Would u rather live in a city or town?

would u rather

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I lived in cities most of my adult life for my work, but I’m retiring in 2 years and I will never live near a city again. Back road near a small town with lots of acreage, and no close neighbours.

I would be ok never having to step foot in a big city ever again.
But like, what about everyone knowing your business 24/7/365? I grew up in a small town in a rural area and have been living in a big city for a long time now, could maybe downgrade to a smaller city at some point but no more than that.

Interesting how no one in this whole thread compared the pros/cons of socializing or dating life depending on where you live. All you small town folks already married? It's a.... small dating pool otherwise. Whereas there's no lack of options in a city.

I like the anonymity of a big city. I can just go out and do stuff without Everyone Knowing Everything About Me. When I go back to visit my parents, I can't just buy groceries at the store, you have to chit-chat with everyone you know. Kill me now please. Everyone in a small town knows you and has for decades- it's like being locked in a submarine with the same small group of people for all eternity. Definition of madness imo
Good point. Altho I love there, there is no denying that I will never become rich with how people live in rural areas. That is why I had to move to this big city. More opportunities and better options. But I would still always wanna go back time and time again to where I grew up.
Most realistic small town film was j laws winters bone imo
Big city all day baby. Subways, restaurants, night life, opportunities etc..
My town has about 300 or so people but I can drive 30 minutes to the city for work. I'm right at the base of the mountains and it's fantastic
Ideal is to live in a town with between 25,000-100,000 people within 30 minutes of a major city.
I live in a very small town ( 4000 people here in a good day ) and i like it everybody knows each other, people are friendly etc, but there's a bigger city 20 km away so its not a big problem
I wanna live in a town, right next door to you.
so at night when we're posting, with the windows open since it's nice out,
we can yell at each other "Boom, got ya boy!" after a triumphant post.

I think that would suck; In a ginormous city or a dollar general town.
Not sure why...
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anyone else think it would be really interesting to take a random sample of 100 people that take different athletic supplements, that swear they have never touched steroids and have zero reason to lie, and test them under USADA to see how many "false flags" or "contamination" there really is?
In a small town or city ?
Would you rather live in a city or small town? I live in a smaller city which is good for me . I grew up in a town. Sometimes I think it would be cool to live in some Midwest town where there is nothing but cornfields around for miles . That would probably be boring after awhile though. Anyone live like that? I’ve lived in bigger cities like San Diego and Boston and LA and NY before but I prefer smaller cities . Burlington VT type size or slightly bigger . I don’t have a cold. I like having stuff around and breweries but not too crowded . A lot of people are sick this time of year.
What’s your ideal size town or city?
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Ok i will
None of the above.

A suburb just outside of a major city. You're close enough to get into the city to utilize it, but you don't have to live in it.