The Length of the Topuria Era?

The Toperia Area is scrarier than various people named Darius
We have the benefit of imagination because the best people he's beaten are Mitchell, Emmett and Volk

You can say Max, Yair and Ortega are shopworn but who knows. I'd favor Ilia over all three probably

Arnold Allen and that blockhead who beat him are pretty intriguing fights
This was Volks chance. I was rooting for him but Volk isnt a great finisher and 25 minutes is way too much time for Ilia to catch him. Unlike most Volk opponents besides Mendes and Islam in this matchup he doesnt have a wrestling or grappling advantage.

Volk winning a decision is just not likely. He gets finished again. Volk has to go for broke and try to finish him. Winning a decision against a fighter with Ilias power when youre not the better wrestler or grappler is too tough. He was eating Volks jabs, kicks and Volk was flinching and reacting to that right hand all fight. Max has best shot and beats Ilia IMO. He is worlds more durable than Volk, more output, better combos, strong enough wrestler defensively.

I agree 25 mins without getting cracked by Illia seems difficult, but so many times we've just seen Volk absolutely melt people once it gets past Rd 2 or 3. I think Topuria had maybe 2 rounds to put Volk away before Volk just started styling on him, and he did.

Strong chance he does that again in a rematch, but when I look at it as though Volk needs to survive 2 or 3 rounds before his odds of winning greatly increase, it doesn't seem that unrealistic that he COULD win (assuming he doesnt fall off vastly between now and a rematch).
Is there any fighter at any of the nearby weight classes currently on the UFC roster that you'd favor over Topuria? What is the formula to beat him?

Max a d Mosar are his only real threats. If gets past those two he will be champ until he turns 35

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