Would u rather live in a city or town?

would u rather

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I come from the second-largest city in New York, Buffalo. The metro area has a population of a bit over 1.1 million people.
Now I live just outside the "city" of Sedona, AZ which has a population of about 10,000. I find it amusing that Sedona is listed as a city because back home it would be a village or a township.
Yeah that’s what I was saying to the dude who told me 60,000 isn’t a small city .
In the sticks on a lake where you have to take your boat over to the town to buy things but still have good Internet and a dope postman with his own boat that phones ahead to see if you want anything picked up from the town so you don't have to go over there every day in your boat.
Need a stoop and some balconys and a weed farm nearby that you can't go into except I can because they like me and sometimes we trade books for weed or just stories. And dogs.
That Alaska or something like it ?
Well I do that now and the train isn’t five bucks :( but I think after a certain age you are right about NY. The thing about ct is our taxes are really high and there isn’t as much to do . Shit u can’t even get plastic bags at the store anymore here ... and u have to pay for paper . We get taxed on everything. They just made it so u have to be 21 to smoke cigs too. It’s a weird place with a lot of stuck up people
I lived in new haven a bit and it wasn't that bad, but that's because I lived in a rougher area to save money

But I know taxes their are awful
Virtually every friend I made there, especially those from the farmington valley area left or got high paying jobs that allowed them to move down to Stamford and work in the city or Greenwich
Growing up about 90 minutes from NYC all the wealthy had weekend homes to get out of city

That's my plan actually. I have to expand my business to accommodate 2 residences but things are in motion.
Grew up in a small town. Currently living in a big city.

I love how simple living in a town was. I appreciate the nature, fresh air, and all that stuff. Waking up early in the morning in a town is also something I like about it.
middle of no where, a little over an hour away from a city with some groceries store. as remote ass possible while still being able to get prime deliveries
Live in a massive city, Shanghai pop. 25 million, in China and LA back in the states.

I love the hustle bustle of the city and fast paced business world I’m in, so much at my very finger tips and cutting edge tech is all around, neon lights at night, electric cars and electronic transactions are soooo blade runner BUT it’s a young mans game living in such a place, the sheer amount of people alone is enough to bring the mood down not to mention long lines at hospitals etc

When I’m older I’ll definitely be chilling in LA (hopefully have a small boat to relax on and drink away sunny days) mainly to see my daughter graduate and hopefully guide her in her career
anyone else think it would be really interesting to take a random sample of 100 people that take different athletic supplements, that swear they have never touched steroids and have zero reason to lie, and test them under USADA to see how many "false flags" or "contamination" there really is?
I like the city lifestyle. smallest city I can live in is 50,000 but those cities usually border a metropolis with a bigger city.
Middle of nowhere vote, I don't want to see any of you wankers from my front porch!
Grew up in a small town. Currently living in a big city.

I love how simple living in a town was. I appreciate the nature, fresh air, and all that stuff. Waking up early in the morning in a town is also something I like about it.

But like, what about everyone knowing your business 24/7/365? I grew up in a small town in a rural area and have been living in a big city for a long time now, could maybe downgrade to a smaller city at some point but no more than that.

Interesting how no one in this whole thread compared the pros/cons of socializing or dating life depending on where you live. All you small town folks already married? It's a.... small dating pool otherwise. Whereas there's no lack of options in a city.

I like the anonymity of a big city. I can just go out and do stuff without Everyone Knowing Everything About Me. When I go back to visit my parents, I can't just buy groceries at the store, you have to chit-chat with everyone you know. Kill me now please. Everyone in a small town knows you and has for decades- it's like being locked in a submarine with the same small group of people for all eternity. Definition of madness imo
I live in Lander which is a city but with a population of under 10k, so it's basically a village by your definition.

Lander Wyoming? Haha. How are all the NOLS kids? I was one, like a million years ago, stayed at the Noble (I don't know if that's still a thing). We got drunk on the town despite being underage, good stuff
I wanna live in a town, right next door to you.
so at night when we're posting, with the windows open since it's nice out,
we can yell at each other "Boom, got ya boy!" after a triumphant post.
I would prefer to live in the suburbs of a medium size city like Nashville. That way I'm by decent hospitals, restaurants, professional sports teams, and venues for concerts.
I would prefer to live in the suburbs of a medium size city like Nashville. That way I'm by decent hospitals, restaurants, professional sports teams, and venues for concerts.

It’s a smaller city and not Nash Vegas, but Louisville Kentucky is a nice smaller city. Has a nice cultural college town feel. I’ve liked it the few times I’ve visited a friend.
Well I do that now and the train isn’t five bucks :( but I think after a certain age you are right about NY. The thing about ct is our taxes are really high and there isn’t as much to do . Shit u can’t even get plastic bags at the store anymore here ... and u have to pay for paper . We get taxed on everything. They just made it so u have to be 21 to smoke cigs too. It’s a weird place with a lot of stuck up people
Seems to be something that is spreading everywhere. When I lived in Hawaii plastic bags were banned. The age for smoking was 21 there too. They just changed the age for smoking to 21 here in Colorado on the New Year.
The mountain range I live in has a population of 320 people and my driveway is a mile long and can only be accessed by a 4x4 and I currently flooded so I can only leave on foot or horseback.

So I guess I chose "middle of nowhere" a while ago.