New slang is annoying

wanna blizm with my flip flop?

Modern American english in a nutshell. As a non fluent speaker I struggle already but with this shit I can't understand anything.

Queen's English FTW
Ebonics creeping into English spoken in murrca is a real thing.
Ebonics creeping into English spoken in murrca is a real thing.

I don't even know what Ebonics is, but talk like this is all over pop culture nowadays, and as a non native english speaker, it's annoying as hell. It feels like I have to pick up a dictionary and learn the language all over again.

OK, now I googled what ebonics is. Learned another racial term I'll never use.
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I guess I've aged prematurely because the way these kids talk sounds so fucking annoying. Bruh, Finna, bussin, get the bag, it all sounds lame as shit to me but I guess that makes me lame huh.

I've become the old man yelling at clouds. Feel free to add more stupid terms to the list sherbros.

I'm Australian. We just refer to people as cunts... it's timeless.
Based thread imo
I remember when "simp" was slang for a vagina that resembled Homer Simpson's mouth. These kids today had to go and ruin it.


I'm convinced that the rebirth of "cuckold" as "cuck" and the popularity of "simp" are just adaptations made by dudes who can no longer get away with calling every f a gs.