Social PotWR Jungle run off

You have two votes. Pick your favorite candidates

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Some of these guys legit managed to vote twice.

Clear voter fraud!
You can vote for two people, but not change votes. SAD I didn’t earn your vote but look forward to earning it next round.
I'll vote for you if you can refrain from lying until the election and pledge to keep it up during your term.
I think that since I had been predicting that both Biden would drop out of the race and RFK jr would endorse Trump for over a year.

Along with Ukraine still losing despite everything we throw at it, Putin still has not died of brain cancer and overthrown by Russians.

Among multiple other current events that I am usually right on, if not always, that I am the best bet to bring accurate news to this forum. Making sure blueAnon mods don’t censor certain stories, and that the rabid leftists don’t continually derail threads because they don’t know how to actually engage in real conversation.

Bless the war room and sherdog in general.

I think that since I had been predicting that both Biden would drop out of the race and RFK jr would endorse Trump for over a year.

Along with Ukraine still losing despite everything we throw at it, Putin still has not died of brain cancer and overthrown by Russians.

Among multiple other current events that I am usually right on, if not always, that I am the best bet to bring accurate news to this forum. Making sure blueAnon mods don’t censor certain stories, and that the rabid leftists don’t continually derail threads because they don’t know how to actually engage in real conversation.

Bless the war room and sherdog in general.

LOL whatever you say, donut.
How did I not realize this was going to be a Rob v Andy general. @Other, why aren’t you being more popular?
i don't want to go throwing any names around.... but my schtick tends to serve me best when my name appeareth at the bottom of the poll.
Oh well. The best I can do is remind people that they have Other options
i don't want to go throwing any names around.... but my schtick tends to serve me best when my name appeareth at the bottom of the poll.
Oh well. The best I can do is remind people that they have Other options
I don't think I received an official request, so I saved the best for last with @cottagecheesefan
@LMP have they announced their VP picks yet? How can I vote confidently not knowing someone like @idrankyourbeer or @Whippy McGee might be one mouse click away from the POTWR and all the might it entails......

I'm just going to put this out there, this position being global in nature, is more important than POTUS + Musk +Bezos combined and there are an estimated 14 million enslaved pet rabbits and 100's of x's more living free and breeding, well like rabbits, in the wild and we vote as a bloc because we are all inbred......

So woo me candidates and I will throw billions of votes over to you.
@LMP have they announced their VP picks yet? How can I vote confidently not knowing someone like @idrankyourbeer or @Whippy McGee might be one mouse click away from the POTWR and all the might it entails......

I'm just going to put this out there, this position being global in nature, is more important than POTUS + Musk +Bezos combined and there are an estimated 14 million enslaved pet rabbits and 100's of x's more living free and breeding, well like rabbits, in the wild and we vote as a bloc because we are all inbred......

So woo me candidates and I will throw billions of votes over to you.
We’ve not selected VPs yet.

I plan on being banned in the first 100 days so your fears are founded
@LMP have they announced their VP picks yet? How can I vote confidently not knowing someone like @idrankyourbeer or @Whippy McGee might be one mouse click away from the POTWR and all the might it entails......

I'm just going to put this out there, this position being global in nature, is more important than POTUS + Musk +Bezos combined and there are an estimated 14 million enslaved pet rabbits and 100's of x's more living free and breeding, well like rabbits, in the wild and we vote as a bloc because we are all inbred......

So woo me candidates and I will throw billions of votes over to you.
You're still my VP if you want it, Bud Bunny.

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