Media Nick Diaz looks in amazing shape

He looks way better than he did for Lawler.
There was a pic of Nick about 6 months before the Lawler fight, he was riding his bike. He was in REALLY good shape, then he shows up to the fight completely out of shape, like he got hurt and couldn't keep training. I think this might me the pic.

There was a pic of Nick about 6 months before the Lawler fight, he was riding his bike. He was in REALLY good shape, then he shows up to the fight completely out of shape, like he got hurt and couldn't keep training. I think this might me the pic.

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That must've been way out because I remember the lead up for that fight and he looked like he was drunk and not training at all
41 on a come back vs 32 years old.

This one ain't gonna be pretty. I don't think Nick gets the chance to quit this time around.
I totally get why you'd doubt nick given his history, but that's a brain damaged 32 year old that shouldn't be cleared to even fight. It could be close if diaz isn't overwhelmed by the speed.
Love Diaz but he’s washed man. Bro’s first fight was over 23 years ago. Being in good cardio/physical shape ≠ fight shape.
Easy W for Luque. I'm a Diaz fan but at 41, Nick is to old to compete with top level guys. He is 7 - 8 years past his prime. He pissed away a big portion of his prime and left a lot of money on the table. I hope he was a good saver / investor.
Ok. He's no longer in the top 10.
Give him a # 15 guy and I beat he would be a game fighter and probably win.
I totally get why you'd doubt nick given his history, but that's a brain damaged 32 year old that shouldn't be cleared to even fight. It could be close if diaz isn't overwhelmed by the speed.
That's just it. If Nick gets a decent round in and gets settled, who know? But the Lawler fight looked like a mugging. If Luque keeps his foot on the gas, this won't last long.
He's 41 and hasn't won a fight since BJ Penn in 2011.​
Nick and BJ had an impressive scrap, they both brought it that night !

He'll lose and rage quit once more and come back in 2.5 years. Rinse and repeat until he's in his late 50's.
Bro is disconnected from reality.
Goodnight sweet prince..

I’ll probably cry when he gets destroyed lol