RBR ***Official*** Sherdog Sanctioned Navarette vs. Berinchyk Discussion 5/18 9PM ET ESPN / ESPN+

Rd 5 for Berinchyk for me.

I think it plays out with Naverette catching him around the 10th, but he's not doing enough to bank these rounds IMO.
This would feel pretty one sided if it wasn’t for the massive reaction Navarette draws every time he lands
4-2 berinchyk. navarette looks out of sorts already. that left hand must be hurt.
58-56 Berinchyk. He’s doing a really good job filling in the holes that are left by his man.
4-2 DB. He's found a way to slow this fight down and find openings.
57-57 but it looks more like Navarrete bidding his time while Denys looks like his is running out.
Navarette is too slow, too telegraphed and just unstable and he's getting pecked to death.
Berinchyk is a little too "chippy" for my liking. He's free with his head, and isn't afraid to harras the back of the head, strategic holding as well.

For me he's dominating the fight, but Navarette is the home fighter.
This isn't living up to the hype in my head, at all. Navarette needs to just land that weird shovel punch he throws and we can call it a night
DB 6-2.

Best round of the fight as well.

He's slippery. Underrated movement. Clean punches on an awkward fighter. He's making Navarette look worse than usual.
So is this like the UFC of boxing or the bellator?
6-2 berinchyk. navarette don't seem to have that zing tonight.