Your Paranormal/Ghost Experiences

Actually those dreams are the reason I'm so convinced of unseen spiritual beings. I really didn't give any of it too much thought until I had those dreams .

Even if you weren't religious before those dreams, I still imagine than you would have had knowledge of what they are. Were you religious at that time? Not that it really matters. I've had freaky dreams just like you mentioned, but they didn't really bother me.

I firmly believe 100% of unexplained occurrences are explainable by something other than ghosts/beings/demons. Every single person who thinks they saw something, has in fact not seen something supernatural.
I had a shadow person encounter a couple years ago. I get sleep paralysis from time to time. During this particular episode I sensed a presence near me (much like you would if someone were physically in your room with you while you were awake). For whatever reason, however, this presence exuded a malevolent vibe.

Unsettled by this, I was in a defensive state of mind when willing myself out of the episode; for all I knew, I was aroused by an actual burglar within my room. Therefore, immediately upon breaking free I turn my body toward the perceived threat. To my surprise, it's no burglar, but a towering blackness beside my bed, the outline of which is humanoid in shape.

Bugged out, I literally yelled, "WTF", while launching a two-footed kick which carried me out of my bed, through the 'shadow person', and into a standing position beside it. The form vanished as I did so. I stood there for roughly ten minutes pondering the strange sequence before getting back into my bed.


That little fella ^^^ is based on the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter.
Exorcisms came from an era where people didn't know what mental illness was. They blamed demons because they didn't understand brain chemistry.

This is actually a really good point. I never thought of it that way and it makes sense.

Back in the middle ages and even long before that, they used to execute a lot of people because of mental illnesses. They usually killed people that they thought were possessed, when in reality, they were born mentally/intellectually disabled. Just imagine how fucked up it was back then.

Think of this - say there's a guy who is perfectly normal, he doesn't have any issues or signs of mental/intellectual disability whatsoever. But one day he happens to fall down or get hit in the head very, very hard and it causes some serious brain trauma.

If that brain injury is so bad that it causes some mental/intellectual disability and he is deemed (by our standards).. 'special,' let's say.. do they execute him, too, because he's apparently possessed?

Those were some very scary times to live in.

I firmly believe 100% of unexplained occurrences are explainable by something other than ghosts/beings/demons. Every single person who thinks they saw something, has in fact not seen something supernatural.

This is a little long, but I'd like to see what your thoughts are.

While I already agree with you in the post about - did you read the OP?

I can understand your point of view and I'd be lying if I said I believed every single person who says they had a supernatural/paranormal experience some time in their life.

But, I want to see if you can explain what my experience was based on what I wrote in the OP. What happened was very, very real - and the thing that really confirms it for me is the fact that my brother was in the room at the time and saw it, too.

This next part is mostly about your belief in ghosts/spirits. It's the long part, but you can really just check the cliffs if you want to.

Some very, very strange things happen in this world that simply can't be explained. There are tons of things that science cannot explain and probably never will be able to explain, and the paranormal is actually one of them. There will never be a definitive answer when it comes to the paranormal/supernatural.

The only thing they know is that ghosts/spirits give off electromagnetic fields of energy.

They believe one of the main reasons why people see ghosts/spirits at Gettysburg so much is because of how many people have died there throughout history. There was the American Civil War, where there was 51,000 casualties (killed, wounded, captured and missing), and there was also battles there before the Civil War happened between rival Native American tribes.

There have been an unbelievable amount of deaths in Gettysburg. Anyway, they believe so many sightings happen because of the rocks. There are rocks that are capable of conducting electricity, and as I already stated, ghosts/spirits give off electromagnetic fields of energy and it's actually proven that they do.

Have you ever seen any of those silly ghost investigation shows? Well, they use a device that detects EMF's and random spikes of energy/electricity. It has actually been studied and actually has been proven by science that ghosts/spirits give off this kind of energy.

According to Einstein, we have electrical energy in our bodies. In Gettysburg, so many people died and all that energy has been conducted in the rocks and there are residual haunting's - which are basically just playbacks of what happened during the war.

It's hard to explain, and I know it sounds crazy, but you can look it up. I'm not saying all this shit is true or anything, but these are some of the actual scientific studies and such into the paranormal and ghosts/spirits. It's just that we give off electrical energy, it's naturally in our bodies, and ghosts/spirits use the same kind of energy to manifest themselves and become seen.

