What movies have not aged well?

I don't think you guys know what "not aging well" means.

The effects from a movie 40 years old don't look as good as today? The clothing looks like it's from the era the movie was filmed in? Heat is obviously from the 90s? Well yeah what the hell do you guys expect? Aging well doesn't mean predicting the future!

It's an online forum, don't expect much.
Superman IV The Quest for Peace. This was actually my favorite Superman when I was a kid lol, man I was retarded.

I liked Heat for its time but I think Den of Thieves surpasses it in story, pacing, gun battles, but not acting.Even though I like Gerard Butler, 50 cent didnt even suck in this, he fit the role.

There is definately updated tactics here. Clinging to Heats shootout is definately a nostalgia thing for you guys. Especially coming from a timeframe standard.

I loved Den of Thieves. I thought it was way better than the critics gave it credit for.
That's a weird one... when it came out it was a big deal and it broke box office records. Today, no one talks about it... there are no references to it... no one cares about it... it's almost like it never happened.

I have no clue why.

All it had going for it was visual effects. The plot was ripped directly from Fern Gully (which no one talks about either).
OK, as much as this pains me to say, cause I love the film its self. Event horizon has aged real bad.

Some of the CGI has aged badly(although it was also one of the last big films to use model work before recent revivals) but the main weakness was always there that it transforms into a rather dumb slasher in the second half after a good setup.
What are some movies that haven't aged well? Whether because of political/societal reasons, technology reasons, or that just do not look as good as they may have in the past (poor animation, CGI, costumes, etc.).

A movie that immediately comes to mind is Juwanna Mann. A humorous movie that pokes fun at the idea of a man playing sports with women and dominating. In 2002, we found it funny because we found the idea of this happening to be ridiculous. This is no longer a joke nor is it politically correct to make fun of.


What are others?

Wait long enough and literally every movie will be dumped to the landfill of history by the pc culture. I checked out mentally after they went after the "it's cold outside" song and made John legend and some slag do a cover with "your body your choice" lyrics crammed to make it pc today. Fuck this world with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire and covered in napalm
Benjamin Button and Jack. I think both those characters died from not aging well
Howard the Duck is a movie that hasn't aged well : horrible story, special effects were poor, and holy shit the story is more absurd than I could have possibly recalled. Mind you I LOVED this movie as a little kid.

That's just your personal perspective, though.
Generally, the movie was known as an all time bomb, from the moment it came out.
It was nominated for seven Razzie Awards (winning four), and made about US$15 million domestically compared to its US$37 million budget.
Superman IV The Quest for Peace. This was actually my favorite Superman when I was a kid lol, man I was retarded.
Don’t feel bad, when I was a kid I’d have told you Over The Top was Stallone’s best film...
Yea I know... everything just seems so cheesy, in 2000 it was amazing. Comic book movies in general have come a long way

I actually think comic book movies have lost something compared to when they started becoming popular.
When they began, they tended to be set in a real world kind of environment, with normal people reacting to the appearance of these new superpowered people. Iron man was a grounded attempt at showing how a character like that would come to be, and his reasons for it. It wasn't completely ridiculous. And it worked great while getting new people onboard as fans. Now all we seem to get, are demigods throwing each other through walls, laser beams, aliens, floods and floods of cgi shite, lots of rah rah rah and stupid poses. Relentless crap jokes and seriously repetitive storylines. Adaptable characters whose strengths and weaknesses fluctuate to suit the script.5 ft 2" tall girls demanding to be as tough as their male Co stars, non stop political appeasing, and forcing in characters because its fashionable, not because its actually about diversity.
So yeah, I actually think some of those old gems have aged better than the crap they're currently pumping out. They never seemed to have all that shit.
I dozed off towards the end of Moonraker, which was kinda shitty.
The matrix reloaded and revolution.

It's just fucking nonsense largely.

When the Asian guy guarding the oracle says to neo... "You don't really know someone until you fight them" even Neo gives him a look to say "da fuq you talking about?!? This is nonsense..."
Time has been pretty hard on The Birds.
I disagree. All of Hitchcock’s films are still very engaging and entertaining, even if no one finds them scary today. Still great movies
Has anyone seen the movie Fortress starring Christopher Lambert recently?

I remember in the 90s I thought it was the shit, but I'm wondering if it would still be enjoyable now or if it'd suck?