Taking Your LGBT Child To Their First Pride

I think the pendulum is swinging back to more conservative and traditional values.

We've had 8 years of liberal lunacy running it's course. Thank God it's meeting some resistance now.


I had my slogans prepared and everything.

"We're straight! Don't hate! Now let's all masturbate!"

Damn those traditional conservative family values.
Seeing as I object to taking young children to church, I have to consider this stupid as well. 9 year-olds don't know what they are, let them figure things out on their own without solidifying a lifestyle choice.

That said, this article is basically useless, I'm pretty sure the cases mentioned are extreme outliers. Gotta have that #content though, amirite?
LOL, so many conservative snowflakes in this subforum. I love it. Certain Pride parades can be a tad explicit in nature (at parts). Guess what, you're a parent: maybe vet it a bit and see if it's something that is family friends. Certainly many parts of it are. Also, there's a real fear of genitals by a lot of you which is pure hilarity. Cocks and balls just walking on by can't hurt your kids. Neither can musty snatch. Kids don't give a shit about that. You know what kids like at parades? Happy people being happy and being super friendly in a gathering celebrating love and respect. Your kid ain't gonna get any more/less gay because of a Pride parade, but I bet they'll get a kick out of all the colors, music, community, and celebration..... cuz kids know fun when they see it.

I mean, I'm liberal as fuck. So now I'm not supposed to take my kid to a gathering of bikers or cowboys? Fuck off with that. They get to see guns and tattoos and hear loud engines, horses and shit. Might even get to taste a beer. Who knows. Wait, did I just turn my kid hella straight and conservative? Oh NOOOOOOO!!!

How to explain gay to kids
Some women like women and some guys like guys

Questions you might hear if you take hem to a pride parade

Why is the large hairy guy wearing leather and eating that guys asshole

Is Dorothy supposed to be a big fat guy

Are those women or lumberjacks

How to explain
Some people are fucking stupid
Got same amount of likes as you did snowflake...

Also, are you a 12 year old girl? Judging value by the amount of "likes" something gets? Sure as hell act like one

Lol. I bet you were so excited posting that picture you actually thought people were going to laugh and give you all sorts of thumbs up. Poor kid. Must've ruined your day.

And lol at snowflake. I always chuckle when liberals try to take insults directed at them and try to use it on other people. Not surprising considering liberals are very boring and unoriginal.
Lol. I bet you were so excited posting that picture you actually thought people were going to laugh and give you all sorts of thumbs up. Poor kid. Must've ruined your day.

And lol at snowflake. I always chuckle when liberals try to take insults directed at them and try to use it on other people. Not surprising considering liberals are very boring and unoriginal.

You sound like someone who doesn't get to interact with humans other than from behind a jizz-stained keyboard. I pity you and your parents (especially your father)

Dont waste anymore of my time with your autistic whinging
Quite possibly something along the lines of Brave New World if things keep going in the direction they are heading, where sexual conditioning in the education system is used by the elites to ensure there is no marriage or even discrimination when it comes to who you have sex with. 'Everyone belongs to everyone'

This LGBT mass promotion is coming from the elites already, so it is not out of the question that they would continue to push to a further end game.

I don't like how right you are. I want you to be completely over the top and wrong.
LOL, so many conservative snowflakes in this subforum. I love it. Certain Pride parades can be a tad explicit in nature (at parts). Guess what, you're a parent: maybe vet it a bit and see if it's something that is family friends. Certainly many parts of it are. Also, there's a real fear of genitals by a lot of you which is pure hilarity. Cocks and balls just walking on by can't hurt your kids. Neither can musty snatch. Kids don't give a shit about that. You know what kids like at parades? Happy people being happy and being super friendly in a gathering celebrating love and respect. Your kid ain't gonna get any more/less gay because of a Pride parade, but I bet they'll get a kick out of all the colors, music, community, and celebration..... cuz kids know fun when they see it.

I mean, I'm liberal as fuck. So now I'm not supposed to take my kid to a gathering of bikers or cowboys? Fuck off with that. They get to see guns and tattoos and hear loud engines, horses and shit. Might even get to taste a beer. Who knows. Wait, did I just turn my kid hella straight and conservative? Oh NOOOOOOO!!!

You are lost. I voted for Obama twice. If you think only political affiliation can make you against some of this crap, well, your brain is shut off by the partisan noise that was made with the intention of shutting off people's brains. People in the right have this problem as well.

The money wants you to think ONLY two sided people.. The money can control each side. Do you see the problem? This issue should have NOTHING to do with who you vote for.. It's mental illness to think that way.
This is the kind of degenerate filth these people are peddling.

WARNING - this video will likely make you physically sick.

Now this isn't just a little boy being told that he thinks he's a girls by exploitative 'progressive' adults. It is much more disturbing and sickening than that. This is a little boy being dressed up like a whore, in a manner that is obviously designed to be sexually provocative, while adults, including his own parents, lech over him. This boy needs to put into counseling and the adults in his life thrown in jail, this child is clearly a victim of abuse.

Pedophilia is next frontier in 'social justice' and 'life style choices' that we will be told we must accept. Now for those who think I'm going over the top, I would have dismissed this myself up until recently but now the agenda is obvious, these people want to sink us to the lowest depths possible.

All of the "socially progressive" liberal friends you have on facebook will be pushing "consensual pedophilia" within ten years.
Dude I used to laugh at conservatives when they would say shit like this. But it's true, the agenda is definitely leading to pedophilia being normalized. Look, I have no problem with gays getting married. It's not my business, I never opposed it. My only problem with gay marriage is that in hindsight, it was a trojan horse for a powerful and sick political lobby.

