snowflakes in this subforum. I love it. Certain Pride parades can be a tad explicit in nature (at parts). Guess what, you're a parent: maybe vet it a bit and see if it's something that is family friends. Certainly many parts of it are. Also, there's a real fear of genitals by a lot of you which is pure hilarity. Cocks and balls just walking on by can't hurt your kids. Neither can musty snatch. Kids don't give a shit about that. You know what kids like at parades? Happy people being happy and being super friendly in a gathering celebrating love and respect. Your kid ain't gonna get any more/less gay because of a Pride parade, but I bet they'll get a kick out of all the colors, music, community, and celebration..... cuz kids know fun when they see it.

I mean, I'm liberal as fuck. So now I'm not supposed to take my kid to a gathering of bikers or cowboys? Fuck off with that. They get to see guns and tattoos and hear loud engines, horses and shit. Might even get to taste a beer. Who knows. Wait, did I just turn my kid hella straight and conservative? Oh NOOOOOOO!!!
Here's my thing though, the whole "4 year old knowing they're non-binary shtick"... man, when I was 4 I wanted to be a fucking dog when I grew up and only just stopped shitting my pants like 2 years prior.
If my parents took all the dumb shit I said as a 4 year old seriously, I would be some kinda fucked up
Here's my thing though, the whole "4 year old knowing they're non-binary shtick"... man, when I was 4 I wanted to be a fucking dog when I grew up and only just stopped shitting my pants like 2 years prior.

I hear you, but to be honest I think it's much more an introduction to a whole new portion of society on face value... much less a in-depth cognition test of spectrum (if that makes sense). Kids are curious around that age and there's a lot of "what's that? why's that? who is that? what does that do?" etc...

One of my favorite moments was watching my 5yr old nephew see one girl kiss another at a pride parade. He immediately recoiled and said "Ewwww! Why she do that". I did the most basic explanation of "Well they are girlfriends, and girls kiss just like mommy and daddy do". He was pretty straight-up and said ".... Girls are gross". Now some would say "oh no, now he's gay"... but he was having the very normal reaction of girls are icky and why would anyone want to kiss one, lol.

But in that interaction he has the paradigm shift of girls and boys can kiss girls or boys. To what he wants to do himself, that's up to him when he's older. Although given his constant shyness and blushing around girls, I'm going to assume he's a cis-fellow.
I hear you, but to be honest I think it's much more an introduction to a whole new portion of society on face value... much less a in-depth cognition test of spectrum (if that makes sense). Kids are curious around that age and there's a lot of "what's that? why's that? who is that? what does that do?" etc...

One of my favorite moments was watching my 5yr old nephew see one girl kiss another at a pride parade. He immediately recoiled and said "Ewwww! Why she do that". I did the most basic explanation of "Well they are girlfriends, and girls kiss just like mommy and daddy do". He was pretty straight-up and said ".... Girls are gross". Now some would say "oh no, now he's gay"... but he was having the very normal reaction of girls are icky and why would anyone want to kiss one, lol.

But in that interaction he has the paradigm shift of girls and boys can kiss girls or boys. To what he wants to do himself, that's up to him when he's older. Although given his constant shyness and blushing around girls, I'm going to assume he's a cis-fellow.
See, I get your argument but for a kid that is 4 to do the "I'm non-binary and flowing in terms of gender" when they can barely announce they want a cheeseburger with their Happy Meal....

Like, you can say what you want about Adam Calhoun but his reaction to the "I identify as something other than boy or girl" of "well I'm Chuck Norris and I can shoot rockets out of my ass" is just as ridiculous in my brain as the "I'm not a boy or a girl"

Sorry, I support people that feel they were born in the wrong body but to have those people do the "I want to be called Xur"
"so, you want to be called a character from Destiny?"
"NO, that's my gender"
"SSSSOOOO, you're a faceless version of the Resident Evil 4 merchant?"
Most of those kids get so much praise and attention for "coming out" that most don't even feel that way, they just do it because of how they're encouraged. It's disgusting.

like that kid who was scared to come out as straight because his mom was clearly proud of her LGBTBBQ son and was flaunting him like a fashion accessory for progressive points



What is this, I don't even...
Nothing new to see here. Just another cultural Marxist's pride parade.

I'm sure after the One World Government takes over and they use chemicals in apple juice to turn the kids gay, that's what will happen.... our schools will start teaching anal sex, bondage, and role play in some Communist dystopia where capitalism and Christians have all been wiped out via eugenics.

or..... everything will be fine and people like you are just retarded.