So, besides the fact that these rocks can absorb/conduct electricity and such, I can't really explain everything else.

Science isn't trying disprove the existence of ghosts/spirits - science is trying to find out why and how they exist. The thing about the rocks does make sense, IMO, because there are rocks and such (ones that contain certain metals, obviously) can conduct the electricity and it builds up and eventually the ghosts/spirits feed off that energy, giving them enough to appear.

It's very, very strange. I'm sure you won't agree with all the shit I just said, I'm not going to say it's all 100% fact except for the part that some rocks can conduct electricity, that shit is actually proven and we should all know that based on learning about conductors in school.

Sorry for the long ass message, just want to see what your thoughts are. I see you don't believe in ghosts/spirits, but this is the most.. let's say, un-retarded info you can find on it, lol. It's nothing like, "ghosts/spirits appear because God sent them here to watch over us!" or something, lol.


1. Ghosts/spirits apparently give off electrical energy.

2. Our bodies contain electrical energy.

3. There are rocks that are able to absorb/conduct this energy (we should all know this).

4. Ghosts/spirits also feed off the energy that is built up in certain areas and it causes them to be seen for brief periods of time.

5. Science isn't trying to disprove the existence of ghosts/spirits - they're trying to find out how and why they exist.

6. You probably think this is all bullshit.
Alright fellas, the book I bought, "dictionary of demons"', does name a "Shadow demon" or a demon that takes the form of shadows, (you can Google the book, it's like the first thing that pops up I got it off Amazon) and it says that you're not supposed to read the names of some of these demons (this one included) outloud, or even know what it is, especially if you've had an encounter with it. (I admit that sounds like b.s)

Now I don't believe in ghosts myself but, as Dan Akroyd says, "Go into a room with a hundred people. If their honest, the majority will report some kind of encounter they can't explain, or at least they know someone who something supernatural happened too"

Akroyd is a crack pot but he makes a good point. There's an abundance of anecdotal evidence and eye-witnesses experiences out there that point to *something*.

So I dunno. Want me to post the demons name or what?
Alright fellas, the book I bought, "dictionary of demons"', does name a "Shadow demon" or a demon that takes the form of shadows, (you can Google the book, it's like the first thing that pops up I got it off Amazon) and it says that you're not supposed to read the names of some of these demons (this one included) outloud, or even know what it is, especially if you've had an encounter with it. (I admit that sounds like b.s)

Now I don't believe in ghosts myself but, as Dan Akroyd says, "Go into a room with a hundred people. If their honest, the majority will report some kind of encounter they can't explain, or at least they know someone who something supernatural happened too"

Akroyd is a crack pot but he makes a good point. There's an abundance of anecdotal evidence and eye-witnesses experiences out there that point to *something*.

So I dunno. Want me to post the demons name or what?

Dude go for it. We got our jabs at the ready.
I know this was posted a while ago, but I feel like it's important to say something. The only reason you have those dreams is because you honestly believe in that shit. They aren't demons. They are scary things your brain has come up with that frighten you. You're gullible and religious, so your dreams are interpreted that way. For example, the dreams that stuck with me were all combat related. They really fucked me for days afterwards, but then I realized that's just the scariest thing for me. For you it's demons. It's just your brain scaring you.

And exorcisms aren't real. They are just a barbaric way of dealing with someone who has a mental illness. Literally zero people have ever been actually possessed by demons. Exorcisms came from an era where people didn't know what mental illness was. They blamed demons because they didn't understand brain chemistry.

Psychological problems are required to be screened for and ruled out by competent professional before the diocese will even begin to consider exorcism.

That little fella ^^^ is based on the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter.


Sableye is a stylization of the Hopkinsville Goblin, a creature from an alleged Kentucky "alien encounter" described as having shining eyes, small legs, clawed arms and swaying hips (a movement that Sableye imitates in the 3D Pok
C'mon, guys!

