The military is hurting for people severely

yeah i was there years ago, and in bridgeport. Fun times. A USMC military policewoman tried to take 7 of us back to her apt to bang her. One of our guys got stabbed, another shot at by a cop, and a whole bunch got arrested in vegas lol.
I have to go to Bridgeport (forgot there was a Brit Detachment there too, my bad) in a few weeks to teach class

man that place is about as remote as possible haha
I have to go to Bridgeport (forgot there was a Brit Detachment there too, my bad) in a few weeks to teach class

man that place is about as remote as possible haha

yeah we usually have an arctic warfare instructor role there, 2 years i think. I loved it there, beautiful place to train
The skills learned in the military don't translate into the real world.
I'd change this to "The military does a terrible job at documenting and communicating the valuable skills learned in the military, and prepping separating members to be self-sufficient on the job market." Some of that is made up for by the civilian recruiters the military works with though. It's quite easy to pop out of the military and into a contract or permanent job. It's harder to go your own way.
We already know this new generation is a bunch of pussies. But it’s more than that. The new generation is smarter with more access to knowledge than ever before. They are also increasingly liberal and don’t agree with going to the Middle East and the governments agenda.

About 5-6 years ago I considered joining the military but just couldn’t get over the fact I disagreed with its principles so much that I didn’t want to support the military, even though I was going to get a non-combat role

How could this surprise anyone after the shit show of the last couple decades?

Iraq was invaded on a flat out lie.

Afghanistan was invaded to kill Bill Laden, turned out he was in Pakistan, is currently dead, and the army is still fighting in Afghanistan.

Who wants to be a part of that?
It's true. They're not meeting their quota. A lot of millennials have this entitled attitude where they feel like they don't need to serve their country. They don't want life skills. They want a quick paycheck, so they start up a youtube channel or drive Ubers and do Uber eats and stuff (I'm going through this with my sis-in-law).

Oh yeah, and they're out of shape, because instead of playing outside as kids, they stayed inside and played video games.

Then there are some of them who the military doesn't interest them like every other generation before them.

well I think the shine is off joining for most knowing they could become pawns in pointless political conflicts that are just designed to drive revenue for the military complex. Can't blame them for that.
All the more reason to go autimated as far as soldiers are concerned.

I'd change this to "The military does a terrible job at documenting and communicating the valuable skills learned in the military, and prepping separating members to be self-sufficient on the job market." Some of that is made up for by the civilian recruiters the military works with though. It's quite easy to pop out of the military and into a contract or permanent job. It's harder to go your own way.
That program was actually overhauled in 2011, the Presidential Veterans Opportunity to Work Act (so for once: Thanks Obama is actually apt)

Created a service wide Transition program, standardized DOL instruction and VA instruction, education and personal finance workshops, etc...

Prior to that, however, it was HIGHLY suspect.
No one wants to join the Army or Marine Corps during peacetime. The bullshit is amplified x10.
Prior to that, however, it was HIGHLY suspect.
I got out in 07 and we had all these mandatory classes (seriously, you had to attend them before picking up your 214). People who get out without a plan are either dumb or lazy (or both).
I believe they were called SEPS and TAPS.
I got out in 07 and we had all these mandatory classes (seriously, you had to attend them before picking up your 214). People who get out without a plan are either dumb or lazy (or both).
depends on the branch, the USAF and Navy were quicker to adapt the new stuff than the Army and Marines were, and then w/in the Army/USMC some bases adapted earlier as well

But you're totally right about taking initiative, even now, I see it every week.

Especially in regards to Federal Resumes/USAJOBs system, you really have to know what you're doing to get by the automatic scanning for key words and KSAs
I have nothing but respect for people who bravely serve their country. I love military history and playing war strategy games, virtual and IRL, but I would never willingly sign up to be shipped to some pointless conflict, unless I felt there was a war worth fighting.
why actually join when u can ju8st steal valor and dress up like a soldier and reap all the benefits. just dont fuck up ur chevrons and u b aight! no one calling u out if u look the part fam
Millennials are in their 30's now so they'd be veterans.

Is everyone unaware there is another generation after millennials now? Seems like everyone just uses that term for anyone younger than themselves.

Damn I had no idea I was a millennial. I thought that was the 20 something year olds, lol...

iirc the army starts at 21k a year now it used to be way lower when I was going to enlist like 12 years ago.

What about BAH (which is not taxed, which also essentially brings down your taxable income), free healthcare/tricare, possibly not paying state taxes, amongst other perks? I understand if you live in the dorms you don't see that BAH, but once you can cash out on BAH that is significant income you're talking. For those able to claim a state with no state income tax is also a huge benefit. I work on a AFB in Cali and I know a E2 that is married, gets $2300/month from BAH alone. They don't have to pay state income tax, including his wife who works. If my wife and I didn't have to pay state income tax we would bring home more than an extra $1500/month net. Some of the active duty docs i work with are married to other docs. One of them told me they both claim Texas so pay no state income tax which nets them about an extra ~$2500/month. I mean yeah they both make about $500k combined and probably bring home $21-22k/month after taxes, maxing retirement, insurance etc, but still $2500/month net is a lot of extra money. That's basically my full PITI mortgage payment. Some of these specialist docs are also such a hot commodity and a huge need at our facility that some of them can stay at our base for over a decade without having to PCS. I worked at the same military hospital for the past decade and I know active duty Nephrologist, Gastroenterologist and Surgeons that have been here since I have.
The military is for bottom feeders who do not want to work at Walmart. Come visit Oceanside to see how the Rednecks at Pendleton have turned ocean front real estate into a third work Bubba shit hole.

If they need bullet sponges, then get them from the jails and prisons.