Road House Remake Discussion Thread Starring Conor McGregor

Lol, they scaring the kitty.
It was fine but nowhere near the original.

Conor was fun but some of those line deliveries...ooof.

The bar owner had some junk in the trunk and the nurse was a snack.
I would never watch it. I'm assuming Conor over did it a tad? Lol
His acting was weird. He was trying too hard to act normal and it was just too much. The fighting scenes were also too fake. I regret watching it.

Not to mention he is difficult to understand due to accent lol
It's a remake of a shit movie.

It's exactly what it's supposed to be. They were not making a new braveheart
Yeah, but even the shitty movies from the 80s and 90s had that innocent aspect that made them watchable
Another terrible take from you. Only Star Wars nerds give a shit about that movie. And most Star Wars fans acknowledge it as mediocre.
Dude... don't bother.

He is a corporate poster. He works for UFC (owned by Disney).

Check wikipedia. That stupid ass movie was produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by 20th Century Fox... which are both owned byyyyy *drumroll*... Disney.

Of course he's going to spam bullshit in hilariously obvious corporate defense of a 20 year old film no one gives a shit about. lol @ him posting stats on how much the movie brought in... can't get any more obvious... what normal human being would give a shit about gross figures for a movie two decades old haha.

JUST like every post he makes is just bullshit corporate UFC talking points to sway narratives on whatever thread he invades.
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It's a throwback to cheesy 80s action movies. If you are old enough to have grown up on those it's a fun watch. I watched with my wife who isn't very familiar with Conor. Her Conor comments:

"Does always smile like that?" ( He had a Sam Alvey thing going the entire movie)
"Does he always walk in that weird way?"
"He actually wasnt too bad in this "

Also they show his bare ass not once but twice, for an extended period of time.
McGreggor was absolutely dreadful in this movie, thought the rest of the film was ok though

possibly the worst "acting" ive ever seen from the irish idiot
Dude... don't bother.

He is a corporate poster. He works for UFC (owned by Disney).

Check wikipedia. That stupid ass movie was produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by 20th Century Fox... which are both owned byyyyy *drumroll*... Disney.

Of course he's going to spam bullshit in hilariously obvious corporate defense of a 20 year old film no one gives a shit about. lol @ him posting stats on how much the movie brought in... can't get any more obvious... what normal human being would give a shit about gross figures for a movie two decades old haha.

JUST like every post he makes is just bullshit corporate UFC talking points to sway narratives on whatever thread he invades.
Yes, I was totally working for the UFC when I went and saw Revenge of the Sith on opening weekend with my family when I was 12. Alongside thousands of others who did too make it break tons of records at the time.

Imagine of all the movies to shit on you pick Revenge of the Sith. The universally agreed upon best movie of the prequels. Smh, Jesus Christ you live a sad life.
Yes, I was totally working for the UFC when I went and saw Revenge of the Sith on opening weekend with my family when I was 12. Alongside thousands of others who did too make it break tons of records at the time.

Imagine of all the movies to shit on you pick Revenge of the Sith. The universally agreed upon best movie of the prequels. Smh, Jesus Christ you live a sad life.
Please tell me more about the the critically-acclaimed awards the Disney movie received, Disney employee. I, and your adoring public, would just love to hear more about a random fucking 20 year old movie and how much it grossed for your glorious company.
Please tell me more about the the critically-acclaimed awards the Disney movie received, Disney employee. I, and your adoring public, would just love to hear more about a random fucking 20 year old movie and how much it grossed for your glorious company.
It came up because Brokeback Mountain was being discussed and they were released in the same year.

I can guess why you prefer Brokeback Mountain over ROTS though.
His role in the movie was cringey as hell but I can't completely blame Conor due to how terrible the movie is in general. It's like a D rated movie. Why Jake Gyllenhaal signed up for this is beyond me
Honestly I though Jake came out looking GREAT.

He was far and away the best actor in the film and if anything the awkward villain over the top shit just made his very natural performance shine.

His plot armor was a TAD ridiculous, but whatever it's a movie. Dude got run over by 2 trucks and a boat and just grabbed on and walked away un scathed
It came up because Brokeback Mountain was being discussed and they were released in the same year.

I can guess why you prefer Brokeback Mountain over ROTS though.
Careful with the homophobic commentary. Your Disney boss might not be too happy with that approach of yours despite my insolence of daring to question the historical significance of your 20 year old Disney movie.

This is basically a moron admission thread.
I think half of the people who posted "not as good as the original" were born in the 2000s and don't have the fortitude to put down a 70min movie from the 80s without being heavily sedated.
I think half of the people who posted "not as good as the original" were born in the 2000s and don't have the fortitude to put down a 70min movie from the 80s without being heavily sedated.

It ruined the original. Born in the 70's.
Tried to make sense of that comment but it felt backwards.