We need some more stories!!!
I had moved into an old early 1900s built house in Reno back in 03 or so. From the moment we walked into the place after getting the keys we knew there was something else in there. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON.EVER. to go into that house experienced something. Some of the more memorable events: it would walk back and forth for hours going from the bedroom to the back room. The house was somewhat shaped like a u. So it would be passing through the living room in front of the TV while it did this. Once me and the woman at the time were arguing in the living room when we heard glass shatter in our bedroom. It had taken a picture of us hanging on the wall and threw it about 4 feet to the ground. Once, me and a few gentlemen were in the living room watching TV while the women were away. The only way I can describe what happened is it seemed like a tiny portal opened up and emitted a sound from another dimension. Lasted maybe 2 seconds. You could exactly pin point were this "portal"opened to. It was about 5 feet off the ground and about 3 feet away from the TV. That's just a small amount of the shit we sealed with the year we lived there
I keep telling my girlfriend that our daughters potty chair is haunted. It starts singing the you went potty song at random times during the night when the door is closed and nobody is in the bath room
Well since you were 5 years old when you experience this, I have to question that you could not remember every detail, or maybe you were actually dreaming but thought it was real.

I mean kids have imaginary friends that don't really exist .

I wonder why I never seen a crazy entity.. I always make fun of the afterlife too lol.

Well, that doesn't really make much sense then because my brother saw it, too, lol. It's not like we both had the same dream and how does your baseball bat break while you're asleep beside it? It makes no sense. My dad remembers that night, too, I've talked to him about it many times.

Even though I was so young, I remember it so perfectly. It was the worst experience of my life, really, in terms of being scared of something. That's not really something you just forget.
Ive had a few...

About 6 years ago I lived in a house that was 100odd years old... often I would hear chairs scrapping across the floor like my house mate had made food and was sitting down to eat ( he kept weird hours and it wasnt uncommon for him to be eating at 3am)... so id come out from my room to sit and chat if I couldnt sleep... but he wasnt there... and aftet checking his room he wasnt even in the house. All the chairs were pulled out from the table anf I freaked out a little and went to bed.

Another time in the same house I was away with my house mate who was cornering me in a mma fight interstate.. our other house mate was at home. Anyway typically for fights youd fly out friday morning weigh in friday night.. fight sat night and come home Sunday to do molly and coke.... our third house mate knew the routine well... but rang me friday night asking if we were back early from the trip or if we didnt actualy go in the first place... he had been sitting in his room when he heard footsteps stomping down our halway.. we had wooden floor boards and unless you moon walked in socks... you couldnt move quietly on them... anyway he was trippn about this because he said he thought one of us walked up and back past his room and he came out to ask what was going on and no one was there lol...

another time.. in the same house I woke with someone yelling in my ear... like a deep angry yell. Sounded someone yelling "HEYYYY" like Anthony Hopkins in thor... like id done something wrong. It was gross and obvioisly no one was there but it fucked with me for a few days.

That fucken house.
This is actually a really good point. I never thought of it that way and it makes sense.

Back in the middle ages and even long before that, they used to execute a lot of people because of mental illnesses. They usually killed people that they thought were possessed, when in reality, they were born mentally/intellectually disabled. Just imagine how fucked up it was back then.

Think of this - say there's a guy who is perfectly normal, he doesn't have any issues or signs of mental/intellectual disability whatsoever. But one day he happens to fall down or get hit in the head very, very hard and it causes some serious brain trauma.

If that brain injury is so bad that it causes some mental/intellectual disability and he is deemed (by our standards).. 'special,' let's say.. do they execute him, too, because he's apparently possessed?

Those were some very scary times to live in.

This is a little long, but I'd like to see what your thoughts are.

While I already agree with you in the post about - did you read the OP?

I can understand your point of view and I'd be lying if I said I believed every single person who says they had a supernatural/paranormal experience some time in their life.

But, I want to see if you can explain what my experience was based on what I wrote in the OP. What happened was very, very real - and the thing that really confirms it for me is the fact that my brother was in the room at the time and saw it, too.

This next part is mostly about your belief in ghosts/spirits. It's the long part, but you can really just check the cliffs if you want to.

Some very, very strange things happen in this world that simply can't be explained. There are tons of things that science cannot explain and probably never will be able to explain, and the paranormal is actually one of them. There will never be a definitive answer when it comes to the paranormal/supernatural.

The only thing they know is that ghosts/spirits give off electromagnetic fields of energy.

They believe one of the main reasons why people see ghosts/spirits at Gettysburg so much is because of how many people have died there throughout history. There was the American Civil War, where there was 51,000 casualties (killed, wounded, captured and missing), and there was also battles there before the Civil War happened between rival Native American tribes.

