The military is hurting for people severely

The military can't get recruits because the pay is shit, they treat you like shit, and we've been stuck in these horrible endless quagmires like Iraq and Afghanistan for decades without ever accomplishing anything. Nobody wants to get their nuts blown off for minimum wage and no real purpose.

I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit about new generations being soft. No, they just aren't as dumb as baby boomers. They're more likely to go to college and be educated than ever. They're less likely to commit violent crimes. Very few are turned down because they can't meet the weight requirements.
Make our military a defense force and these problems will disappear. We need to take like half that money and invest it into assisting manufacturers in making products here, and innovating new products.
Make our military a defense force and these problems will disappear
This will probably happen

But then 7 Islamic extremists who have spent years training in compounds in deserts around America will blow up a building and we will be back to business as usual <Lmaoo>
Some of the people I know who are most strongly critical of US foreign policy and the state of the US in general are combat veterans.

As far as the military hurting for people, I don't think it's simply that younger people are wimps. They have a lot of info at their fingertips and aren't very inspired to sign their lives away to a very questionable government with an extremely hawkish foreign policy.

When I thought about enlistment for a minute in the early-mid 2000s I couldn't wrap my head around why we invaded Iraq. I wasn't even very politically engaged back then and I knew it was bullshit.
Why the fuck would anyone with talent or brains want to join the military in this day and age? There are so many better opportunities elsewhere.
My grandfather was a Nam vet and Korean war vet. My dad was in the military as was just about everyone of my great uncles. They didnt have the choice to go to college and they never pushed the military on me because they knew I had the opportunity to be the first of my name with college degree. They did that so I can do this. And i do this so if I have kids they can do better than me. I have the up most respect for my father and grandfather but I'd be doing a disservice if I wasted their hard work.
I’d go back tomorrow if I could. Easiest paycheck I’ve ever had.
I haven’t looked into re-enlisting in a couple of years but I was last told that they didn’t have any need for white boys coming back in regardless of prior service record.

If I wasn’t committed to my new business I’d definitely look into it again.
I think also the economy is doing great so there are plenty of jobs out there to take rather than signing up for the military.

I wonder what kind of signing bonuses there are offering. I remember there beimg close to $40k signing bonuses before 2008 and after the economy took a shit the bonuses went away.
The military can't get recruits because the pay is shit, they treat you like shit, and we've been stuck in these horrible endless quagmires like Iraq and Afghanistan for decades without ever accomplishing anything. Nobody wants to get their nuts blown off for minimum wage and no real purpose.

I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit about new generations being soft. No, they just aren't as dumb as baby boomers. They're more likely to go to college and be educated than ever. They're less likely to commit violent crimes. Very few are turned down because they can't meet the weight requirements.

To be fair, the baby boomers were children of people who enlisted and fought for a noble cause. So they still had reason to trust the government would only send them to war if it was necessary. And even though Vietnam and Korea were foolish attempts at stopping communism from spreading, the intention to go to war could still be seen as something noble. It wasn’t just so the Vice President could make his company turn more of a profit.
Every American should be required to serve 2 years in the military, Peace Corp, or some other organization devoted to something bigger than oneself.
Shit gets real when you actually have some "skin in the game" so to speak.
The military is a great gig during peace time ... not so much during potential constant ME conflict.
War time is when you get paid. Only small percentage of people sent to the middle East actually see combat . Went over there 3 times and each time was just fixing planes that dropped bombs, there was the occasional indirect fire scare but most times utbwas 6-8 months of me , eat, sleep , workout , work rinse repeat, and save thousands of dollars .
Every American should be required to serve 2 years in the military, Peace Corp, or some other organization devoted to something bigger than oneself.
Shit gets real when you actually have some "skin in the game" so to speak.

Not when the fucking military is being sent into the Mid East for the purposes of war profiteering. Other than that, I might be inclined to agree.
Not when the fucking military is being sent into the Mid East for the purposes of war profiteering. Other than that, I might be inclined to agree.
Yup. The War on Terror is and was the wet-dream child of the Military Complex and its financiers like BlackStone who, after losing the flood of money that was the end of the Cold War said 'we need a war that is unwinnable and will go on forever providing increasing profits for all, just like the US War on Drugs does'. Every escalation is met with an escalation and profits grow.
I'll take one WW2 navy cook against 1,000 of these numales with upspeak and birthing hips.
I think we need to bring freedom and democracy to the Amalfi Coast or rural France. I will join and fight the good fight in either location.
I'm your huckleberry.

Lets bring those gawdless Europeans some freedom and a parcel of conquered land for each enlisted soldier.
The future of warfare will be done behind a computer screen.

Why do we need people that are in shape?
Who the hell wants to join a military that's in a perpetual state of war for the benefit of private business and the military industrial complex?

Fuck that noise- I'm glad I ended up not joining.
The military can't get recruits because the pay is shit, they treat you like shit, and we've been stuck in these horrible endless quagmires like Iraq and Afghanistan for decades without ever accomplishing anything. Nobody wants to get their nuts blown off for minimum wage and no real purpose.

I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit about new generations being soft. No, they just aren't as dumb as baby boomers. They're more likely to go to college and be educated than ever. They're less likely to commit violent crimes. Very few are turned down because they can't meet the weight requirements.

Hey, I hate the younger generations as much as the next guy. Pure jealousy, of course, since I'm an old fart;) But I don't blame them one bit for not joining up. Why risk getting killed or maimed in some third world shit hole for relatively low pay when you have the option of making much better money for little or no risk?