One world government? Oh God, what happens then, the seven bowls? pffffffft
Increasingly now, I’m asked to work with GSAs in middle schools and primary schools. I work with nine-year-olds who come out as gay, lesbian and bi, 12-year-olds who want their identities as pansexual respected and four-year-olds who are clear the gender binary is not for them.
If you're the parent of a young LGBTT2IQQA person (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, two-spirited, intersex, queer, questioning, asexual) who is thinking about coming to Pride for their first time, here are a few things to keep in mind when you attend the festival.
This is the kind of degenerate filth these people are peddling.

WARNING - this video will likely make you physically sick.

Now this isn't just a little boy being told that he thinks he's a girls by exploitative 'progressive' adults. It is much more disturbing and sickening than that. This is a little boy being dressed up like a whore, in a manner that is obviously designed to be sexually provocative, while adults, including his own parents, lech over him. This boy needs to put into counseling and the adults in his life thrown in jail, this child is clearly a victim of abuse.

Pedophilia is next frontier in 'social justice' and 'life style choices' that we will be told we must accept. Now for those who think I'm going over the top, I would have dismissed this myself up until recently but now the agenda is obvious, these people want to sink us to the lowest depths possible.

Come on leftist progressives lets hear your defense of this and how close minded the rest of are. It's where all this stuff is going, you're part of train so man up. Or Susan up or whatever.
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LOL, so many conservative snowflakes in this subforum. I love it. Certain Pride parades can be a tad explicit in nature (at parts). Guess what, you're a parent: maybe vet it a bit and see if it's something that is family friends. Certainly many parts of it are. Also, there's a real fear of genitals by a lot of you which is pure hilarity. Cocks and balls just walking on by can't hurt your kids. Neither can musty snatch. Kids don't give a shit about that. You know what kids like at parades? Happy people being happy and being super friendly in a gathering celebrating love and respect. Your kid ain't gonna get any more/less gay because of a Pride parade, but I bet they'll get a kick out of all the colors, music, community, and celebration..... cuz kids know fun when they see it.

I mean, I'm liberal as fuck. So now I'm not supposed to take my kid to a gathering of bikers or cowboys? Fuck off with that. They get to see guns and tattoos and hear loud engines, horses and shit. Might even get to taste a beer. Who knows. Wait, did I just turn my kid hella straight and conservative? Oh NOOOOOOO!!!


Rolf harris approves. Just cocks and balls walking by, no harm in that.

No sane woman is going to take her children to a pride event. This is for the nutters.

Rolf harris approves. Just cocks and balls walking by, no harm in that.

No sane woman is going to take her children to a pride event. This is for the nutters.

Stop being afraid of non-sexualized bodyparts, you goblin. What do you do, walk around doing the shame march every time your kid is naked? Kids don't give a damn about genitals unless you turn it into a thing. Be careful of projecting that shame on children.
Stop being afraid of non-sexualized bodyparts, you goblin. What do you do, walk around doing the shame march every time your kid is naked? Kids don't give a damn about genitals unless you turn it into a thing. Be careful of projecting that shame on children.

No your missing the point.

These events are not kid friendly, even the gay bloke said so.

Its not even about the genitals. How many children entertainers, so called sports coaches, catholic priests and scout leaders have all had alterior motives.

And the new thing is taking kids to gay pride events where cocks and balls are just walking on by.....

I guess the pedo gangs need a new hangout. The young lad quoted earlier can be the new bachi boy....thats is the whole point anyway.
No your missing the point.

These events are not kid friendly, even the gay bloke said so.

Its not even about the genitals. How many children entertainers, so called sports coaches, catholic priests and scout leaders have all had alterior motives.

And the new thing is taking kids to gay pride events where cocks and balls are just walking on by.....

I guess the pedo gangs need a new hangout. The young lad quoted earlier can be the new bachi boy....thats is the whole point anyway.

I don't condone crazies on either side, and I'd hope we all generally just say "Oh, that's a crazy person. Uninterested". My post was on whether kids can be at a Pride Parade (as noted in the first sentence) in discussion throughout the thread.... and generally ignored the bafoonery of the leftist extremists. To be fair, though... I find them no less obnoxious or dangerous than born-again christians promoting their kids intense love of a zombie from an old book.

But I digress. Pride is fun. Be a good parent who knows what you're getting into. Nudity isn't scary or shameful to children until you make it so. You'll find as many pedos in a church as you will in a group gays. It's a tumor that crosses all political boundaries.
You can encourage your young people to look away from anything they don’t want to see

How about the entire thing?

After you take your kid to a gay pride parade, maybe you can follow with the gay sloth parade, the gay wrath parade, gay gluttony parade, gay envy parade, gay greed parade, and gay lust parade. Why stop at just one of the deadly sins when you can expose your young child to the depravity of all 7 while you scope out men in rainbow thongs and feather boas?

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