There have been an unbelievable amount of deaths in Gettysburg. Anyway, they believe so many sightings happen because of the rocks. There are rocks that are capable of conducting electricity, and as I already stated, ghosts/spirits give off electromagnetic fields of energy and it's actually proven that they do.

Have you ever seen any of those silly ghost investigation shows? Well, they use a device that detects EMF's and random spikes of energy/electricity. It has actually been studied and actually has been proven by science that ghosts/spirits give off this kind of energy.

According to Einstein, we have electrical energy in our bodies. In Gettysburg, so many people died and all that energy has been conducted in the rocks and there are residual haunting's - which are basically just playbacks of what happened during the war.

It's hard to explain, and I know it sounds crazy, but you can look it up. I'm not saying all this shit is true or anything, but these are some of the actual scientific studies and such into the paranormal and ghosts/spirits. It's just that we give off electrical energy, it's naturally in our bodies, and ghosts/spirits use the same kind of energy to manifest themselves and become seen.

So, besides the fact that these rocks can absorb/conduct electricity and such, I can't really explain everything else.

Science isn't trying disprove the existence of ghosts/spirits - science is trying to find out why and how they exist. The thing about the rocks does make sense, IMO, because there are rocks and such (ones that contain certain metals, obviously) can conduct the electricity and it builds up and eventually the ghosts/spirits feed off that energy, giving them enough to appear.

It's very, very strange. I'm sure you won't agree with all the shit I just said, I'm not going to say it's all 100% fact except for the part that some rocks can conduct electricity, that shit is actually proven and we should all know that based on learning about conductors in school.

Sorry for the long ass message, just want to see what your thoughts are. I see you don't believe in ghosts/spirits, but this is the most.. let's say, un-retarded info you can find on it, lol. It's nothing like, "ghosts/spirits appear because God sent them here to watch over us!" or something, lol.


1. Ghosts/spirits apparently give off electrical energy.

2. Our bodies contain electrical energy.

3. There are rocks that are able to absorb/conduct this energy (we should all know this).

4. Ghosts/spirits also feed off the energy that is built up in certain areas and it causes them to be seen for brief periods of time.

5. Science isn't trying to disprove the existence of ghosts/spirits - they're trying to find out how and why they exist.

6. You probably think this is all bullshit.

It is all bullshit. First off, those shows are proven frauds. They make those incidents up. There's no scientific concensus that any energy readings come from supernatural phenomena. I don't even believe you can reliably show unnatural readings. Any energy we give off leaves when we stop digesting food for energy. All of those processes stop.

I read your story about seeing some shadow. Since I wasnt there I can't comment, but I absolutely think you're misinterpreting what you saw. If it didn't physically alter anything, it could easily have been an optical illusion.

I think every single person who has a story is full of shit, whether they do it intentionally or not. Not a single one has been replicated under controlled situations. As fun as ghost stories are, they simply aren't reasonable under objective scientific studies.

He's a crackpot? What makes you say that? I know trying to get a Ghostbusters sequel off the ground for 25 years is a little loopy, but on what else do you base that statement?

Oh, buddy, trust me. I'm a huge fan, even though I apparently can't spell his name. I'm a fan of his SNL days and everything else he's done. (Jane you ignorant slut = best single line in SNL history imo)
He believes aliens exist and "should be arrested for breaking the law." He said that shit on TV.

I will get the youtube links together and edit this post to include them, i'm on my cell so I can't open another tab atm. Gimmie a bit.

Dude go for it. We got our jabs at the ready.

I'm going to wait and make sure 209 is cool with it. I've seen him post on this forum a bunch and he's a good guy, he has a good mind for MMA analysis and is usually pretty even keeled and reasonable. I trust his story is true, at least, he is telling the truth as he remembers it, and I don't want to fuck around too much.
Psychological problems are required to be screened for and ruled out by competent professional before the diocese will even begin to consider exorcism.

Haha so because a doctor can't diagnose a mental illness that automatically means an exorcism is the answer? No. It just means you need another doctor to review it. I also highly doubt anyone looking to perform an exorcism is taking medical advice correctly or seeing competent professionals. There's not even any evidence to suggest exorcisms work, because they don't.

