Dude commented on Stricklands dad saying he was gonna do him worse than his dad did. Later Strickland rushed him at a UFC event and threw punches.
He made the real African comment which he had to have known was a really distasteful thing to say. He’s a very clever guy judging by his comments so there is no way he didn’t know what he was saying.
Then he also made a comment about Izzy and his dog at a face off…
Why does this dude get a pass? I haven’t seen one thread or post talking shit about him.
Yet people like Belal who have been model citizen UFC fighters get dumped on…
Someone please make it make sense. Strickland says similar things and gets wayyyy more hate.
The real African comment was shit stirring
He’d have to be stupider than Mokaev if he didn’t think that was gonna rile people up. I don’t like ‘em. He rubs me the wrong way. And he acts like he blew past Strickland when he actually got beaten up pretty good and a lucky decision. I’m not any huge fan of Strickland but that was his fight. I hope Izzy gives him an ass kicking worthy of a highlight reel.
I was big on the "Dricus really phrased that 'real African' comment wrong by trying to invalidate the past African champs," but when I found the original context, I changed my mind and thought the way people took the quote was way out of context. Saying "I'll be the first real African champ (who lives/trains out of Africa, which if not said aloud, implies invalidating the past champs from Africa)" is
way different than when he specifically precedes that statement with "What I mean when I say this is .." and proceeds to explain his whole living and training in Africa thing, which was just completely removed from the quote in a lot of media. But let's not pretend DDP wasn't getting TONS of criticism for that comment, so he's not gone untouched like you suggest.
And I could be wrong, but I feel like DDP was
responding to Strickland and Izzy each time, two guys who consistently cross the line with their bullshit. So although Dricus could get some criticism for stooping, he just met them at their already established level, and painted them as hypocrites by their reactions to it. And it's kinda misleading to say Strickland "says similar things" when the truth is more like "Strickland say similar & much worse things, and does so basically every minute of the day"
his comments on african champ are just true
Only fucktard brainwashed race obsessed crybabies are bothered by the fact that an African man stated he is African.
That wasn't the problem and if you aren't fully aware of the context above then either you
know that wasn't everyone's problem with the statement and are being deceptive, or holy shit, how do you not know what the problem was?