Got a former workout buddy that's trying something different.... your thoughts?


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
For years now he's tried to lose weight by working out and it hasn't worked out for him, so he's doing something somewhat drastic.

His PRs have increased over the years, but his muscle gains have always been covered up by a layer of fat.

He's planning on losing 25 pounds exclusively by regulating his nutrition over the next few months.... no strength training. Go from 205 pounds to at most 180 pounds and possibly down to 170, and then build up from there with Kettlebells & Calisthenics, and with muscle memory and a few cut & bulk cycles he thinks he'll be back to his PRs within a year but at a significantly lower bodyfat percentage.

I honestly have no idea if this is a brilliant plan or completely stupid.

He should try ozempic.
25 lbs just nutrition sounds hard

He's very anti-perscription pills.

I told him how I lost weight a while ago.
*Waterfasting 22 hours a day.
*2 hour window of eating protein.
*No sugar. No alcohol.
*1 cheat meal a week.
He doesn't really need to stop weight training. In fact, he should try to keep burning calories while changing up his diet.

Some people have a condition where their body can't produce enough of something to cause any kind of weight loss. Adrenalin and insulin are tow of those things. The reason some of these medications like ozempic work is because they increase insulin production which causes people to shed extra weight.

Anyway I'm not saying he should do it, just saying some people have a legit condition.

What's worked for me is a very boring diet. I eat almost the same thing every day and drink lots of water. I cheat on weekends sometimes but since I drink so much water I get full really quickly.
I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying he plans to stop all strength training and lose weight “exclusively through nutrition” (?)

What does he think will happen if he adjusts his diet but keeps training like normal? Does he think the act of lifting weights inherently makes him gain calories? If so he is, in fact, retarded.

Also, why would he work up again using kettlebells and calisthenics? What’s the supposed need to use that over weights, if his ultimate goal is to lift? Does he think being lighter makes it dangerous to lift, or something? I don’t get it. Unless I misunderstood something, I’ll side with “sounds incredibly stupid.”
Diet is the key to losing weight, but he should keep strength training to maintain as much muscle while losing mostly fat. Is he worried that if he keeps lifting he'll be too hungry to diet?