I know exactly how they're gonna roll it all out. The left wing media outlet Salon has already been laying the groundwork for normalizing pedophilia. But it will really ramp up when they introduce some Newspeak. Rather than being an issue of pedophiles and victims, it will be about "sex-positive kids". It will probably be something more creative than that, but that's all I can come up with for now. But who are any of us to pass judgement on sex-positive kids and try to inhibit them on their journey? Let them experiment.

They will present stats showing how victims of pedophilia have higher rates of suicide, criminality, drug addiction, mental health issues etc and they will twist it to say that these negative results are because of "discrimination against sex-positive children in an age-normative society". They will point out examples of pederasty and pedophilia in cultures throughout history, especially in indigenous cultures like the Sambia tribe of Papua New Guinea. "It's only in colonialist, heteronormative, cis-premacist, Euro-centric cultures that sex-positive children have been seen as something negative." Etc. There is no doubt in my mind that this is where they're going. After all, if a 10 year old can be mature enough to decide that they know enough about themselves that they can consent to taking drugs to suppress their puberty, why can't they be mature enough to make the decision to have sex with someone? If a 6 year old is mature enough to know that they are born in the wrong body, who are you to say that they can't consent to a little sexual contact with an adult that they choose? Hey, I'm not saying give it to them as soon as they ask for it, only in a case where the child is "consistent, insistent and persistent". Right? Sick motherfuckers.

For pedophilia to be normalized, the crucial next step would be to normalize the idea of underage kids having sex with each other. We're already seeing kids being sexualized, so it's not that far-fetched to imagine that we tolerate children "experimenting" with each other. But that would need to be the next step, and one that can't be skipped.
For pedophilia to be normalized, the crucial next step would be to normalize the idea of underage kids having sex with each other. We're already seeing kids being sexualized, so it's not that far-fetched to imagine that we tolerate children "experimenting" with each other. But that would need to be the next step, and one that can't be skipped.

Unless they go off the deep end completely and turn age into an artificial social construct

But yeah, there would have to be a few stages left in order to get to pedo acceptance either way
If you wouldn't take you kid to a sex shop, PRIDE parade aren't much better
For pedophilia to be normalized, the crucial next step would be to normalize the idea of underage kids having sex with each other. We're already seeing kids being sexualized, so it's not that far-fetched to imagine that we tolerate children "experimenting" with each other. But that would need to be the next step, and one that can't be skipped.

I guess you're right, but I don't think it will be too hard for them to implement that step. But I really think that they're gonna play up the angle of pederasty in different cultures, and how our view of sexuality is skewed by colonialism and white supremacy. It seems like you can get "liberals" to go along with almost anything if you frame it that way. "If you don't think that bacha bazi is a valid expression of sexuality than you're just an Islamophobe".
I guess you're right, but I don't think it will be too hard for them to implement that step. But I really think that they're gonna play up the angle of pederasty in different cultures, and how our view of sexuality is skewed by colonialism and white supremacy. It seems like you can get "liberals" to go along with almost anything if you frame it that way. "If you don't think that bacha bazi is a valid expression of sexuality than you're just an Islamophobe".

I'm coming at this from the perspective that this progression happens naturally given the ideology that we're being told to accept, not so much that it's being engineered for the explicit purpose of having sex with kids. Either way you look at it, it's not a good direction.
I guess you're right, but I don't think it will be too hard for them to implement that step. But I really think that they're gonna play up the angle of pederasty in different cultures, and how our view of sexuality is skewed by colonialism and white supremacy. It seems like you can get "liberals" to go along with almost anything if you frame it that way. "If you don't think that bacha bazi is a valid expression of sexuality than you're just an Islamophobe".

That is their (cultural Marxists) standard recipe, but I think we are still a ways off. They would employ those methods you mentioned (as they employ them for everything else they do) but at this stage in the game I think it's still a tough sell.

Given time though, the techniques to normalize it are already established, so given enough financing I am sure they could do it.
I'm coming at this from the perspective that this progression happens naturally given the ideology that we're being told to accept, not so much that it's being engineered for the explicit purpose of having sex with kids. Either way you look at it, it's not a good direction.

It wouldn't be for the purpose of having sex with kids. Just like the normalization and promotion of LGBT isn't about LGBT. It's about social engineering, breaking down human relationships (the family primarily), and demoralization of society to serve the interests of the moneyed class that push this stuff.

The idea is to take a society, and invert its value structures (subversion). It makes it weak and easier to exploit.

This shit always reminds me of that quote from Taxi Driver

Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.
So what if it'll be the majority religion? That majority isn't in the West. It's mostly in the Middle East. Honestly, I wouldn't be too sad if all religions ate shit in the next few decades. Christianity sucks too.

Here's just the facts as I see them. Global trade and travel is the future of this world. If you're scared of diversity, you're simply in for a bad time. Any idea of a nationalistic isolation is only going to cause further harm to our progress and economic place in the world. America got fucking lazy and entitled after WW2 destroyed the rest of the world. Well now they've caught up and now they are out educating us and out producing us. So if you want to worry about some fucking Muslims, feel free. I'm worried about the fact that all our kids are fucking idiots who don't understand math and science. Our future as a nation depends on producing better technology than others. Besides all that, our country was literally founded on immigration. America is a melting pot nation, not a white nation. Whites tried to make it a white nation and it simply never was.

Before we argue, are you impaired in some way that's not Visually, Auditory, or Physically obvious....