Social MIT becomes first elite university to eliminate diversity statements

Is eliminating diversity requirements positive for education?

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I'm pretty sure there were good reasons for banning all those folks. I would say the same were I to join them some day. Until then, I will just suggest people remember that.
Also, just sayin, the swings in off topic posts ITT have been impressively wild.
He's a mod alt. Look at his behavior on the threads about cops getting killed. Only a mod could do that and not get banned or even carded.

Wonder why said mod doesn't have the balls to just say whatever instead of hiding behind an alt?
Since we want people brought back someone fetch princeofpain
princeofpain nominated me for poster of the year shortly before his extinction, which means he probably was blind drunk in his last months here.
Nah he left due to beimg wrong about russias military and got shit on bad

All of his pro-Chyna shit drove me nuts, in part because I liked and respected him so much. He's one of a small handful that I've ever had multi-paragraph back-and-forth convos with on here.
All of his pro-Chyna shit drove me nuts, in part because I liked and respected him so much. He's one of a small handful that I've ever had multi-paragraph back-and-forth convos with on here.

I always thought his political views were somewhat influenced by the fact hes from SA

Like china builds a lot of infrastructure in africa so from his position china might seem like good guy and that type of stuff

Not to mention he told me USA bringing their cultural stuff his country affected race relationships negatively there since africa is a whole different enviroment than usa

Interesting poster anyway, liked his africa stories and think he was only one here from that area
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Like I seem angry that I don't care as much as you do. And you're doubly angry that I don't care as much you want me to care.

Let me explain the difference between me and, apparently, you. I don't think this subject is particularly important so I don't pay attention to it. Why?

Because university hiring policies don't matter to me. Why not?

First, because I'm not trying to get a job at a university. Second, because hiring policies are always changing. Third, because how the university hires professors and staff doesn't change anything about what I have to do with my day or my life or even my child's life. Fourth, I went to college and grad school and the hiring policies of the universities never came up when I applied to schools, when I attended schools, or when I went looking for a job after graduation.

It doesn't matter so I don't pay attention to it.

Now, you might be an aspiring college professor and so it might matter to you. You might be a college professor recruiter so it might matter to you. But I'm pretty sure that for 90% of the population, how MIT hires professors doesn't matter one iota.

However, there is a subset of the population that cannot simply be aware of things, they must also be enraged by them so they are hyper-vigilant for information that gives them something to be enraged about. Either it runs afoul of their personal ethos or it doesn't support their personal ethos and, so to find some semblance of meaning in the news they mindless consume, they rage about these things that have no bearing on their lives. I can't join you in that.

If you think this is important, there's nothing wrong with that but it's a little silly to think that everyone cares to the same extent.

You make a fair point. I feel exactly the same way about Racism, Sexism etc: it doesm't have any direct impact on me, so I don't give a fuck.

The less things you care about, the easier life becomes. :)
There are ....thing where you will not like to experience with specialists hired cos quotas about diversity to do their job.
For example surgeon who will do your OP...or accountant / bookkeeper. You will beg for best quality you might get and will not look on gender, colour or religion etc thus specialist does have.
Especially if your life will be at risk not only wealth, like with surgeon or ppl working in ER in hospital. Or for your business in order to deal with revenue service....
I think that enrolling and hiring in some cases should be done only on real merit and tests basis.
He got slandered as a racist by a very partisan poster (some might say the most partisan poster on the site). He kept insulting the guy that slandered him and the leftist mods wound up giving him a yellow over it.
I find "racist" to be a very weak insult since it's been overused so much it's practically worthless. But i guess some people hate being called it. i think i know what mod you mean.

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