The S*** in Sean Strickland (a Little Bit of YELLOW)

What a stupid thread. Strickland wasn't scared, he was angry at getting possibly injured by an unprofessional drug fueled heavyweight while training for a fight.
Holy shit I haven't seen you in awhile, how have you been sir.?

Many of you have seen this before. Basically Strickland running, and hiding from, BJJ master, Orlando Sanchez.

The important thing in this is, if you videos before, Strickland is beating up, bullying, and KOing his other's training partners.
But when Strickland receives some roughhouse tactics in return, from a tough dude, he basically voids his feces.

Watch the above video, then watch the below video:

Sanchez seems cool and loose.
(As many of you know, he died of a drug overdose, but that is beside the point.)

What Sanchez did is expose the yellow streak in Strickland, when faced with a bully he's not sure he can beat.

Sean Strickland has his high-points, but he also has his low points.
He thinks it's okay to knock-out is training partners — but if his training partners, abuse him, he cries like a bitch.

Not a good look, not a good sign.
That said, looking forward to next week's fight.

I am not a fan of Dricus Duplessis' "orientation," but I think he is the better overall fighter, and the more solid overall dude.

Strickland is out there in no man's land, yeah he beat Izzy, but I never thought that much of Izzy either.

Think Duplessis gets it done, as he would never do any of this, as the above videos capture.

Sean literally said he was gonna beat his ass in this video and you’re claiming he’s scared?
Irrational hate on a fighter usually makes me want to support that fighter. This is no different. WAR Strickland.

you can support all you want he's still getting his ass handed to him this saturday
OP is moron.

Fat grappler douche repeatedly tries to fuck Strickland's elbow in training.

OP is so fucking stupid he doesn't even know what that move is or what it does to the arm.

But that doesn't stop moron OP from posting this shit thread.

STFU golem, you stupid cunt.
"Abuse him" you made this entire thread just to say this didn't you?
if only peeling eggs was that goddamn quick n easy lol
Smack the bottom (fat end) on a bench . An air pocket always forms him. Use that to get under the membrane and it all comes off in big chunks. I peel them under 10 seconds that way. They need to have been cooled enough though.
Smack the bottom (fat end) on a bench . An air pocket always forms him. Use that to get under the membrane and it all comes off in big chunks. I peel them under 10 seconds that way. They need to have been cooled enough though.
I will try this and get back to you within 24 hours 👍

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