Crime Video shows how autistic teen died after 10 hours in Ohio jail. Mother wants his story told

3rd degree murder for the cops is a real stretch dude. 3rd murder is committed without intent to murder, but with the intent to cause harm. I don't think the cops had an intent to harm here.

An example of third-degree murder may be a person hitting their head on the sidewalk and dying after being sucker-punched while drunk.

The kid bashed his own head into the floor. The cops had nothing to do with that.

Don’t expect a response. @Sinister likes to drop awesome takes like “those cops murdered that kid, bootlicker.” Then he runs away when called on it. Hell, he accused me of shooting at homeless people that walk on my lawn after I said there was no way homeless people would just set up a tent in my yard like they do out west and get away with it. Then, when I called him on his absurd statement, he edited his own post and it doesn’t even say “last edited——-“ so he tried to hide his own edit. He also took a thread I made on police shooting an armed guy that had just shot someone else and turned it into the latest “what did cops do wrong today, vol 6-lots of cop threads” because he couldn’t handle a good police shooting thread. He probably found it amusing to use his mod power in such a way. Imagine him with real authority.

How did cops that caused no harm to this kid murder him? They even tried to stop him from harming himself as best they could.
Sick of seeing this kind of shit, in video, articles and IRL. Deadbeat, entitled workers who make no effort to do a proper job or are too thick and either way don't belong in public service. Public service standards should be high and not for people who just want a stable job. Even more so the "mental health specialist", who's supposed to an expert, I'm sure gets a cushy salary and probably wrote some bullshit about caring about others for their college admission essay. Parents should've slapped some work ethic and sense of civic duty into them as kids. Shit managers who don't clean up their team's act, coddling each other when they fuck up, poor whistleblowing protections and shit hiring practices. Worst case outcome right here.

10 hours is so fucking long to be majorly distressed and adrenalised for, fucking hell.

If you anyone thinks nothing better could've been done, you're part of the sickness of society. Eg:
-Shouldn't be putting him in jail for a MH call
-Police systems should be linked with healthcare IMO, but here he even told them he was autistic/adhd/expressed potential suicidality ("I don't want to live", which should be taken seriously, esp on a MH call)
-If they're not trained on autism - despite it being common and known to lead to serious misunderstandings with the police due to atypical mannerisms and meltdowns - then that's still an unacceptable failing somewhere in the system
-Should've been sent to hospital way earlier, due to self-harming. He did it before being booked, then in the cell, but he was still there for 10 hours. Multiple opportunities to respond to self-harm and likely dozens of opportunities. They knew it was a MH call and that he'd already expressed suicidality, so shouldn't be hesitant to divert him to the hospital when he's self-harming
-Should've spoken in a de-escalating way rather than antagonistically. He's the autistic one, yet their neurotypical emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills were trash
-Restraining him, you've got a whole team around him. It's physically safe for one person to take the lead and take the opportunity to talk in a de-escalating and calming way.
-Shouldn't ignore his calls for medication - it's a sign medical intervention's needed, esp combined with being a MH call, disclosure of autism/adhd/suicidality and repeated self-harming (again tho, should've already been sent to the hospital like 10 hours earlier).
-Mental health specialist should've been intervening earlier and not been antagonistic, so that's two more shortcomings. If s/he wasn't called earlier, then that's a failure too.

Oh no, I must be down with the sickness. While I would have spoken with him to try and calm him down more, we have no way of knowing whether they did that or not. There was ten hours of video of this incident and I doubt that anything soothing or calming would make this outrage video clip. Hell, you bought into and raged about it. They kept him in the chair as much as they were allowed so he wouldn’t be able to harm himself. He probably should have been medicated, but in the midst of all this crazy behavior, they probably thought he was coming down off of something, so they likely didn’t want to pump him full of more drugs. It’s a jail and it’s not equipped to handle people like him, but they had no choice because he committed domestic abuse on his sister and had a warrant normally, you see a story like this and find out the cops were restraining him when he went unresponsive, it this kid literally beat himself to death despite their best efforts to prevent his self harm by using the restraint chair as much as they were allowed to do so-there are limits to how much the chairs can be used.
I would aid every year a Christmas party for special needs extremely disabled adults. I had to go through 4 hours of schooling.

These where people from Wrentham state school. This video should be shown to aid workers how not to handle these situations.

I am pretty sure Massachusetts Police officers go through intensive training for such work. I had one incident an had to get him to the ground face down. He was in the bathroom an I called someone from Wrentham state school to assist.

They came in an knew how to control the situation. They needed an expert or preferably a family member to stay with him. An got an ambulance to transfer him to a hospital if they didn't have a state school near by. Hospitals are usually equipped for handling this situation.

