Elections Trudeau' Liberals loss second Liberal stronghold, in byelection loss

I don’t think he gives a shit about anyone tbh. I think he will pander to whomever to get votes. I think he fucks his base once he takes pm office. Let’s see.
He is the only leader who doesn't play identity politics. He is here for Canadians. He does not pander to entitled identity groups. His adoptive dad is gay, his wife is an imigrant and he was given up at birth. Zero priviledge and raised by adoptive school teachers. He is down to earth, but you refuse to listen.
He is the only leader who doesn't play identity politics. He is here for Canadians. He does not pander to entitled identity groups. His adoptive dad is gay, his wife is an imigrant and he was given up at birth. Zero priviledge and raised by adoptive school teachers. He is down to earth, but you refuse to listen.
Oh boy. He’s got you fooled. Will be funny when you think he has made your life better when he hasn’t done a thing.
Oh boy. He’s got you fooled. Will be funny when you think he has made your life better when he hasn’t done a thing.
Who got fooled?

- federal revenues exponentially up (higher taxes, new taxes, inflation), yet still running huge deficits
- CPP & EI payments way up
- homelessness exponentially up
- Crime exponentially up
- addiction and OD deaths out of control
- Housing cost doubled
- affordability way down
- 3 ethics convictions
- highly redacted docs for dozens of scandals
- hush money paid (admiral Normal, Covid military guy eroneously accused of sex assault)
- squash every inquiry that has smoke
- forest industry decimated, but emissions will go down yay! But then they will go back up with the wildfires boo!

Stupid Pierre.....Wait, these are Trudeau's accomplishments, all in the last 9 years.

The ironic thing is that Trudeau made Pierre rich as his wealth comes from a couple of rentals he has owned for years that Trudeau inflated to the moon.
Are you saying it's better to keep Trudeau in power?
Nope. I think the liberals can elect a new leader and at least put up a fight.

Edit. I actually think Trudeau is the better option over PP. but there are better options than Trudeau.
Nope. I think the liberals can elect a new leader and at least put up a fight.

Edit. I actually think Trudeau is the better option over PP. but there are better options than Trudeau.
It's scary after everything he has done you still think that, i'm guessing you have had your head buried in the sand these last few years and are very uneducated what has been happening.
Who got fooled?

- federal revenues exponentially up (higher taxes, new taxes, inflation), yet still running huge deficits
- CPP & EI payments way up
- homelessness exponentially up
- Crime exponentially up
- addiction and OD deaths out of control
- Housing cost doubled
- affordability way down
- 3 ethics convictions
- highly redacted docs for dozens of scandals
- hush money paid (admiral Normal, Covid military guy eroneously accused of sex assault)
- squash every inquiry that has smoke
- forest industry decimated, but emissions will go down yay! But then they will go back up with the wildfires boo!

Stupid Pierre.....Wait, these are Trudeau's accomplishments, all in the last 9 years.

The ironic thing is that Trudeau made Pierre rich as his wealth comes from a couple of rentals he has owned for years that Trudeau inflated to the moon.

And he has paid billions to buy off the main stream media to brainwash simpletons.