The military is hurting for people severely

The military is easy depending on your job. The pay is more than you think even for the new recruits.
The military is easy depending on your job. The pay is more than you think even for the new recruits.

There is a a conversion chart that breaks down each rank vs civilian equivalents. If a single E1 - E4 ( Depending on the branch) uses the stuff available to them on base, Gym , Chow Hall , E Club etc. They save a fair amount and still have money saved up to not be boring . E-5 on it gets better especially if you rate BAH.
Who the hell wants to join a military that's in a perpetual state of war for the benefit of private business and the military industrial complex?
Fuck that noise- I'm glad I ended up not joining.

Yes. We are all glad your weak ass didn't join... you definitely couldn't hack being a grunt I can tell. Prob more cut out for Peace Corp or Habitat For Humanity anyway! LOL
The military can't get recruits because the pay is shit, they treat you like shit, and we've been stuck in these horrible endless quagmires like Iraq and Afghanistan for decades without ever accomplishing anything. Nobody wants to get their nuts blown off for minimum wage and no real purpose.

I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit about new generations being soft. No, they just aren't as dumb as baby boomers. They're more likely to go to college and be educated than ever. They're less likely to commit violent crimes. Very few are turned down because they can't meet the weight requirements.

Treated like shit? Hmm... I believe it has more to due with learning responsibility and accountability because fellow soldiers lives are on the line... as well as your own.
Actually I have a good friend who is a recruiter...
He says many are overweight if not obese, a fact accentuated by the lower PT standards (and many others i might add) and many can't even pass a drug test.
Just because someone can go to college doesn't mean they should... I've lost count of friends children who've compiled vast student debt with a degree that either can't be used or was never obtained.
Less likely to commit violent crimes?! Idk, seeing as most of these school shootings are done by, ya know, students... yeah.
The military can't get recruits because the pay is shit, they treat you like shit, and we've been stuck in these horrible endless quagmires like Iraq and Afghanistan for decades without ever accomplishing anything. Nobody wants to get their nuts blown off for minimum wage and no real purpose.

Officers and maybe NCOs get treated quite well. Military pay has outpaced civilian pay by a great deal after 911. Congress including 'liberals' didn't want to be labeled as anti-military so they kept approving pay increments. Problem is most of the pay increases seems to be going to the upper ranks. Generals were riding the gravy train and there are too many of them. The Obama admin started to fire some of them to trim the budget.
It’s not for everyone, but it’s a great opportunity for many people. It was the best decision that I ever made for sure. Got out of the town that I lived in, went to college for free and it looks great on a resume.
Treated like shit? Hmm... I believe it has more to due with learning responsibility and accountability because fellow soldiers lives are on the line... as well as your own.
Actually I have a good friend who is a recruiter...
He says many are overweight if not obese, a fact accentuated by the lower PT standards (and many others i might add) and many can't even pass a drug test.
Just because someone can go to college doesn't mean they should... I've lost count of friends children who've compiled vast student debt with a degree that either can't be used or was never obtained.
Less likely to commit violent crimes?! Idk, seeing as most of these school shootings are done by, ya know, students... yeah.

Well first off junior enlisted get treated like dog shit and aren't treated like adults. I get that plenty of them act like children, but I think most of that is a byproduct of the culture they are in. If the senior Marines actually treated junior enlisted like the brothers they claim to be and allowed a little more freedom and guidance I think a lot of issues would go away. The reality is it turns into this junior enlisted vs the world bullshit and it feeds into this cycle of stupidity. If they relaxed up on a few things and did some real mentoring you would see a lot of change.

Officers and maybe NCOs get treated quite well. Military pay has outpaced civilian pay by a great deal after 911. Congress including 'liberals' didn't want to be labeled as anti-military so they kept approving pay increments. Problem is most of the pay increases seems to be going to the upper ranks. Generals were riding the gravy train and there are too many of them. The Obama admin started to fire some of them to trim the budget.

Officers don't really make that great of a salary. Enlisted definitely don't. I was barely making $35k after 4 years of service as an NCO. On a 7 month deployment I came home with just $14,000. This is all after 9/11. All the pay charts are publicly available online to look at. It's really not that great of a salary when you account for the hours you work and other bullshit. Officers get treated decent but not well in general from what I've seen.

By the time you've put in enough time to make a decent living in the military (enough to raise a family and not live paycheck to paycheck) you could have gone to college or a trade school and made double that with the same number of years invested, but with better hours and treatment.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my time as a grunt in the Marine Corps. Wouldn't trade that experience for anything else in the world. But I also recognize that it's not a great career choice for most people.
I respect the military but it's certainly lost it's luster these past few generations. Ambitious youth overwhelmingly favor education, not a career in the military.