I have a stupid aunt who exorcized their sick daughter. She was a hardcore drug user and has mental issues. After taking her away and seperating her from that environment, she got better. Of course they thought it was their stupid exorcism, when in reality she needed a mental break from drug use.
Not my story but not sure where else put this:

A Haunted Doll That Apparently Tried To Murder Its Previous Owner Has Been Filmed Moving At Night


Around Halloween, I get in the spirit and really enjoy ghost stories, videos, horror movies, etc.. The YouTube ones are fun because their shitty quality lends them a weird authenticity that helps with the suspensions of disbelief and makes it more entertaining.

This video, and many like it, suffers from being very easy to reproduce by simply pulling an attached string. Objects moving on their own could be kinda creepy, but when they're being pulled in one direction like that, and always one direction, its just too obvious, too expected and not all that convincing even to a willing participant.
Haha so because a doctor can't diagnose a mental illness that automatically means an exorcism is the answer? No. It just means you need another doctor to review it. I also highly doubt anyone looking to perform an exorcism is taking medical advice correctly or seeing competent professionals. There's not even any evidence to suggest exorcisms work, because they don't.

I have a stupid aunt who exorcized their sick daughter. She was a hardcore drug user and has mental issues. After taking her away and seperating her from that environment, she got better. Of course they thought it was their stupid exorcism, when in reality she needed a mental break from drug use.

Laymen can't perform exorcisms.
I stopped watching after 30 seconds. That was all I needed.


... fuck.

Lol ahahhaha i'm chuckling good right now my man

Like.. yeah. He's Ray Stanz. He is his character from Ghostbusters, come to life.
Laymen can't perform exorcisms.

Qualified and peer reviewed medical professionals sure aren't performing exorcisms. I guarantee if you dig into any single case of exorcism, you will find flaws in their process, diagnosis, and treatment.
My family has had numerous members have at least one paranormal experience. Occasionally, it has to do with some kind of "presence" but, more often, it's some form of clairvoyance and knowing something that should be unknowable (often about someone's death.)

Most of us have college degrees and even the ones who did not go into science and engineering have interest in those fields and are well read on them. Contrary to common instinct, the flakier, dumber ones are the ones who haven't had anything of the sort happen to them and are even a bit jealous sometimes. I keep telling them that it isn't fucking Harry Potter and more like getting a few minutes worth of Flatliners or Stir of Echoes every few years.

As a result, I tend to be skeptical regarding individual accounts (especially depending on the individual) but I can't dismiss stories of phenomena out of hand.
Qualified and peer reviewed medical professionals sure aren't performing exorcisms. I guarantee if you dig into any single case of exorcism, you will find flaws in their process, diagnosis, and treatment.

That's an issue no amount of discussion will reconcile between yourself and myself, due to basis of belief. I was merely responding to your earlier claim about exorcisms and ignorance of mental illness.
Never had one, and there sure have been chances for them to happen. I haven't been that afraid of the dark since I was a kid, and my fears of it were more about the logical risks of it (tripping, falling or getting bitten by something) than seeing an entity.

However, I have friends and relatives that have had such experiences, and I trust them enough to believe they're not making stuff up, or trying to scare people. Curiously enough, a couple of their experiences happened around 3 am.
This is actually a really good point. I never thought of it that way and it makes sense.

Back in the middle ages and even long before that, they used to execute a lot of people because of mental illnesses. They usually killed people that they thought were possessed, when in reality, they were born mentally/intellectually disabled. Just imagine how fucked up it was back then.

No, they did not execute people for being possessed. Sounds like typical Medieval-bashing rhetoric with no factual basis to it.
I actually had a similar experience to that209 when I was a boy. I wrote about it in that old paranormal thread from the pictures forum a few years ago. Almost the same scenario, I was sleeping on the top bunk bed in the same room as my brother, but I was never touched by it or even scared. I woke up and could see someone looking at me from my feet where the bunk bed had the wooden frame, but I tried looking for details but could only see a deep shadow, when I looked away to grab the lamp on the nightstand the figure disappeared. I saw it again in broad daylight when I was playing in my front lawn, it slammed the gate on me and the way it was holding the gate reminded me of spiderman, then it moved impossibly fast down the side of my house and to the back of the house. I remember the way it moved as well, not like a person running but kind of herky jerky, like seeing someone move in a video with it sped up.
That's an issue no amount of discussion will reconcile between yourself and myself, due to basis of belief. I was merely responding to your earlier claim about exorcisms and ignorance of mental illness.

