Social MIT becomes first elite university to eliminate diversity statements

Is eliminating diversity requirements positive for education?

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  • No

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Plus Dolph Lungren went there. GOAT school.

The appreciation and respect for MIT in here would seem to be damn near unanimous, a rare feat of collective agreement on this subforum. It has been a tremendous asset to the world, everybody wants to see it succeed and continue building on its legacy of pushing humanity forward. The open courseware that it makes available to the public free of charge is BOSS shit.
Stay bitter and sad. It will only get worse for you as all that you despise only becomes the norm.
Dude, you are the only one here coming across as bitter and sad. You have picked fights with multiple posters while throwing out petty insults about age and penis size. Intelligent and happy people don't act the way you're acting!
Edit: I must add I've turned the proportions around. Below, I'm talking about the percentage of people who are racist as you did earlier whereas my earlier reply was pointing to that 1 in 1000 instead. Just to clarify.

OK, taking into account the fudge factor in terms of likelihood that some will lie out of expectation they will be judged, and stating at the outset it depends a very great deal upon how you obtain the data, I'd say it's about the same as the MAGA cohort compared the the Republican Party as a whole plus a bit, so, 30-35 %, but that's a guess based upon experience. With the aforementioned fudge factor in play, it could be higher by as much as another 10 percent and I wouldn't be even a little bit surprised.

I don't make any claim to be 100% sure of this, mind you. This is my "best guess when put to the test" answer. I also wouldn't even a little bit surprised if the correct range lies around 20-25%.

You put a lot of though into that hah!
I always assume most people lie on some spectrum of the racist scale since I consider having race-related stereotypes as falling on the least racist side of the spectrum, which is something I think most people do at least on a subconscious level.
Dude, you are the only one here coming across as bitter and sad. You have picked fights with multiple posters while throwing out petty insults about age and penis size. Intelligent and happy people don't act the way you're acting!
Okay maggot :)
By the way, I find it kind of hilarious how no one up to now has pointed out how leading a question the OP/poll is. It's very disingenuous. That's why I will not vote in the poll. Just sayin'.
It's just a circle jerk of the usual simpletons. I have tried to have dialogue with a couple of posters before but they stop responding the second you show them data that goes against their already (mis)informed opinions.
You put a lot of though into that hah!
I always assume most people lie on some spectrum of the racist scale since I consider having race-related stereotypes as falling on the least racist side of the spectrum, which is something I think most people do at least on a subconscious level.
You didn't tell me what numbers you saw or how they compare with my guess.
These institutions are starting to feel the consequences of lowering standards to keep up public appearances. It's nothing to detrimental to any institution or company it hits.
Oh yes i totally believe that. You were not aware of woke trash at MIT.
You sound angry, lol. I don't follow this stuff with the same obsession as some of you. History -- I pay attention to. Law -- I pay attention to. Random changes in university hiring processes that don't affect me or anyone I know -- I don't pay attention to.

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