Some of these guys should be charged at minimum. The level of incompetence shown here was unbelievable.

Charged with what, exactly?
Actually, it is a bit diff. This guy runs into a wall at full speed. Then he is put in the chair. Usually, when you have an in custody death, it happens during a multi cop restraint.
Well, I guess I should just say that sometimes guys die in custody, and it's nothing intentional. We had some guy die from a fluke of pepper spray allergy a few years ago. We've all heard of guys who've swallowed their drugs when they knew they were getting busted, whether trying to kill themselves or just try to get out of trouble, who knows. Things happen. It's not all the cops intention or fault.
Time limit for the RIPP chair is typically 4 hours. They can then stand for one second and be seated in it again. Usually they don't need a second helping. Theres also supposed to be a pulse ox check periodically and direct monitoring.

Copy that. I thought on the video they said something about an hour. I have heard of weirdly random limits on the chair. But I don’t work in the jail, so I don’t have any first hand knowledge of that other than there are time limits
Well, I guess I should just say that sometimes guys die in custody, and it's nothing intentional. We had some guy die from a fluke of pepper spray allergy a few years ago. We've all heard of guys who've swallowed their drugs when they knew they were getting busted, whether trying to kill themselves or just try to get out of trouble, who knows. Things happen. It's not all the cops intention or fault.

Did you ever see the video of the kid that dies after swallowing a bag of pot and he chokes to death as the cop tries to save him. It is pretty fucking awful.

I have had people swallow drugs in front of me. I just tell the jail and they give them laxitives and strain their poop and it is a big pain in the ass, literally. I have seen cops stick their hands in people’s mouths and get bitten. Fuck that. I had a guy swallow a bag of crack and he swore he didn’t to the fire department. One of them nudged me and said he would probably overdose in the jail and laughed about it. I did my due diligence and told the jail my suspicions but the guy lived because we had court on him for months-we fought him in the back of a small car and he kicked us and caught felony charges for it and I refused to drop my case despite the prosecutor asking me to for convenience. Fuck that, dude had a record a mile thick and had attacked cops before, so I made sure he got some time-8months total for striking three officers.

The worst ever was I watched a guy stick a baggie of crack up his ass and laughed and challenged us to get it. We got a search warrant and took him to the hospital for doctors to remove it. The dr refused, so we told the guy we were taking him to jail and he would be charged for smuggling drugs into a prison. He then became desperate to get the crack out but the bag kept ripping. He would squat and cough and try to grab it but it kept slipping. He said “you gotta hep(help) it, hep it damn it!” So eventually, we drew straws and an officer, not me, used pliers to grab the baggie when it came out of his asshole. It looked like a squid’s beak throwing up a plastic baggie. I was laughing so hard I fell into the stall and landed hard on the toilet and busted the toilet paper dispenser with my gun belt. It was a big ass at of crack too-about 28 grams if I recall-the size of a golf ball
Did you ever see the video of the kid that dies after swallowing a bag of pot and he chokes to death as the cop tries to save him. It is pretty fucking awful.

I have had people swallow drugs in front of me. I just tell the jail and they give them laxitives and strain their poop and it is a big pain in the ass, literally. I have seen cops stick their hands in people’s mouths and get bitten. Fuck that. I had a guy swallow a bag of crack and he swore he didn’t to the fire department. One of them nudged me and said he would probably overdose in the jail and laughed about it. I did my due diligence and told the jail my suspicions but the guy lived because we had court on him for months-we fought him in the back of a small car and he kicked us and caught felony charges for it and I refused to drop my case despite the prosecutor asking me to for convenience. Fuck that, dude had a record a mile thick and had attacked cops before, so I made sure he got some time-8months total for striking three officers.

The worst ever was I watched a guy stick a baggie of crack up his ass and laughed and challenged us to get it. We got a search warrant and took him to the hospital for doctors to remove it. The dr refused, so we told the guy we were taking him to jail and he would be charged for smuggling drugs into a prison. He then became desperate to get the crack out but the bag kept ripping. He would squat and cough and try to grab it but it kept slipping. He said “you gotta hep(help) it, hep it damn it!” So eventually, we drew straws and an officer, not me, used pliers to grab the baggie when it came out of his asshole. It looked like a squid’s beak throwing up a plastic baggie. I was laughing so hard I fell into the stall and landed hard on the toilet and busted the toilet paper dispenser with my gun belt. It was a big ass at of crack too-about 28 grams if I recall-the size of a golf ball
nasty shit.
This is probably more a failure of the system and how we handle people experiencing a mental health crisis. Law Enforcement is not equipped with the training or tools to deal with these situations. The liability falls on the "state" for not having the appropriate training and equipment for the jail. This is another failure at the hand of a system that doesn't take mental health seriously.