Rabbit Hole Tavern- A safe place to complain about your In-Laws (AKA the ode to Jeff7b9 Thread)

They always tell you that you marry the whole family.....but if you really knew what that meant there would be a lot less marrying going on.....

My wife's friends call her Marilyn Munster, meaning she was the normal one in the family.

And I genuinely like my in-laws in small doses, like half a day tops, but extended time with them is not my friend.

While not a full on hoarder my mother in law has an awful lot of old useless shit that has been through 2 or 3 floods and will likely killer her one day if she tries to plug any of it in or use any of it for any purpose at all. she get angry and defensive if you say things like "maybe that black moldy sheetrock should get thrown away" and will tell you how some of it is still good and she is going to use it to fix ______ but ____ never gets fixed. she will also tell you the history of where that moldy sheetrock came from "I got that when Gary was fixing up the vacant house down the block after the flood of 2002, so you know the provenance of the piece. I sometime think I'll see her standing on line on the Antique Roadshow holding that black moldy sheetrock hoping it will appraise for $100,000 or more.

her brothers don't have a dime between them but have 3 divorces but 2 really huge and expensive tricked out trucks that are the sum of their entire wealth. This would not be so bad but one of them has a truly gifted kid who is gonna need college money and instead of saving for that, the 1 is having the interior of his truck redone with what little he actually has.

The sister is nice enough but adds 1 to the divorce total, as does the mom, and has a tendency to just not show up for family functions because she's too hungover.

Also, 1 brother who was staying with us with his new girlfriend, comes up to me very early one freezing winter morning and says "Do you have a shovel?' I natually ask, "WTH do you need a shovel for? He couldn't wait for the bathroom and instead of knocking to say he had an emergency could I get out of the shower or just using it while I'm showering, he decided to take a shit in my backyard. i was thrilled that my neighbor, a very protective father of a young daughter with excellent sight lines into my backyard did not come a calling that morning. Then decide it was a good idea to tell his new girlfriend, who seemed nice, about his adventure. that relationship did not last long.

They seem to all resent my wife for having a steady job, money she earned and saved, and a stable marriage to a greater or lesser degree depending on how their own lives are going.

None of them ever says anything like "you know marrying a girl I'd only know for a few weeks from partying with her and who doesn't speak english, and had no job and left her kids in her home country, might not be the best idea I ever had"......"or having seen my older brother marry someone with a clear drug and alcohol problem might have been a clue that I shouldn't do the same and then have multiple kids with him between break ups and cheating and DUI's."

No they seem truly shocked anew each time a bad decision turns into a worse outcome.

The ticking time bomb in my life is my mother in-law is getting older and decrepit and being depressive and in love with discussing her own misery, is doing nothing to fix it or at least stave it off. So at some point she will not be able to live alone.........The financial burden will fall on us as will the care burden but the brothers, who have "borrowed" money off her every time shit hit the fame, will have fuck all to help and if they had fuck all they'd spend it on some spinning rims instead of helping anyway...

life, it be not fair.

LOL funny read. The bro shitting in the backyard <45>
Sorry man that sucks. Most of my girl's family lives 9 hours away and they are cool anyways. I never really thought about it much before but your thread is making me appreciate them more.