Social Protests as Tommy Robinson is jailed

And are you serioiusly claiming there were no cover-ups with these grooming gang scandals?
By all accounts he’s a lifelong criminal and drug head. He’s been jailed multiple times for things like mortgage fraud and using a fake passport to enter the US and he’s on video bragging about how he can find coke in any town around the world. He has actually used at least three different names. He’s a con man who found the perfect audience.

Why is he being jailed this time?

Grifters gonna grift.
I hope we give him asylum. His crime was simply speaking the truth. TBH, I hope Brits rise up and take their country back.
Why protest? He broke the law and now he's going to do the time.

Judges are allowed to hand out reporting bans on certain sensitive information. It's usually not to protect the defendant, but rather a victim or someone who had nothing to do with the crime, or to protect sensitive information that is vital to ensuring a fair trial. Where this was a sex ring case, the reporting ban was probably put in place to protect the identities of the underage victims.

So in essence Tommy jeopardised the trial (which could have seen these scumbags walk free) and potentially put underage victims at risk, all for some YouTube clicks. His heart may have been in the right place, but these reporting bans are LAW and you must obey them. It's the same in America or up here in Canada.
The verdict was already in when he reported, it was just not made public yet.
Okay you are telling me that this law isn't being selectively enforced? Where weere the cops when dozens of journalists where reporting on the guy that got convicted for teaching a dog how to do the Nazi salute?
There was a reporting ban in place due to the large number of defendants of the grooming gang. The court proceedings against them were conducted in three separate trials. His coverage could have resulted in men facing their charges a later date to get off on a technicality.
I hope we give him asylum. His crime was simply speaking the truth. TBH, I hope Brits rise up and take their country back.

Again lies. But then you think the Charlottesville driver is innocent so it’s understandable you think it’s for telling the truth and not breaking a court order.
I hope we give him asylum. His crime was simply speaking the truth. TBH, I hope Brits rise up and take their country back.

Why would you want a career criminal in your country? Especially one that's already used a fake passport to get in illegally?
Again lies. But then you think the Charlottesville driver is innocent so it’s understandable you think it’s for telling the truth and not breaking a court order.

No, it’s the Truth. Deal with it.
And you are lying about me. Stop.
Why would you want a career criminal in your country? Especially one that's already used a fake passport to get in illegally?

He’s a man fighting for his people, and fighting for what is right. We need more people like him, and fewer shitholers.
Don't feel too sorry. He is brave as hell and he won’t back off of his cause. The brain washers in charge used to slander and imprison Ali and Gandhi, too, and they both faced a boatload of ridicule from the brainwashed masses as well.
The truth is out there, and he never stops speaking well on the subject. They can’t hide it forever, and every person who sees the truth realizes immediately how corrupt the scum in charge are.
Tommy Robinson will be looked back on as a hero who affected change.
Fucking lol @ comparing Tommy Robinson to Gandhi.
British free speech/press situation is terrible, but it's hard to have sympathy for an avowed white supremacist fascist with a long criminal history who knowingly violated a court order. Those sympathetic with him in this forum tend to be the usual types who bend over backwards to accommodate white supremacist fascists.
That's my sentiment more or less. The system is likely being harder on him than it would be on another journalist but then again how many journalists have been jailed for assault and money laundering?
I wonder if these parents got the punchline:
Parents' victim statement edited to spare feelings of driver who killed child
MP calls for law change after full statement could not be read out because it could upset driver

Gotta be careful not to hurt those criminals' feelings. That's showing empathy, or so they say.
So you just completely dodged his post and deflect to an entirely unrelated case? And you say I'm the one whose losing it...
I asked a question. A 24 minute video is not really an answer. Feel free to correct me but my understanding is that there was still another trial that had not finalized.
He says in the video that all verdicts were in. And that one pedo went back to Pakistan and is laughing while Tommy goes to jail.
He also exsplains why he is going to jail THIS TIME.

Sorry for not answering your question. The Video would clear anything up and I thought you might have been interested in it.