Tool Quiz! Handymen get in here!

650lb Sumo

Red Belt
Aug 25, 2021
Reaction score

Can you name these tools?



(2) (The hand tool, not the mixer)


(3) (The machine tool)
















(1) Spade*
(2) Shovel*
(3) Lathe
(4) Shavehook
(5) Axe

(6) Adze
(7) Splitting Maul
(8) Plane
(9) Fencing/Post Maul
(10) Sledgehammer

* = These are the tools' names, excluding the US and Canada. From what I can gather, they are supposed to be the other way round in the US and Canada, but people often/usually use both names for either tool. It's the phenomenon I commented on in this thread again. If you speak US/Canadian English, and named (1) and (2) spade and shovel either way around you can have two marks. You only get one if you called them both spade or both shovel though.

The pass mark is 6/10 - how did you do?

Didn't get the adze or fencing maul - knew what it was , just not the name.
1. Sharpshooter
2. Flatbed shovel
3. Lathe
4. Some kind of weird trowel or tack puller?
5. Axe
6. Tiny canoe shovel
7. Fat axe
8. Plainer?
9. Sledge hammer
10. Sledge hammer
Wood turning lathe
Widget that bricklayers use? Or is it drywallers?
Jack Plane
Post smacking widget
Sledge hammer
I am retarded and did not know shavehook, adze, plane or post maul. Also thought the first two were both shovel so 5/10 for me :(

Basic Hammer
Thor's Hammer
Storm breaker

I am retarded and did not know shavehook, adze, plane or post maul. Also thought the first two were both shovel so 5/10 for me :(
Nah. If you aren’t around them, how and why should you know what they are? If ts would have asked if we knew them AND how to properly use them too, those numbers would most likely shrink by a good amount. Mine certainly would.
Nah. If you aren’t around them, how and why should you know what they are? If ts would have asked if we knew them AND how to properly use them too, those numbers would most likely shrink by a good amount. Mine certainly would.

TBF I've seen all of them IRL except for post maul but didn't know the names of the other three. Now that I think of it, I might even have played with a hand plane when I was 5 or 6 because my dad had one in the garage but I just couldn't remember what it was called.
TBF I've seen all of them IRL except for post maul but didn't know the names of the other three. Now that I think of it, I might even have played with a hand plane when I was 5 or 6 because my dad had one in the garage but I just couldn't remember what it was called.
Same. Been around all of these in trades and in childhood, but haven’t used all of them. Never did any real word working or carpentry Took a fingernail off with a lathe, but that’s where it starts and ends.
1) Shovel
2) Shovel next to your mom's asshole
3) Beats me
4) Toothpick
5) Axe
6) Axe
7) Axe
8) Daniel
9) Hammer
10) Hammer

Think I got 9/10, really don't know #3
1. Sharpshooter
2. Flatbed shovel
3. Lathe
4. Some kind of weird trowel or tack puller?
5. Axe
6. Tiny canoe shovel
7. Fat axe
8. Plainer?
9. Sledge hammer
10. Sledge hammer
Number 8 is a plane, not a planer. A planer is a machine to thickness wood. A plane essentially does the same thing as well as smooths but by hand. The one shown is Stanley Bailey number 5 jack plane
1. Sharpshooter
2. Flatbed shovel
3. Lathe
4. Some kind of weird trowel or tack puller?
5. Axe
6. Tiny canoe shovel
7. Fat axe
8. Plainer?
9. Sledge hammer
10. Sledge hammer
6 is actually a Native American crib