Opinion Why the young europeans vote right?

Older immigrants will probably not want more immigrants to come in.
They don't assimilate at acceptable levels and are a drain on resources. Why would the native people be happy? And why are these governments doing this?
I think that's the main issue is the volume and time that immigration is occurring and the rapid introduction of culture. It takes a while to assimilate with language etc. Too many at once especially in these smaller countries creates an issue.
It's the pendulum swing people have been talking about for the last ~30 years.

Yup. It's the people who pulled the pendulum too far in their direction, that are responsible for the magnitude of the swing.

They fail to see they're the cause of the situation, and resort to name-calling when the population reacts to their failures.
The young Europeans obviously wish that the government would focus on them and their problems, instead of the millions of immigrants they're hauling in. Can't lie, the future looks pretty bleak for young Euros. Low fertility, high unemployment, having to take care of the elderly and their retirement funds. You add increasing crime, toxic working environments and a dysfunctional (multi)culture on top of that, and the situation is becoming impossible.
Right Wing in Europe is like neo-liberal. Think of Bill Clinton.
I can only speak for myself but i voted right in the EU election because they tend to be more nationalist and less eurohomo than left parties.
Older immigrants will probably not want more immigrants to come in.
No, this is different thing. Tĥey were not entitled for generous benefits! and still despite this had more kids than current immigrants.

I had voted for EP differently than for national elections.
My candidate is elected in EP and despite considered as maybe far right he isn't against immigration at all.
Only against generous benefits for fresh immigrants.

We have a lot normal immigrants, hardworking and smart ppl while also some % are yelling for next benefits each day ....social workers are tired and forced to visit rough hood type areas ...where, sorry, safer is to work in prison....considerably safer.

While yes, we need immigrants. Normal ppl not ...u know.
Because the current leaders are trash.
I can only speak for myself but i voted right in the EU election because they tend to be more nationalist and less eurohomo than left parties.
Eurohomo is a special kind of globohomo, since it largely means we have to accept degeneracy and trash immigrants because germany couldn't win the war and now they're eternally shamed of what they did.
The young Europeans obviously wish that the government would focus on them and their problems, instead of the millions of immigrants they're hauling in. Can't lie, the future looks pretty bleak for young Euros. Low fertility, high unemployment, having to take care of the elderly and their retirement funds. You add increasing crime, toxic working environments and a dysfunctional (multi)culture on top of that, and the situation is becoming impossible.
Governments seem to think immigration alone is going to be a solution to many of those problems like aging populations and the necessary health and social care issues it causes , it does seems like they are missing a few steps along the way towards acheiving that goal (selection,intergration,training) .
Governments seem to think immigration alone is going to be a solution to many of those problems like aging populations and the necessary health and social care issues it causes , it does seems like they are missing a few steps along the way towards acheiving that goal (selection,intergration,training) .
They're stupid if they're thinking that. The trash we got in europe is an actual COST to the budget. they have no skills and they're the worst of the societies they came from. if they couldn't make a difference there, why would anyone who's not 70IQ believe they would be any good here? they're just going to turn europe in a third world shithole, like the one they came from.
Governments seem to think immigration alone is going to be a solution to many of those problems like aging populations and the necessary health and social care issues it causes , it does seems like they are missing a few steps along the way towards acheiving that goal (selection,intergration,training) .

They're missing out on a lot of steps. It's a real shame too because I truly feel for all the guys who come in and put the work in, but then have their reputation tarnished by the masses of individuals who never had any intention to be productive, and in many cases, choose criminality as the option. If only our countries were a little bit more selective about the people coming in, we'd all have a much more positive experience towards immigration and immigrants. I don't even ask for any sort of hard-line border control, just a bit of basic common sense, such as not taking in the most jihadist looking and sounding individual in existence who has probably left a pile of bodies in his wake back in the old country, and then completely forgetting about him until the stabs somebody.
Eurohomo is a special kind of globohomo, since it largely means we have to accept degeneracy and trash immigrants because germany couldn't win the war and now they're eternally shamed of what they did.
Also pretending that "Europe" is a country or a homogenous nation or whatever. I'm against this notion because i'm racist against the fr*nch and do not want to get pooled in with them.
Because the left destroyed Europe by letting a ton of immigrants in.

People don't like getting raped and robbed regularly.

That is the issue.
If only our countries were a little bit more selective about the people coming in, we'd all have a much more positive experience towards immigration and immigrants.
This is the frustrating thing, there's a happy medium where immigration is a net benefit to our societies but in the complete absence of quality control the electorate is forced to lurch to the right.
The young Europeans obviously wish that the government would focus on them and their problems, instead of the millions of immigrants they're hauling in. Can't lie, the future looks pretty bleak for young Euros. Low fertility, high unemployment, having to take care of the elderly and their retirement funds. You add increasing crime, toxic working environments and a dysfunctional (multi)culture on top of that, and the situation is becoming impossible.

Exactly. The younger generation has been getting fucked over for their entire lives by the policies of their governments so they're justifiably pissed and want change. I don't blame them at all, in fact I fully support them in their revolt against the current system.