It absolutely could be reconciled by providing sufficient documentation of a successful exorcism. One that could be held up to scientific scrutiny. That's all I ask. They've been performed for a couple thousand years, by now there would be plenty of cases.

As I said earlier, exorcisms are just a barbaric leftover of our past. They come from an era that wasn't indulgent to scientific theory.
I actually had a similar experience to that209 when I was a boy. I wrote about it in that old paranormal thread from the pictures forum a few years ago. Almost the same scenario, I was sleeping on the top bunk bed in the same room as my brother, but I was never touched by it or even scared. I woke up and could see someone looking at me from my feet where the bunk bed had the wooden frame, but I tried looking for details but could only see a deep shadow, when I looked away to grab the lamp on the nightstand the figure disappeared. I saw it again in broad daylight when I was playing in my front lawn, it slammed the gate on me and the way it was holding the gate reminded me of spiderman, then it moved impossibly fast down the side of my house and to the back of the house. I remember the way it moved as well, not like a person running but kind of herky jerky, like seeing someone move in a video with it sped up.

That's actually really interesting to know someone had a very, very similar experience as me, right down to the bunk beds and everything, lol.

Anyway, I'm probably going to post my last little story thing - it's not really a weird, paranormal experience, but it's just something I found very strange and I guess really coincidental or whatever you want to call it.
now that i think about it, when i was young, like around seven or eight, i remember once when a plate mysteriously fell off the table, when it wasn't anywhere close to the edge, and a cup randomly falling over on it's own. and honestly, i haven't really remembered it until now. it doesn't even freak me out right now, because i never remember seeing any apparitions or anything of the sort. and when i saw the stuff as a kid, the idea of a ghost or spirit never entered my mind, since i was so young and i had never even heard of such a thing.

it could be that a lot of young kids experience these kinds of things, but can't make anything of it, since they've never even heard of the concept of ghosts/spirits.
heres Bukowski's first post on here.

click the red triangle next to his name to go to the thread.

Clicking the triangle does not take me to the thread unfortunately, says invalid link - any other link to this thread around?
Unfortunately i think its dead. Look in my made threads or type "paranormal shows equus" . Im on my mobile so the search doesnt work.
My paranormal experience was that it wasn't paranormal, and instead was just a bunch of dumb homo sapiens pretending like they see/heard things that don't exist. I'm not afraid of ghosts, but I am afraid of crazy humans. There's no ghosts out here just messing with people by moving things and making noises. That's just stupid. You're scared because your monkey brain is telling you to be scared.
My honest opinion-

Supernatural stuff like ghosts are completely untrue. People experience things that they can't explain at the time and jump to the conclusion that it is supernatural. There are the people who incorrectly believe what they saw was supernatural and then there are the people who flat out lie and people take them seriously because they like to believe in the supernatural. A great example is psychics. They don't have any real evidence for what they can do, they are wrong much of the time and people don't care and happily fork over their money. Psychics and faith healers are notorious liars but people make excuses for them. They say well that guy was a fraud but mine over here is legitimate. The point here is that people are notoriously easy to fool. A good magician can fool people into thinking he has magic powers, it's not hard for them. That should tell you something.

Edit: Yes, exorcisms are BS as well. Either liars or crazy people. I'm sure tons of psychotic people were exorcised instead of given the mental care that they really needed.
I dont believe in ghosts, but god damn do I love a good ghost story. I actually kinda wish they were real.
I actually had a similar experience to that209 when I was a boy. I wrote about it in that old paranormal thread from the pictures forum a few years ago. Almost the same scenario, I was sleeping on the top bunk bed in the same room as my brother, but I was never touched by it or even scared. I woke up and could see someone looking at me from my feet where the bunk bed had the wooden frame, but I tried looking for details but could only see a deep shadow, when I looked away to grab the lamp on the nightstand the figure disappeared. I saw it again in broad daylight when I was playing in my front lawn, it slammed the gate on me and the way it was holding the gate reminded me of spiderman, then it moved impossibly fast down the side of my house and to the back of the house. I remember the way it moved as well, not like a person running but kind of herky jerky, like seeing someone move in a video with it sped up.

I think you posted that in the thread I made a couple years ago...